Sheamus returned to Conan O’Brien’s late night TBS show on Thursday to hype WrestleMania 32. Conan complimented Sheamus’ mohawk and his braided bears. Sheamus said he’s always wanted to have the tallest hair in showbusiness.
Conan asked how the WWE Universe reacted to this look. As we know, fans completely rejected it and he’s regularly met with “You look stupid” chants.
They recapped the storyline when Sheamus made Dolph Ziggler kiss his arse. Sheamus joked that he’s always tried to be innovative with his offense. He did it because he likes humiliating his opponents and it was a chance to show his arse on live television.
Conan asked Sheamus about the time he pelted his opponent with potatoes. Sheamus recalled that Celtic Street Fight with Damien Sandow and Conan said he’s also thrown potatoes at people.
To finish the segment, they had a “Hawk Off” with Sheamus ‘giving Conan a mohawk.’