Home News Video: Sasha Banks Confirms WWE Referee Gave Her A Concussion

Video: Sasha Banks Confirms WWE Referee Gave Her A Concussion

Video: Sasha Banks Confirms WWE Referee Gave Her A Concussion


During a Q&A panel at Friday’s Wizard World Philly event, Sasha Banks addressed her recent absence from WWE television. Sasha confirmed that she suffered a concussion several weeks ago when a referee inadvertently kneed her in the head during a live event. The question about the concussion takes place around the 2:30 mark of the embedded video.

After taking the unexpected strike to the head, she was understandably dumbfounded at what had happened. She proclaimed that she’s now back and joked that she’s looking for revenge on the referee.

“The Boss” is rumored to be feuding with WWE Women’s Champion Charlotte this summer.