Home News What Happened After Monday’s RAW

What Happened After Monday’s RAW


Credit to Reddit user /r/Chipsticks for this live report of what happened after Monday’s episode of WWE RAW from London:

So RAW ended with the Wyatts laying out Cena on the ramp, and Bray brought the Family back to the ring. He said because we’re in London he had something special for us, and offered an open challenge to the lockeroom.

The Shield music hits and the crowd loses their shit, and the hounds proceed to clear the ring and giving Rowan a triple-powerbomb.

I thought it was over but then Bad News Barrett comes to the ring and delivers a standard hometown promo, and bigs up Paige and Adrian Neville.

Steph then comes out and tells Barrett that RAW is over and keeps shutting off the lights and Barrets mic but it doesn’t stop him as he eventually gets a live mic.

HHH then comes out telling Barrett to do what his wife said, at which point Adam Rose comes out to a HUGE pop (he was incredibly over tonight) and calls HHH out for being a lemon. We all chant “you’re a lemon” and “CM Punk” at him which aggravated HHH, causing him to enter the ring, only to be met by a bullhammer elbow sending the crowd wild.

Adam Rose’s music played as the two left and there were hordes of people outside the arena and on the train going NUTS with the Rose catchphrase and song.

Biggest pops of the night: 1. Bad news, of course 2. Daniel Bryans music 3. The Shield answering the Wyatts 4. Wyatts 5. Union Jacks! 6. Big Show/Dolph

Biggest heat: 1. Steph 2. Evolution 3. Cena, honestly 4. Rusev and Lana