Vince McMahon Reveals If He Will Consider Selling WWE

Vince McMahon

Considering the age of the 73-years-old Vince McMahon and his renewed interest in launching a football league of his own, a lot of people wonder if the Chairman of WWE would consider selling the company he has built into a multi-national corporation in future.

The Boss appeared on the cover of the latest edition of the Variety magazine and the corresponding story takes an in-depth look at the current form of the company.

The story features some interesting comments from several WWE Stars and McMahon himself. While talking about their program, the Chairman said that few people understand what they do:

“So few people understand what we do and how we do it, we’re different than anything else that’s out there. The respect factor is here, and now it’s global.”

In light of the recent rating declines and his new ventures, the Boss was also asked a question fans have had in mind – whether or not he will be interested in selling the wrestling corporation.

“We’re open for business,” says Vince McMahon

The answer that came from the Boss was very precise and Mr McMahon said “We’re open for business.” Though as in the past, he refused to elaborate any further on the matter.

Do you see Vince McMahon selling WWE in future if XFL kicks off? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.


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