– Following surgery to repair a torn bicep, former NXT Champion Drew McIntyre is back in the gym and has begun to recovery process to get back to the ring. Here is the video of his first workout since surgery:
First workout after surgery. Some people wait to heal. Others heal themselves. @DMcIntyreWWE pic.twitter.com/R6MwmooAnO
— Hard Nocks South (@HardNocksSouth) December 6, 2017
– After WWE 2K18 has been released on Nintendo Switch earlier this week, critics have had some negative reviews for the game. Game reviewer Michael Does Life had this to say:
“WWE 2K18 is finally out on the Nintendo Switch, and it’s NOT looking good. The game, especially in handheld mode, is basically unplayable due to its abysmal frame rate. I don’t think you should buy WWE 2K18 on the Nintendo Switch.”
Here are some review videos as well: