Home News Warrior Comments On Escort Rumors, Bischoff Hates The IWC

Warrior Comments On Escort Rumors, Bischoff Hates The IWC


– TNA executive Eric Bischoff has taken another jab at the fans who follow pro wrestling news on the Internet (the “10%’errs”) and the websites that cover the industry. He tweeted on Wednesday:

“The 10%’ers know nothing about journalistic integrity (think MSNBC) and are typically horrible writers (thay kant rite gud), too.”

— The Ultimate Warrior has responded to online rumors that he used to work as a male escort in the Atlanta area back in the 1980s before entering the pro wrestling business. Over the weekend, a fan asked Hulk Hogan on Twitter about the rumor, to which Hogan responded,

“he was more than a male escort. You guys figure it out. HH”

Warrior addressed the situation on Wednesday, effectively denying the reports and taking another shot at Hogan and his ex-wife, Linda:

“Warrior God for ULTIMATE time. Demand is HIGH. Escort limited to pro-wrestlers wives. Reserve right to refuse service. No, HH. Linda, no.”

Warrior’s remark about wrestlers wives being escorts are a reference to a recent claim he made about Hulk Hogan letting other wrestlers sleep with his (now) ex-wife, Linda. Warrior recently said he’s practically the only person to turn down an offer from Hulk to sleep with Linda.

* Pictures of LINDA HOGAN & Her 21-Year-Old Boyfriend, Charlie Hill