WWE Main Event Results (9/30)

– Cesaro defeated Jack Swagger in a good competitive match. After Swagger got Cesaro in the Patriot Lock, Cesaro got to the ropes and Swagger had to break the hold. Cesaro then gave him a thumb to the eye and a European uppercut for the win.

– Backstage, Nattie tries convincing Kane to put Tyson Kidd in a match tonight. Tyson said he can speak for himself, they argued and Kane said Tyson has a match next.

– Tyson Kidd defeated Kofi Kingston with the Sharpshooter.

– Video package airs showing Rollins taking out Ambrose and Cena on RAW.

– Wyatt Family vignette airs.

– Backstage, Mark says he’s had an emotional breakdown after having several bad weeks. Tonight, he’s going to destroy Bo Dallas, because that’s what he does.

– Brie Bella defeated Summer Rae and Layla in a 2-on-1 match. Brie hit Layla with a facebuster for the win.

– Bo Dallas defeated Mark Henry by DQ after Henry refused to break a referee’s count after 5 seconds while beating up Bo in the corner. After the match, Henry hit two World Strongest Slams and grabed a mic. Henry says that Bo better believe that this is what he does.

* News on The Wyatt Family Possibly Breaking Up & Luke Harper Going Solo

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