Home News Watch: Austin Theory Responds to Kevin Owens’ Raw Promo

Watch: Austin Theory Responds to Kevin Owens’ Raw Promo

Watch: Austin Theory Responds to Kevin Owens’ Raw Promo

Kevin Owens cut what many fans consider one of the best promos of 2022 in WWE during this week’s episode of Raw while calling out Austin Theory for having a bad attitude. 

Owens tried to fire up Theory and wanted him to prove he wasn’t like the many promising young stars who have flamed out.

“Prove me wrong. Prove all of these people wrong. You know how to do it? You know how to do it? I’ll tell you. You stop thinking about the moments that were handed to you, and you start making your own moments. You know how to do that? You check your ego at the door, you look at yourself in the mirror, and you realize you’re not as good as you think you are, but you let your passion drive you to get better. 

Owens continued, “More importantly, you leave everything you have in this ring every time you step foot in front of these people. That, that’s how you prove me wrong. That’s how you become the future. That’s how you become the face of WWE,” he concluded.

Theory Reacts

Austin Theory
(via WWE)

Owens’ strong words didn’t connect with Theory, who flexed his bicep and told him that he’ll never look like the youngest United States Champion in company history.  However, while speaking with WWE.com, Theory did a promo listing his accomplishments after the show. 

“I’m tired of people trying to downplay my achievements like I haven’t busted my a**,” Theory said. “I’m the future, and the future is right in front of you.”

Owens and Theory will wrestle on next week’s Raw, two weeks after Owens beat Theory in just under 17 minutes during a match on Raw. 

Transcription courtesy of ComicBook