Here’s a live recap of what we didn’t see on television at Monday’s WWE RAW from Austin, Texas:
Before RAW:
– Dos Caras beat Yoshi Tatsu. Caras got a lot of heat with the crowd by first cutting a babyface promo in Spanish and then cutting a heel promo on the crowd in English.
– Superstars match: Mark Henry beat Primo.
– Superstars match: Gail Kim beat Jillian Hall.
– Edge then came out and said that RAW hasn’t started but he was going to stand in the ring and say what he wanted, and nobody could stop him. He was interrupted by Evan Bourne, who said he was out there to make a name for himself. Bourne said he would start by challenging Edge for his spot in the Fatal 4 Way main event. They went at it and that’s when RAW started.
After RAW:
– After RAW went off the air, Edge came back out and speared Evan Bourne. Edge cut a promo on John Cena before Bret Hart out. Bret said Edge would wrestle John Cena right then and there Edge said he wasn’t ready but the bell rang anyway. Cena ended up winning with the STF. Cena then called Evan Bourne back out and Bourne hit another Air Bourne on Edge. Bourne and Cena left while Edge took the mic, recovered and said if he ever sees the fans again in the arena, he will slap the taste out of their mouths.