Home News What Happened After SmackDown, Ryder’s Hoeski Song, JR At NXT, Kamala-HOF

What Happened After SmackDown, Ryder’s Hoeski Song, JR At NXT, Kamala-HOF


– Zack Ryder made the following announcement this week regarding his song Hoeski:

– Jim Ross noted on Twitter that he will be headed to WWE developmental this weekend to evaluate talent at WWE’s latest tryout camp. He will also be at Thursday’s WWE NXT tapings from Full Sail University.

– As previously reported, WWE has reached out to Kamala about a possible induction into the Hall of Fame’s Class of 2013. No word yet on whether he has accepted, but WWE reportedly has a backup inductee in mind if Kamala does not agree.

– After Tuesday night’s WWE SmackDown tapings from San Diego, CA concluded, Big Show came out and cut a promo running down the Spanish fans in the audience. He talked about how he hires “people like them” to clean his pool and cut his grass. Show talked about Alberto Del Rio’s stereotypical love of burrito, which brought out the World Heavyweight champion. The two brawled at ringside, with Del Rio attacking Big Show with a steel chair to end the show.