At SummerSlam, Dean Ambrose became the latest Grand Slam champion when he and Seth Rollins captured the RAW Tag Team Championships from Cesaro and Sheamus. defines a Grand Slam champion as, “Superstars who have managed to meet the current set of criteria: Intercontinental Champion, United States Champion, either the Raw (formerly WWE) or SmackDown Tag Team Championship and either active heavyweight title — as in, WWE Championship or, now, the Universal Championship.”
Aside from Ambrose, the other WWE Superstars/legends meeting the criteria include Edge, Big Show, The Miz, Eddie Guerrero, Daniel Bryan, Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho.
Reddit user @Ron234 compiled a list of the 11 Superstars that are just one championship away from joining the elusive Grand Slam club.
These are 11 superstars that are 1 Championship away from completing Grand Slam.
- Kofi Kingston, Shelton Benjamin and Zack Ryder need to capture the WWE Championship or Universal Championship to qualify
- John Cena, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins and Sheamus need to capture the Intercontinental championship to qualify
- Jeff Hardy, Randy Orton and Kane need to capture the United States championship to qualify
- Kevin Owens needs to capture either the RAW or SmackDown tag championships to qualify
It’s worth noting that Dolph Ziggler is a former IC and US Champion, but also held the World Heavyweight Championship and the World Tag-Team Championships, which have been retired and do not count towards the updated requirements.
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