WWE Plugs Foley’s Book & Matt Hardy’s Latest Video Rants

— Michael Cole plugged Mick Foley’s “Countdown to Lockdown: A Hardcore Journal” book during tonight’s taped edition of WWE Raw when The Great Khali entered. Cole called Foley a “good friend” and said the book includes several good stories from Foley’s time as a commentator in WWE. Jerry Lawler acknowledged him as well.

— Matt Hardy posted the following videos on YouTube. In the first video he discusses taking part in the WWE storyline at Royal Rumble where he “burned” Jeff Hardy’s house down. He then questions how WWE treated him for the rest of the year. You can watch it embedded below:

In the second video, Hardy is giving away $500 after it reaches 100,000 views and 5,000 comments. You can watch it embedded below:

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