– WWE Hall of Famer Mae Young turns 90 years old today. She was born on March 12, 1923.
– The WWE event in Moscow, Russia on April 26 has been moved to the Luzhniki Small Sports Arena at the Olympic Complex. It’s original venue was the Megasport Arena. Tickets must be exchanged at the point of purchase between March 14 and April 25. (Thanks to Devin Cutting)
– Following the surprise return of the Bella Twins to WWE on Monday’s RAW, we can confirm that WWE has reached out to several other women who have departed the company in recent years. No word yet on who has been contacted, but it’s been said that WWE has offered the former Divas more money than they were previously making. WWE is well aware that the Divas division is in bad shape, and there was talk of bringing up several NXT Divas before they decided to reach out to Divas who have departed the company.
(Partial Source: f4wonline.com)