Home News WWE RAW Results (12/2/13): With Videos

WWE RAW Results (12/2/13): With Videos


WWE RAW Results (12/2/13)

RAW opens with CM Punk’s theme music immediately hitting. “The Best In The World” makes his way to the ring as Justin Roberts introduces him and Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler and JBL recap what happened with he and The Shield last week. Punk says he was trying for the last week to figure out why The Shield attacked him. Punk thinks it’s because he critisized Triple H for lacking creativity. Punk says he hopes that’s a coincidence. Punk says he doesn’t want anything to do with The Authority. He says Triple H can’t be that dense to kick a living bee’s nest like CM Punk. Punk calls them douchebags, but he is bleeped when saying that.

Stephanie McMahon’s music hits to cut off Punk. Stephanie comes to the top of the stage. Stephanie says first off she hopes Punk and everyone in the audience had a wonderful Thanksgiving. She says he of all people should know she’s a champion of free speech. She says HHH was a co-founder of D-Generation X. She says they’ve grown up, but maybe Punk hasn’t. She says Punk is just blaming The Authority, because they are actually just as upset as he was that The Shield attacked him last week. She says The Authority has bigger things to deal with like the unprecedented contract signing of the John Cena vs. Randy Orton unification match. Stephanie says if Punk has any further questions he can ask the Director Of Operations.

Kane makes his way out to the top of the stage. Kane talks in an incredibly professional way, babbling about his duties and spilling out a bunch of legal jargon and then asks if Punk has any questions. Punk says he does. His question is “when did you become the big-red-ass-kisser.” Kane advises Punk not to take this lightly. Punk advises Kane not to patronize him. Kane advises Punk not to go down this road. Punk says how about since Kane sold out already, he should come down to the ring and get knocked out. Stephanie stops Kane from going to the ring.

The Shield’s music hits and out comes Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins from the crowd. Punk runs to the outside of the ring and grabs a chair immediately before they come to the ring. Stephanie yells on the mic for The Shield to stop. Stephanie says she will not have a repeat of last week. She says Punk is to be respected and admired. She leaves. Kane says Punk will be in a handicap match against all three members of The Shield at the upcoming WWE TLC PPV. Kane smiles as his theme music plays.

Undisputed Champion Situation Cleared Up

Michael Cole reveals a quote from WWE management that confirms at TLC there will be only one champion walking out of the building. Tonight’s WWE App poll gives fans the opportunity to decide what that champion will be called. The options are: Unified Champion, Undisputed WWE Champion and Undisputed World Champion.

#1 Contender’s Match For Intercontinental Title
– Dolph Ziggler vs. Damien Sandow

We return from commercial and Damien Sandow is cutting a promo about how he’s going to become the number one contender to the I-C title and defeat Big E. Langston, who is on commentary for this match, for the belt. Ziggler comes out. The bell rings and Ziggler lands a few dropkicks right off the bat on Sandow. The battle goes out to the floor early on and Sandow smashes Ziggler’s head off the ringside steps. Back in the ring, Sandow continues to go to work on Ziggler. Sandow misses a moonsault off the middle rope, allowing Ziggler to hit him with a tornado DDT to reverse the role in the match. Moments later, Ziggler hits the FameAsser on Sandow for a close near fall. Ziggler goes up to the top rope, Sandow knocks him off and hits him with his finisher. 1-2-3. Sandow is the new number one contender to the WWE Intercontinental Championship. Sandow vs. Langston will battle for the title in two weeks at the WWE TLC PPV.

Winner: Damien Sandow