WWE 2K18 hits stores on October 17th for Playstation 4 and Xbox One. You can get the game on 10/12 if you order the ‘Deluxe’ version. We know WWE 2K18 is also in development for Nintendo Switch, but the release date has yet to be announced. Amazon.com lists the release date as 12/31/17 (a placeholder) and 2K.com simply says, “Fall 2017.”
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During an interview with Gamereactor, 2K18 Senior Producer Rob Jones talking about the challenges working on the Switch version of that game. He was speaking about NBA 2K18, but the process of developing for Switch vs. PS4/XB1 is the same. Jones revealed that 2K needed a dedicated team just for “the gargantuan task” of bringing all the game’s features to the Switch version.
“Well the main thing that our president said from day one is that the Switch had to be the same exact game that was on PS4 and Xbox One, so by starting there, you know, the bar was already set extremely high, because we were already working really, really hard just to get it on platforms we already knew, and then suddenly to take that and miniaturise it for the portable, you know, the portable Switch (obviously it also plays when it’s docked), but to get all those features working on there was kind of a gargantuan task.
We actually had a second team just dedicated only to doing the Switch version just because it would have been impossible within the confines of VC […] So obviously we delivered a good experience. It’s not the same exact graphics because the Switch can’t push them, you know, but the experience itself – you’re not missing out on anything from the Switch version [compared] to the main consoles version.”
It’s worth noting that fans looking to play WWE 2K18 on Nintendo Switch actually will be missing out on at least one feature – the ability to have more than 6 characters on screen at once. [NintendoEverything]