With all of the talk over the past year, it should come as a surprise to no one that WWE did more “50/50 booking” on television in 2015 than in any other year in the history of the company.
50/50 booking is when a wrestler loses as much as he wins. WWE took on the approach despite the fact that it nearly guarantees everyone on the roster is going to be perceived as average, as very few stars can stand out if everyone loses as often as they win.
Wrestling Observer Newsletter correspondent Chris Siggia examined the 2015 WWE records and as expected, there were more “Even-Steven” type booking scenarios playing out on television than ever before. Below are some of the stats he compiled regarding champions losing on television in 2015.
* World Champions did 12 jobs on WWE television last year, including nine of the 12 by Seth Rollins.
* Intercontinental Champions did 14 jobs on television in 2015, including eight by King Barrett and three by Kevin Owens.
* United States Champions did eight jobs on TV, with Rollins looking at the lights on three of those occasions.
* Tag-Team Champions did 21 tag-team jobs, ten of which were by The New Day.
* Divas Champions did nine television jobs, seven by Nikki Bella and two by Charlotte.