John Cena appeared on HLN’s “Showbiz Tonight” cable show on Wednesday night and spoke about his character’s “cool factor” – and why he doesn’t mind that a lot of adult male WWE fans don’t like him.
“A lot of times you don’t put into perspective how many people really take what you do as an impression on their daily lives. I have a great grasp on that. I enjoy a youthful audience and I truly cater to them. Rather than the older demographic that really doesn’t think I’m as cool. It doesn’t score me cool points and I lose a bit of street cred, but I get parents coming up to me all the time saying, ‘Hey, keep doing what you’re doing because my kid loves you.'”
Cena also spoke about the ongoing celebrity scandals involving Kanye West and Justin Beiber and promoted his “10 Weeks BodyChange” fitness and diet program.