WWE has released the latest “WWE2K Dev Spotlight Series” video. Episode 5 features WWE 2K creative director Lynell Jinks detailingthe new Carry System that is being incorporated into WWE 2K18.
The Carry System allows players to carry, drag and pick opponents and place them wherever you want or execute offensive moves from the carry position. The four carry positions are cradle, shoulder, fireman’s carry or powerbomb.
The gameplay engine incorporates’ the player’s level of fatigue and the opponent’s weight into the carry, so the move can be reversed if you’re not careful. If you’re on the receiving end of a carry, you can fight your way out of the compromising position.
Parts of the arena that are compatible with the new carry feature include the ropes, corner, ring post, apron, announce table, barricades and steel steps.
The dragging system also overhauled and has similar mechanics to the carry system.
WWE 2K18 will be available for PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch on Tuesday, October 17th. Fans who order the Deluxe Edition get the game early on Friday, October 13th.
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Check out the video here: