WWE Main Event Results (9/16)

– The Miz and Damien Sandow defeated R-Truth and Dolph Ziggler. Good back and forth match with the heels playig up their “Hollywood” gimmick. Late in the match, R-Truth got a hot tag, hit Miz with a jumping DDT but. Sandow broke up the pinfall. Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Truth for the win.

– Backstage, Seth Rollins spoke to Renee Young about his loss to Reigns on RAW, which he called a “setback.” He said he’ll get revenge this Sunday at Night of Champions and will take out Reigns just like he did with Dean Ambrose.

– Brie Bella defeated Cameron with a facebuster.

– Video package airs looking at the John Cena vs Brock Lesnar rivalry.

– Seth Rollins defeated Big E with a curb stomp.

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