Home News What Happened After MITB Went Off The Air, Steamboat Update

What Happened After MITB Went Off The Air, Steamboat Update


— After Money in the Bank went off the air, they raised the cage and the rest of Nexus came to the ring. Wade Barrett cut a promo saying they are just seven young men chasing dreams and promoting loyalty, but the people in this crowd don’t understand that. He said Sheamus and John Cena need to watch out. (Thanks to Ben Williams)

— Jim Ross noted the following yesterday on Twitter regarding WWE Hall of Famer Ricky Steamboat’s health: “Ricky Steamboat still hospitalized. Stable, improving, & hopes 2 b out of hospital this week. More good days than bad.”

— Nikki Bella remarked the following on Twitter concerning posers on social networking sites: “Listen up everyone last time I want to say this NO myspace facebook or you tube! You want the real life of The Bellas… You’ll get it on twitter! :) RT! Gracias! Love you all! #BESOS! Nikki”

— The Friday Night SmackDown! taping on September 14th, 2010 will be held at the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan. Tickets go on sale July 31st, 2010. (Thanks to Devin Cutting)