Home News WWE “Extreme Rules” PPV Results – May 19, 2013

WWE “Extreme Rules” PPV Results – May 19, 2013


The WWE Extreme Rules 2013 pay-per-view show opens with a quality video package which runs down and hypes the top programs heading into tonight’s show.

Chris Jericho vs. Fandango

Chris Jericho’s music hits and he comes out to open tonight’s PPV. Out next is Fandango, with his dancer Summer Rae. The crowd is breaking out into little pockets of Fandango’ing. The bell sounds and our PPV opener is underway. Fandango takes Jericho down with a shoulder block, but eats a dropkick, then a back elbow from Y2J. Fandango drops out to the floor, and Jericho is quick to follow. He chases him around, and back into the ring, hitting the dancer with another elbow, then hitting a baseball slide to send him back to the outside. Jericho heads to the top and leaps to the outside, wiping Fandango out with a body press, then posing on the announcer’s table. Jericho sends Fandango back into the ring, but Fandango recovers quickly and stomps at Jericho’s chest and head. Jericho catches Fandango with a couple of stiff kicks out of nowhere, sending him to the outside. Fandango crawls back into the ring, and catches Jericho with a boot that’s good for a two count. Fandango ties Jericho up in the ropes and hits him with a couple of forearms to the back of the head before dropping to the outside to catch him with a kick to the face for another two count. Fandango locks in a rear chin lock. Jericho fights to his feet and tries for a roll up, but misses it, setting up another two count for Fandango. Fandango heads out to the apron and comes in with a slingshot leg drop for another near fall. Fandango traps Jericho in another rear chin lock and Jericho fights to his feet, dropping Fandango with a back body drop. Jericho fights up to his feet in the corner and avoids a splash. He hits Fandango with a couple of shoulder blocks, but ends up tossed to the apron. Jericho heads to the top and hits a cross body, but Fandango rolls through for two. Fandango hits a big kick for another two count and is frustrated. He kicks away at Jericho and heads to the top rope. He leaps off with a leg drop, but Jericho moves and hits the lionsault. Y2J goes for the pin but Fandango kicks out at two. Jericho hits Fandango with a couple of nasty chops in the corner. Fandango tries for a roll up, but Jericho reverses into the Walls of Jericho. Fandango makes it to the ropes for a break. Fandango hits Jericho from behind and drops him. Fandango climbs to the top. He attempts to come off with his finisher, but Jericho catches him coming down with a Codebreaker. Jericho pins him and gets the 1-2-3.

Winner: Chris Jericho


Backstage, Josh Matthews is with Sheamus. Sheamus talks about the Four Corners match with Mark Henry tonight. He promises that tonight, the Celtic Warrior goes Extreme.

WWE U.S. Title: Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Dean Ambrose

The Shield’s music hits and Dean Ambrose comes through the crowd. Reigns and Rollins come through the crowd a bit too, but let him go to the ring himself. Out next is Kofi Kingston. Our U.S. title match is underway. Kofi tries for Trouble in Paradise, but Ambrose avoids it. Kofi is able to catch Ambrose with a monkey flip before catching him in the corner and hitting him with a series of rights. Ambrose tosses Kofi away and hits a nice clothesline before following up with a beautiful elbow drop. Ambrose picks Kofi up for a neckbreaker that’s good for a two count. Ambrose ties Kofi up in the ropes and hits a nasty dropkick that’s good for another near fall. Ambrose picks Kingston up and the two trade rights. Kingston gets in a couple of kicks, but misses a knee, and Ambrose is able to lock in the crossface chicken wing. He drops to the mat and Kofi is trapped. Kofi fights his way up to his feet and out of the hold, hitting a couple of double chops to the chest, and a dropkick to Ambrose. Kofi hits a leaping clothesline and follows up with the Boom Drop. Kingston misses Ambrose in the corner, but he’s able to connect with the SOS for two. Kofi heads up to the top rope, but he’s stopped by Ambrose. Ambrose heads up after Kofi and tries for a superplex, but Kofi fights him off. Ambrose stops Kofi from making progress and heads up again, butterflying the arms, and suplexing Kofi to the mat. Ambrose covers Kofi and gets another two count. Ambrose picks Kofi up and shoves him into the corner, but he runs into a boot from Kofi. Kofi hits a springboard cross body for a two count, then back drops the challenger out to the apron. Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise while Ambrose is on the apron, and Ambrose drops to the floor. Kingston brings Ambrose back in the ring for the pin, but only gets two. Kofi misses a Trouble In Paradise attempt again. This time, Ambrose manages to counter into a crazy DDT finisher for the 1-2-3. We have a new champion!

Winner and NEW WWE U.S. Champion: Dean Ambrose

Strap Match: Mark Henry vs. Sheamus

There are lights on the corner of each side of the ring that will light up upon each corner being tagged. Sheamus and Henry shake the strap in each other’s faces as the bell rings. Henry steps on the strap, but Sheamus yanks it up and Henry falls. Both men begin trading rights, and Henry goes down and Sheamus hits a shoulder block, and a chop block to the knee. Sheamus touches one corner, and tries to drag Henry to the other corner, but Henry pulls Sheamus back for a clothesline. Henry binds Sheamus’ legs with the strap and begins to drag him around the ring. He hits one turnbuckle, and a second, but Sheamus gets out of the tie up and heads out to the apron. Sheamus heads back into the ring and Henry clotheslines him over the top rope. Henry pulls Sheamus back up to the apron, but Sheamus drops him over the top rope. Sheamus hits the turnbuckle and runs around the apron, hitting three turnbuckles, but Henry pulls on the strap and closes the distance, hitting Sheamus with a huge blow to drop him from the apron. Sheamus gets back up to the apron and Henry yanks him up and over the top rope, back into the ring. Henry picks up some of the slack on the strap and uses it to begin whipping Sheamus. He picks him up across his shoulder and hits one turnbuckle, but Sheamus hits them as well. Henry and Sheamus both hit three turnbuckles, but Henry notices it and drops Sheamus with a headbutt. Henry falls to a knee and the ref waves everything off. Henry gets the strap between he legs and Sheamus yanks upwards, then hits a giant clothesline before dropping a series of knees into Henry’s face. Sheamus begins to use the strap as a whip on Henry before he tries to touch the turnbuckles. He gets three, then finds himself dropped with a spine buster. Sheamus rolls to the outside and Henry follows. Sheamus hits Henry with a big right hand and gets him against the ring post. Sheamus rolls through the ring and kind of traps Henry with the strap, but not really, before heading to the apron and kicking away at the big man. Sheamus drops to the floor and yanks Henry into the ring post before both men head back into the ring. Sheamus hits another three turnbuckles, but Henry stands between him and a fourth. Henry almost hits the World’s Strongest Slam but Sheamus avoids it and hits the Brogue Kick before tagging the fourth turnbuckle for the victory.

Winner: Sheamus


Backstage, AJ is shown talking on a cell phone. Kaitlyn walks in and says she’s talked to Vickie. She says AJ said she’s too distraught to fight in a title match because of Dolph’s concussion. AJ said she thought Kaitlyn could use the time to focus on her secret admirer. Kaitlyn says since Dolph had this concussion, AJ isn’t Dolph’s biggest headache. Kaitlyn calls AJ Looney Toons before saying ‘that’s all folks’. AJ says it’s appropriate she’s quoting a pig. Kaitlyn attacks from behind and the two get into a fight that gets broken up.

#1 Contender, “I Quit” Match: Jack Swagger vs. Alberto Del Rio

The bell sounds and our I Quit match is underway. Del Rio catches Swagger with a couple of rights before hitting him with a clothesline to send him over the top and to the outside. Del Rio hits the ropes and dives through with a head butt, wiping Swagger out on the floor. Del Rio goes under the ring for a kendo stick, but he misses when he swings, and Swagger suplexes him to the floor. Alberto is asked if he wants to quit, and says no. Swagger grabs the stick and chokes Del Rio against the barricade, but he still won’t quit. Del Rio fights out and sends Swagger into the ring steps, then slams his hand into the ring steps repeatedly before stomping on his hand. When they head back into the ring, Swagger grabs the kendo stick and wears it out on Del Rio, hitting him repeatedly. Swagger drops to the outside and pulls Del Rio against the ring post, wrenching his back. Del Rio refuses to quit. Swagger heads back into the ring and hits Del Rio with a kendo stick shot to the ankle, then another. Swagger tries for another kendo stick shot, but Del Rio grabs it and fights up to his feet. Swagger puts him right back down with a clothesline. Swagger ties Del Rio up in the ropes and grabs the stick, hitting Del Rio across the chest. Del Rio refuses to quit after repeated shots. Del Rio heads out to the apron and he catches Swagger with the arm breaker over the top rope. Swagger refuses to quit, and grabs the mic from the ref, hitting Del Rio with it to cause him to fall to the floor. Swagger heads to the outside and grabs a chair, heading back into the ring. Swagger gets up to the apron and gets caught with an enzugiri from Del Rio. Swagger misses a kick and Del Rio comes back with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker before hitting Swagger with a superkick while he’s on his knees. Swagger rolls to the apron and Del Rio wraps him up in the ropes. Del Rio grabs the kendo stick and hits Swagger across the back repeatedly before hitting a backstabber to bring him back into the ring. Swagger calls for the arm breaker, but when he tries for it, Swagger pushes him off and slams him down to the mat. Swagger hits a Vader bomb out of the corner, and follows it up with a gut-wrench powerbomb, but Del Rio won’t give up. Swagger picks Del Rio up for another gut-wrench powerbomb, but Del Rio refuses to quit. Swagger looks upset. He reaches down, and ends up being trapped in the cross arm breaker. Swagger rolls out into the ankle lock. Del Rio won’t quit, but Swagger falls to the mat and grapevines the leg. Ricardo has the towel and thinks about throwing it in. Zeb chases Ricardo off, and Zeb tosses in the towel. The ref sees the towel, and thinks Ricardo has given up for Del Rio, and this match is over. But… Another ref comes down and says that Zeb threw in the towel, and the official of the match heads to the timekeeper’s area and asks for a replay. The ref says if Alberto can continue, this match will restart. Alberto gets to his feet and says he can continue. Swagger pounces and kicks at Del Rio’s ankle. Del Rio kicks Swagger away and catches him with a nasty kick to the shoulder. Del Rio applies his Armbreaker finisher. Swagger nearly taps but makes it to his feet. Del Rio, however, forces him back down and this time gets the submission.

Winner and NEW #1 Contender: Alberto Del Rio


Josh Matthews is backstage with Ryback. Ryback says Cena is a liar. He can spout garbage about never giving up, because words are all he has. Tonight, he’s not getting up, because Ryback won’t let him. He should have been WWE Champion 6 months ago, but because people play by different rules, things change. But tonight, Ryback rules.

WWE Tag-Team Titles: Team Hell No (c) vs. Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins

The WWE Tag-Titles are up for grabs in this one. The bell sounds and here we go. Kane and Reigns battle on one side of the ring while Rollins and Bryan fight on the other. Bryan traps Rollins’ legs and rips at his face before pulling him back into the surfboard, then dropping him down for a dropkick from Kane. Reigns gets to his feet and peppers Kane with right hands in the corner. He and Rollins stomp Kane for a bit before Rollins whips Bryan into the corner and follows in with a running forearm. Reigns heads up to the top turnbuckle and Rollins hands Bryan to him for a powerbomb, but Bryan counters with a hurricanrana. Kane grabs Rollins and Reigns by their throats and pushes them over the top rope. Bryan hits the ropes and dives through, wiping out both Rollins and Reigns. Hell No bring Rollins and Reigns back into the ring and before on both men in opposite corners before hitting Reigns with a sidewalk slam/elbow drop combo. Bryan applies the No Lock. Rollins breaks it up with a springboard forearm. Kane hits Rollins with a chokeslam that sends crashing to the mat, then rolling out to the floor. Reigns gets to his feet and takes Bryan into the corner, stomping and pounding away. Kane pulls him out and hits him with a couple of rights, but he ends up shoved into Bryan before getting kicked in the gut. Kane catches Reigns around the throat, but Rollins catches him with a flying knee from the top. Reigns hits the spear, but a pin is broken up by Bryan. Bryan kicks at Reigns chest repeatedly, but ends up rolled up. Bryan tries for the No lock to counter, but ends up slingshotted into the ropes, and a kick from Rollins. Reigns knocks Bryan down and Rollins nails him with a knee on the neck. Reigns pins Bryan. 1-2-3. New champions.

Winners and NEW WWE Tag-Team Champions: Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns

Extreme Rules Match: Big Show vs. Randy Orton

Big Show is out first. Randy Orton is out next. Our Extreme Rules match is underway. Show head butts Orton and sends him out to the floor. Show follows, but Orton grabs a kendo stick out from under the ring and uses it to hit Show a couple of times. Show hits Orton with a big right hand and snaps the kendo stick in two. Show hits another head butt, then punches Orton in the gut. Show shoulders Orton and runs toward the ring post, but Orton drops down and pushes Show into the post. Orton grabs a ladder from under the ring, but Show sends it crashing right back into Orton’s face with a kick. Show slams Orton’s head into the ring steps before bringing him back into the ring. Show sends Orton crashing shoulder first into the ring post. Show stands on the side of Orton’s head and presses down before focusing on Orton’s arms with a couple of big clubbing blows, and then an arm bar. Show sends Orton into the corner and hits him with a back splash, but winds up catching a dropkick from Orton. Orton splashes Show in the corner and heads up to deliver a series of rights. Show grabs Orton across the throat and throws him down to the mat for a two count. Show rolls to the outside and grabs the ladder. Show goes under the ring for a couple of chairs. Show sets up the closed ladder between the two chairs near the corner of the ring. Show hits Orton with another big head butt when he tries to fight back, then a huge side slam. Show picks Orton up and places him on the ladder. Show heads up to the top rope and goes for the Vader bomb. Orton moves and Show comes crashing down on the ladder. Orton goes for the pin, but Show kicks out at two. Show rolls out to the apron, and Orton gets him on the third rope for a huge suspension DDT. Orton drops to the mat and begins calling for the RKO. He manages to hit the RKO but Show kicks out before the count of three. Show and Orton go out to the floor. Orton gets a chair from under the ring and nails Show with it. Orton gets Show back in the ring but is speared on his way in. Moments later, Orton hits Show with an RKO on a chair. Orton hits the punt kick on Show for the 1-2-3.

Winner: Randy Orton

WWE Title, “Last Man Standing” Match: John Cena (c) vs. Ryback

Ryback is out first to a lukewarm reaction from the crowd. Out next is Cena who receives a pretty loud reaction. The bell sounds and here we go. Lots of ‘Goldberg’ chants. Ryback puts Cena in a headlock, gets pushed off and Cena comes up with a shoulderblock. Cena slams Ryback face first into the turnbuckle before hitting a bulldog. Ryback pops up and puts Cena right back down to the mat. Cena backs Ryback into the corner with a series of rights, then catches him with a big boot. Cena leaps off the middle rope, but Ryback catches him and drops him down to the mat with a big slam. Ryback catches Cena with a couple of big rights before hitting him with a suplex. Ryback doesn’t let the ref count as he grabs Cena and slams him down to the mat with a huge powerslam. The ref begins the count and gets up to 8 before Cena makes it to his feet. Ryback charges, but Cena catches him with a low bridge and Ryback falls to the outside. Cena heads under the ring and grabs a table, sliding it into the ring. Cena shoulders Ryback, but Ryback turns it around, shouldering Cena and dropping him into a backpack stunner. Ryback grabs the table and sets it up in the corner while the ref counts to 8. Cena hits Ryback with a series of strikes, and a shoulder tackle, but a second tackle doesn’t go well as Ryback catches Cena. Ryback looks toward the table, and he hits a fall away slam, putting Cena through the table in the corner. Cena makes it back to his feet at 8. Cena avoids a splash in the corner and puts Ryback down with a belly to back suplex. Cena hits the five-knuckle shuffle and shoulders Ryback, but Ryback fights out and spears Cena. Ryback tosses pieces of table out of the ring while Cena gets to his feet at an 8 count. Ryback tries for a powerbomb, but Cena slips through and hits a powerbomb of his own. Ryback makes it to his feet by 8, but he falls back to the mat. Ryback gets back up at 6. Cena tries for something, I can’t figure out what, but Ryback catches him and slams him down to the mat. Cena gets back to his feet, and Ryback immediately catches him with a huge clothesline. Cena gets to his feet at 9 and ducks another clothesline, then locks in the STF on Ryback. Ryback doesn’t tap out, but he begins to fade and Cena rolls off of the challenger. The referee begins the count and Cena rolls out of the ring to grab another table from under the ring. Cena sets up the table and Ryback stands at 9. Cena heads up to the top rope, but he’s stopped by Ryback. Ryback shoulders Cena and drops him to the mat with shell shock. Cena makes it up to his feet at 9, and Ryback immediately drops him with a punch to the back of the head. Ryback pulls Cena’s leg out around the ring post and grabs a chair. Cena kicks the chair into Ryback and heads to the outside, spearing Ryback through the barricade into the timekeeper’s area. Both men get to their feet at 7. They begin fighting in the crowd, up near the production area. Ryback grabs part of the arena advertisements and uses it to smash Cena across the face. Cena gets up at 9 and locks Ryback in a sleeper hold. Ryback walks around with Cena on his back, but eventually begins fading and falls to a knee. Cena breaks the hold as soon as Ryback hits the floor. Ryback gets back to his feet at 8 and Cena hits him with a quick right hand. Ryback sprawls out on a table, and Cena heads up a level in the stands. Cena hits a cross body, putting himself and Ryback through the table. Both men make it up to their feet, and Cena grabs a fire extinguisher, using it to blast Ryback in the face. Ryback runs from Cena, but Cena stalks him, hitting him with repeated blasts before hitting a continuous spray. Cena waits for Ryback to stand and uses the fire extinguisher to hit him in the head. Ryback stays on his feet, so Cena does it again. Ryback still gets back to his feet, so Cena shoulders him. Ryback falls to his feet, and picks up Cena, sending him crashing through part of the set. It sparks and the ref loses sight of both men. Both men are shown laid out backstage and refs are calling for paramedics. Neither Cena nor Ryback are moving, so it looks like this one is going to end up thrown out. The crowd sees this and beings booing immediately. Ryback gets to his feet and walks off while Cena is put into a neck brace and placed on a stretcher.

No Contest

Steel Cage Match: Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H

Brock Lesnar is out first, alongside Paul Heyman. As they walk to the ring, Lesnar is attacked from behind by Triple H. HHH throws Lesnar into the cage. HHH nails Heyman with a big punch. Hunter hits Lesnar with a couple of right hands before sending him crashing head first into the cage wall. Hunter sends Lesnar into the wall again before sending him crashing down to the mat. Hunter teases the pedigree, but Lesnar counters by back dropping Hunter into the cage. Lesnar walks toward Hunter, but he’s caught with a right hand. He responds with a big right of his own before slamming Hunter’s head back into the cage repeatedly. Lesnar stomps on Hunter’s head, then takes him across the ring, throwing him into the opposite cage wall. Lesnar picks Hunter up and takes him across the ring again, throwing him into the cage wall hard. Lesnar shoulders Hunter, but Hunter is able to drop down and shove Lesnar into the cage wall. Hunter hits a couple of rights, and a big running knee on Lesnar. Hunter runs in for a big right hand, but Lesnar ducks it and connects with a huge German suplex, sending Hunter flying across the ring. Lesnar gets back to his feet and shoulders Hunter again, slamming him into the cage wall. Lesnar stomps at Hunter, then traps him against the ropes. Lesnar leaps up with a flying knee, but Hunter moves and Lesnar crashes into the cage wall. Hunter goes to the top rope, but Lesnard stops him, shoulders him and hits a running powerslam. Brock rolls off and screams about his ‘knee bone’. Hunter punches and kicks at Lesnar’s knee before hitting him with a face buster across the knee. Hunter tries for the pedigree, but Lesnar counters with the kimura. Hunter drops to his knees and begins pounding at Lesnar’s hurt knee, forcing him to break the hold. Lesnar hits a huge clothesline and begins crawling for the door. Hunter stops Lesnar with a chop block to the back of the knee. Hunter crawls for the door, but Heyman shoves the door into Hunter’s face. Lesnar shoulders Hunter and hits the F5, but it’s only good for two. Heyman grabs a chair, and he slides it into the cage to Lesnar. Lesnar uses it to hit Hunter in the side and back. Hunter gets to his hands and knees, and Brock blasts him with the chair. Lesnar tells Heyman that his knee is bad. Lesnar tries for the F5 again, but his knee buckles and he drops to the mat. Hunter hits another chop block and Brock drops to the mat screaming. Hunter grabs the chair and uses it to hit Lesnar across the back, then the back of the leg before driving it down across Lesnar’s knee. Hunter traps Lesnar’s ankle on the bottom rope and drops and elbow across the knee. Heyman begs for Hunter to stop as he does it again. Hunter slams Lesnar’s face into the turnbuckle, but Brock locks in the kimura. Hunter slams Lesnar into the corner and goes for the leg again, trapping it on the middle rope and dropping a knee across the back of Lesnar’s knee. Brock climbs to the top of the cage, but Hunter throws a chair at his bad leg. Lesnar falls back to the top rope and Hunter heads up after him, slamming his head into the cage wall and letting him drop to the mat. Hunter smiles, and reaches up to find a hidden sledgehammer in the top of the cage. Lesnar stops Hunter from using it and grabs it himself. Hunter ducks a sledge hammer shot and Hunter locks in the sharpshooter. Lesnar grabs the sledge hammer and Heyman forces his way into the cage. Hunter sees it and catches Heyman with the pedigree. Lesnar gets up and goes for a sledge hammer shot, but Hunter avoids it and hits the pedigree. Hunter goes for the pin, but Lesnar kicks out at two! Hunter grabs the sledge hammer again and gets to his feet. Heyman hits Hunter with a low blow and Hunter drops to the mat. Lesnar says, ‘that’s my manager’ as he gets to his feet. Lesnar grabs the hammer and smiles. Lesnar uses the sledge hammer to hit Hunter in the side of the head and Hunter drops to the mat hard. Lesnar poses for the crowd and limps over to Hunter. Lesnar screams and then hoists HHH up. Lesnar plants HHH to the mat with an F-5 for the 1-2-3.

Winner: Brock Lesnar

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