Vince McMahon temporarily suspended Roman Reigns in the storylines during a heated opening segment on Monday’s WWE RAW in Detroit. No word yet on when Reigns will be brought back from the storyline suspension but we will keep you updated.
This week’s RAW kicked off with General Manager Kurt Angle announcing that WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar was not there for his in-ring meeting with Reigns, his second RAW no-show during WrestleMania 34 Season. Angle did not have a solid reason as to why Lesnar wasn’t there tonight, which brought Reigns out. Reigns blamed Vince, saying Lesnar is Vince’s “boy” and saying being disrespected by Lesnar is one thing but he will not be disrespected by Vince. Reigns then marched into the Gorilla Position backstage and confronted Vince. RAW then went to commercial and came back to Renee Young outside of Vince’s office.
Reigns walked out and was in no mood to speak but Vince made it clear that Brock is not his boy or Paul Heyman’s boy, he’s nobody’s boy but he is a man, his own man. Vince admitted that Lesnar has privileges but said he believes Brock has earned those privileges. Vince also acknowledged that people often take advantage of what’s given to them and Brock may have gone too far now. Vince then gave his word that Brock would be here on next week’s RAW in Dallas and promised he would face Reigns in the WrestleMania 34 main event. Vince then temporarily suspended Reigns for his previous behavior.
We’ve noted several times how WWE’s goal for the Reigns vs. Lesnar build is to get Reigns cheered by fans, which is something that isn’t always guaranteed, which would hopefully lead to a positive reaction when he wins the title at WrestleMania. WWE officials also want the build to Reigns vs. Lesnar to come across like a shoot as much as possible.
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