What You Didn’t See Before & After WWE RAW

Pre-RAW Dark Match:

– The Dudebusters came out and cut a promo but ended up arguing about who was better and got in a fight. Chris Masters came down and cleaned house.  Chris Masters defeated Trent Baretta with the Masterlock in a quick match and the Dudebusters made up on the way back to the back.

WWE Superstars Tapings

– Gail Kim vs. Alicia Fox

– Zack Ryder & Primo vs. Goldust & Yoshi Tatsu

After RAW

– After RAW went off the air following the brutal attack by the NXT Rookies, the WWE crew attended to Justin Roberts, Jerry Lawler, Matt Striker and everyone else who was laid out. Based on emails we’ve received from fans who were at the show, the vibe was that this angle had a major impact – as the entire crowd was buzzing on the way out and more people stuck around than usual.


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