Home News Video: Paul Heyman Talks To Michael Cole About Lesnar Breaking The Streak, Cesaro

Video: Paul Heyman Talks To Michael Cole About Lesnar Breaking The Streak, Cesaro


Paul Heyman was Michael Cole’s guest for this week’s WWE.com sit down interview. Here are some highlights:

– Michael Cole questions Paul Heyman about why he refers to him and Jerry Lawler as “things.”

– Heyman comments on Brock Lesnar breaking The Undertaker’s WrestleMania streak, saying that Undertaker knew deep down that Lesnar would win.

– Brock Lesnar is a conqueror and will demolish anything put in his way.

– He recruited Cesaro because he’s “the next great commodity” in WWE. If he choses to put Cesaro in the WWE World Heavyweight title picture, then Cesaro will be champion. If he instructs Cesaro to bring him the Intercontinental championship, then he will do so. Cesaro is the most capable star in WWE and the new “next big thing.”

– Heyman says Cesaro’s future is in his hands, so the future of WWE is in Cesaro’s hands.