Home News Why Vince Missed RAW, Hart Dynasty Breakup, Jackson

Why Vince Missed RAW, Hart Dynasty Breakup, Jackson


– We reported on Monday that WWE chairman Vince McMahon was scheduled to appear on this week’s live RAW. While there were plans for Vince to appear live and promote the company’s new “Stand Up For WWE” campaign, time constraints, prevented this from happening and they just aired a video package.

– It appeared that WWE was originally planning to turn David Hart Smith heel against Tyson Kidd, it now appears that Tyson Kidd is the one going heel.

– As we saw on RAW, Ezekiel Jackson returned to television and was added to Team RAW at Bragging Rights. Mark Henry had been rumored to be the final member of Team RAW, but Henry’s brother has been fighting for his life after suffering a stroke on October 3rd and Henry wasn’t able to guarantee he could be at the PPV on Sunday.