The Connecticut Post is reporting WWE is being audited by officials from the state of Connecticut for classifying its wrestlers and other staff production talent as independent contractors.
WWE spokesman Robert Zimmerman blamed the increased scrutiny on Linda McMahon’s run for United States Senate in an email to the publication, stating:
“Up until this election, WWE has not been fined nor investigated in the past for independent contractor classification. However, curiously the state of Connecticut is currently conducting an audit of WWE’s classification of independent contractors. WWE constantly reviews its internal practices and procedures to comply with ever-changing employee laws.”
Several years ago, former WWE wrestlers Mike Sanders, Raven and the now deceased Kanyon filed a lawsuit against WWE arguing their independent contractor classification from their WWE contracts. The lawsuit was dismissed.
Wrestlers being classified as independent contractors instead of employees has been a hot button topic within the industry for years, with WWE saving truckloads of money every year by not having to pay for the various benefits that comes from being an employee.
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