-As noted previously, WWE Superstar CM Punk participated in the Woody’s Wiffle Ball Classic at Wrigley Field in Chicago, Illinois this weekend. As we mentioned before, Punk used a steel chair, as opposed to a bat, for his swings at the plate. The Chicago Tribune covered the event, and you can read the article online at ChicagoTribune.com.
-WWE CEO Vince McMahon posted a new tweet on Sunday night regarding episode three of the new WWE reality show, Total Divas. McMahon wrote:
“Lots of social chatter catching on to #TotalDivas @nicoleandbri @NaomiWWE @WWECameron @NatbyNature @natalieevamarie @ItsJoseann”
-Speaking of episode three of Total Divas, you can check out bonus footage from the show courtesy of the official WWE YouTube channel below: