WWE Superstar Brock Lesnar appeared on Highly Questionable on Thursday to talk about his upcoming MMA return at UFC 200. Brock shared some stories about real-life fights he had been in, including one where someone in a bar smashed a drink over his head, and things ended “very quickly” for his attacker after that.
Lesnar was asked about his battles with addiction, having admitted in the past to drinking a bottle of vodka a day with Vicodin. He puts some blame for those problems on injuries from pro wrestling even though it’s “fake,” in addition to him being “young and naive” at the time. Lesnar says life on the road as a wrestler is not as glamorous as some people think, and he’s thankful that he’s now able to work part-time for WWE instead of full-time.
The former UFC Heavyweight Champion was also asked about his 2002 scuffle with the late Curt Hennig. Lesnar says he was on booze and Vicodin, and after being stuck on an airplane for 7 hours, him and Hennig got into trouble. Lesnar calls what him and Hennig did “whiskey wrestling,” and he barely remembers the incident aside from being reprimanded by management after the fact.
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