WWE RAW Results (3/29): Hot Tub Time Machine Hosts

– Tonight’s WWE RAW kicks off with Michael Cole welcoming us to the US Airways Center from Phoenix, Arizona. Lawler and Cole talks about WrestleMania. Tonight, Shawn Michaels will say goodbye to the WWE Universe.

– We go to the ring where the former WWE Champion Batista makes his way out. Batista comes out in street clothes and looks pissed as he walks to the ring. The crowd boo’s Batista as his music stops. Batista tries to talk but the heat from the crowd is deafening. Batista says everyone expects him to come out and throw a fit about losing the WWE Title but he’s not going to give the satisfaction. He says last night was a blip on the radar, a fluke. A “you tapped out” chant starts from the crowd.

Batista says he’s owed a rematch and no matter what happens, John Cena cannot beat him. John Cena’s music hits and out comes the WWE Champion to a monster pop from the fans.

There’s a bit of a mixed reaction when Cena gets in the ring. He says there’s some WrestleMania energy left in the air tonight. Cena jokes about beating Batista last night. A “Cena sucks” chant breaks out now. Cena mocks Batista for tapping out last night. Batista is getting pissed. Cena talks about the rematch and proposes that it happen tonight on RAW. The crowd loves this. Cena challenges Batista for tonight. Batista asks the fans if they would like to see that. Not tonight, he says. The crowd doesn’t like this. Batista punches Cena and they go at it. Batista rolls out of the ring and they stare each other down. From out of nowhere, Jack Swagger attacks John Cena from behind with the Money in the Bank briefcase.

Swagger takes a mic and declares that he’s cashing in right now. Swagger goes back in the ring but Cena almost gets him locked in the STF. Swagger rolls out of the ring and gets away from Cena’s STF as a referee is running in. Swagger starts saying no way, the match never started. And it didn’t. The bell never rang so it appears Swagger did not use his shot yet. Swagger heads to the back, talking trash to Cena.

– Cole and Lawler talk about Shawn Michaels losing to Undertaker last night. They lead us to a video package showing highlights from Shawn’s career. We come back and they plug Shawn’s farewell on RAW tonight. We go back to commercial.

– Back from the break and out come some WWE legends. Ted DiBiase Sr., Nick Bockwinkel, IRS, Pat Patterson and Arn Anderson make their way to the ring and stand around it. Roddy Piper’s music hits next and out he comes. He brings Sgt. Slaughter, Tony Garea and Ricky Steamboat with him. Jerry Lawler puts down his headset and heads around the ring as well. Justin Roberts brings out tonight’s RAW hosts – the two guys from Hot Tub Time Machine. They announce tonight’s main event as Jack Swagger and Batista vs. John Cena and a partner of his choosing. They also announce a Hot Tub match between them two and the WWE Divas. The reason for the Legends being around the ring is for this Legends Lumberjack match.

Legends Lumberjack Match: Christian vs. Ted DiBiase

Christian is introduced first as the WWE Legends applaud him from ringside. Christian gets a big pop from the crowd. Out next is his opponent, Ted DiBiase. Ted’s father The Million Dollar Man claps for him. We go to commercial as Ted enters the ring.

Back from the break and Ted is going at it with Christian. Christian ends up slapping Ted to the mat. More back and forth until Ted is thrown over to the floor. They throw Ted right back into the ring. Ted comes back with a big clothesline on Christian and a 2 count. Ted works Christian over in the corner now. Christian with a big right hand. He goes for the DDT off the top but Ted counters, throws him and hits a kick to the face. 2 count by Ted.

More back and forth and a 2 count by Christian. Christian hits a dropkick from the top and gets another 2 count. Ted pulls Christian’s legs out and goes for Dream Street. Christian counters it and ends up kicking Ted in the head. Christian with a forearm off the top. Christian goes for Killswitch but Ted counters and they both go to the floor. The Legends start fighting each other at ringside. This distracts Ted once he’s back in the ring. Christian hits the Killswitch for the pinfall and the win.

Winner: Christian

– After the match, Christian heads up the ramp celebrating with Garea, Piper, Steamboat and Slaughter. Ted Sr. gets in the ring to help Ted Jr. up. Ted bucks back and it kind of shocks his father. The crowd boo’s Ted Jr. as he heads out of the ring and up the ramp while his dad looks on from the ring.

– We go to another video package of HBK’s career.

– Triple H is shown heading to the ring as we go back to commercial.

– Back from commercial and the announcers lead us into a video showing highlights from WrestleMania 26 festivities this past week in Phoenix.

– We go backstage where the RAW hosts are in bath robes. Santino Marella walks by with a line. The hosts walk over to the hot tub where Rosa, The Bella Twins and Tiffany are sitting in it in bikinis. The winner of this gets a future Divas Title match. The hosts get in and start the “match”, sitting beside the Divas. They pull out champagne and say there aren’t any “losers” in this match. The Divas say there has to be a loser and they start sipping champagne. We go to the ring.

– Triple H’s music starts playing and he appears on the stage looking a bit sad. Triple H stays on the stage and gets ready to talk as the crowd settles down. He says this is kind of a surreal night and the end of an era. He says he never thought it would end this way for Shawn. Triple H talks about meeting Shawn years ago and says they took on the world. He goes on and has something to say in front of the whole world… out of nowhere comes Sheamus. He hits Triple H in the back with what looks like a pipe. Triple H is laid out on the ramp. Sheamus heads to the back as the crowd gives him some major heat. WWE officials come out and check on Triple H as we go to commercial.

Mickie James, Gail Kim, Eve, Beth Phoenix and Kelly Kelly vs. Vickie Guerrero, Alicia Fox, Maryse, Layla and Michelle McCool

Back from commercial and out come the face Divas for a WrestleMania rematch. Maryse’s music hits next and out comes her team. The bell rings and it’s Maryse starting off with Eve. Maryse taunts and poses to start the match. Eve comes from behind and rolls Maryse up for the pinfall and the win. That quick.

Winners: Mickie James, Eve, Kelly Kelly, Beth Phoenix and Gail Kim

– After the quick match, all the Divas get in the ring and start going at it. Typical Diva stuff. Team Mickie clears the ring and sends the heel Divas to the back.

– We get another video package with highlights from Shawn’s career. This time, the ladder match with Razor Ramon at WrestleMania 10. Cole and Lawler plug HBK’s farewell again as well as tonight’s main event with John Cena and a partner vs. Batista and Jack Swagger.

– We see Bret Hart heading to the ring to address the fans as we go back to commercial.

– Back from commercial and we get another Shawn Michaels. This time it’s the epic Iron Man match with Bret Hart where Shawn won the WWE Title.

– We go to the ring where WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart makes his way down. Bret congratulates Shawn Michaels on an incredible, epic career. Bret says nobody knows better than he does that Shawn Michaels was one of the greatest wrestlers of all-time. Bret wishes Shawn the very best in the future. Bret says he finally found the closure he was looking for and it was a great feeling to beat the hell out of Vince McMahon at WrestleMania. Bret says the whole entire Hart family beat Vince. Bret says he can feel his mom, dad, Owen and Bulldog looking down from Heaven sending love. An “Owen” chant breaks out. Bret shows that he’s wearing a t-shirt with himself and Owen on it. Bret thanks the fans and says these past few months have been great. The crowd pops as Bret waves to the fans. Music hits and out comes the WWE Unified Tag Team Champions Big Show and The Miz.

The Miz says Bret is actually proud of his win last night. Miz mocks Bret, calling him a hero. Miz says Bret is a thief. He says Bret coming back has robbed him of his time that he can’t get back. Miz says he’s sick of hearing about Bret. He says he’s the most glorified champion in WWE and if anybody deserves to talk about himself, it’s him. Miz says he won his very first WrestleMania match and he’s now 1-0… 17 wins away from tying Undertaker. Miz says he is awesome. Miz calls Bret overrated. Miz calls Bret’s entire family, including his dad, overrated. Miz calls Bret the most overrated there is, was and ever will be. Miz tells Bret to get out of his ring before his fist gives Bret’s face closure. Bret tells Miz to make him leave.

Big Show steps up and gets in Bret’s face. The familiar music hits and out comes The Hart Dynasty – Tyson Kidd, David Hart Smith and Natalya Neidhart. Big Show and The Miz exit the ring after the Harts come in. Bret takes the mic and asks them where they’re going. Bret tells them to come back in the ring so the Hart Dynasty can embarrass them like he did Vince last night. Miz and Show argue about it for a second before heading back to the ring. We go to commercial.

The Hart Dynasty vs. The Miz and Big Show

Back from the break and Smith hits a big standing suplex on Miz for a 2 count. They go back and forth until Miz gets clotheslined over to the floor. Tyson Kidd goes running and Smith throws him over the top onto Miz. Bret and Natalya watch from ringside. Tyson gets a 2 count on Miz. Miz runs around the ring, gets back in and tags in Show. Tyson tries to fight him off but Show throws him off. Show lifts Tyson by his neck and tosses him. Show with another big slam on Tyson. Miz is tagged in and he hits his corner clothesline for a 2 count on Kidd.

Tyson starts fighting Mizz off but gets rammed back in the corner. Big Show is tagged back in and puts the boot to Tyson’s neck in the corner. Show with a big chop on Kidd that sends him to the mat. Show applies a huge headlock to Tyson. Miz tags himself in and it surprises Big Show. Miz puts a lock on Kidd but Kidd slides out and tags in Smith. Smith with a big shoulder off the ropes and 2 clotheslines. Smith hits a big powerslam and gets pumped. Kidd comes in and they hit the double team Hart Attack on Miz. Tyson goes for the Sharpshooter and locks it on Miz. Show comes over and asks Miz if he’s going to listen to me now. Miz yells and Show pulls him out of the ring to safety. The crowd boo’s as the referee starts counting them out. Show and Miz head up the ramp with Show trying to talk some sense into Miz. The Harts win by count out.

Winners by count out: The Hart Dynasty

– After the match, Bret Hart gets in the ring and celebrates with The Hart Dynasty.

– We go to another video package of Shawn Michaels’ career, focusing on his time with DX. We get ready for another commercial.

– We go backstage where the Hot Tub match is still going on. Everyone is just relaxing in the hot tub with tonight’s hosts. The Divas are starting to look pissed. Tiffany says she’s creeped out and is leaving. Rosa leaves also. The Bellas are left with the hosts. The other guy from the Hot Tub movie appears on the TV screen. He says someone switched his plane tickets to keep him away from RAW, insinuating that the other hosts did it. He says The Bellas are the winners and can leave the hot tub. He says tonight’s hosts have new opponents for the Hot Tub match. Mark Henry appears in a speedo and hops in the tub in between tonight’s hosts. They try to leave but Henry tells them to stick around and tell him about Hollywood. Hornswoggle pops up from under the water with a snorkel mask on.

– We go back to Cole and Lawler, talking about Shawn Michaels. They replay the earlier segment where Triple H was attacked by Sheamus when speaking about Shawn. We go to the ring.

Jack Swagger and Batista vs. John Cena and Randy Orton

Out first comes Jack Swagger with his Money in the Bank briefcase. Swagger takes a mic and says he told everyone last week he was going to win Money in the Bank. Swagger says he was just toying around with John Cena earlier tonight because when he really cashes in, he is the odds-on favorite to walk away with the WWE Title. Swagger’s music hits again as we go to commercial.

Back from commercial and out comes Batista to the ring. His music stops and another “you tapped out” chant starts. Out next is the WWE Champion John Cena. Cena comes to the ring as we wait to see who his partner is. Cena takes a mic and says he needs everyone’s attention for a major announcement. Cena says he’s an old friend of Batista’s. Voices starts playing and out comes Randy Orton as Cena’s tag team partner.

Batista is pissed at Orton for tagging with Cena. Orton stares Batista and Swagger down as he enters the ring. The bell rings and it’s Cena starting things out with Swagger. They lock up and go to the corner. Cena throws him from corner to corner and hits a big suplex. Cena tags in Orton. Orton stares at Batista and starts stomping on Swagger. A “RKO” chant breaks out. Orton hits the mat and gets hype. Swagger sees this and rolls out of the ring to the floor as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Swagger is in control of Cena after a big clothesline from Batista during the commercial. Cena tries to fight out but Swagger hits a suplex for a 2 count. Swagger runs and hits the big splash from the corner for another 2 count. Batista comes in and stomps on Cena and goes to work on the neck. Batista with a kick to the face and a 2 count. Batista hits a big spinebuster and goes for the Batista Bomb. Cena counters that with a backdrop. Orton and Swagger are tagged in at the same time. Orton unloads on Swagger and hits a big powerslam. Orton with the back breaker on Swagger for a 2 count as Batista makes the save. Batista then spears Cena. Orton hits Batista with an RKO. And an RKO for Swagger. Orton pins Swagger for the win.

Winners: Randy Orton and John Cena

– After the match, Cena and Orton exchange a look. Cena grabs his belt and leaves the ring. Orton goes to the top rope and does his trademark pose for the fans to a nice pop.

– We go to another Shawn Michaels career video. This one focuses on his match against Undertaker at last year’s WrestleMania. We take another commercial.

– Back from commercial and out comes Shawn Michaels for his farewell to the WWE Universe. Before Shawn can speak, The Undertaker’s music hits and out he comes to the stage. Taker simply tips his hat to Shawn and walks back to the back. The crowd starts chanting HBK’s name. Then they start chanting “please don’t go.” HBK starts getting emotional.

Shawn says it’s going to be tough getting used to not being there every week now. A fan in the crowd is shown crying. A “thank you Shawn” chant breaks out. Shawn thanks the fans. He says for a long time, the fans and the ring was the only thing he had in his life. More fans are shown crying. Shawn says he wants to thank so many people but he’s afraid he will forget somebody. He says there’s this one guy he has to thank though, Triple H. Shawn says years ago, a lot of people didn’t like him but Triple H was always there for him. Shawn thanks Triple H for a real friendship they have shared. Shawn talks about the WWE crew members and announcers. He mentions Jim Ross which gets a big pop. Shawn thanks all of the WWE crew for always making him look better than he actually was. Shawn says there’s a crazy redhead kid named Adam in Stamford who makes the WWE video packages. Shawn thanks the guy for making him look like a Superstar. A “one more match” chant breaks out from the crowd.

HBK says a lot of people will be skeptical of him returning but he says he doesn’t want to go back on his word to the fans or his word to Undertaker. Some “Whoo” chants break out. Shawn says he wants to honor his word and do everything in his power to make sure he doesn’t wrestle another match. Another “thank you Shawn” chant breaks out. Shawn says he has one more guy to thank and that’s Bret Hart. Shawn puts over Bret and thanks him for understanding and believing that Shawn was changed and forever honor their friendship. Shawn thanks Bret for giving him that opportunity. Shawn brings up Vince McMahon next and the crowd boo’s.

Shawn says there’s no way he could ever work for anyone else after working for Vince McMahon. Shawn thanks Vince for everything and for keeping him on course, allowing him to be standing here today. Another chant breaks out for Shawn. Shawn says he has traveled the world and met many people. Shawn goes on and another “HBK” chant breaks out. Shawn thanks Jesus Christ for saving him. He tells his wife and kids that he’s coming home. Shawn says this is how they started and this is how it’s going to end… The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels has left the building, Shawn says. Shawn waves goodbye as they applaud him. Shawn walks up the ramp touching hands with the fans. Shawn stops at the top of the ramp and waves goodbye again before clapping. His music hits and Triple H comes out and hugs him. Triple H pulls out DX glowsticks and sets them on the stage in the shape of an X. RAW goes off the air with Shawn Michaels walking to the back one final time.- Tonight’s WWE RAW kicks off with Michael Cole welcoming us to the US Airways Center from Phoenix, Arizona. Lawler and Cole talks about WrestleMania. Tonight, Shawn Michaels will say goodbye to the WWE Universe.

– We go to the ring where the former WWE Champion Batista makes his way out. Batista comes out in street clothes and looks pissed as he walks to the ring. The crowd boo’s Batista as his music stops. Batista tries to talk but the heat from the crowd is deafening. Batista says everyone expects him to come out and throw a fit about losing the WWE Title but he’s not going to give the satisfaction. He says last night was a blip on the radar, a fluke. A “you tapped out” chant starts from the crowd.

Batista says he’s owed a rematch and no matter what happens, John Cena cannot beat him. John Cena’s music hits and out comes the WWE Champion to a monster pop from the fans.

There’s a bit of a mixed reaction when Cena gets in the ring. He says there’s some WrestleMania energy left in the air tonight. Cena jokes about beating Batista last night. A “Cena sucks” chant breaks out now. Cena mocks Batista for tapping out last night. Batista is getting pissed. Cena talks about the rematch and proposes that it happen tonight on RAW. The crowd loves this. Cena challenges Batista for tonight. Batista asks the fans if they would like to see that. Not tonight, he says. The crowd doesn’t like this. Batista punches Cena and they go at it. Batista rolls out of the ring and they stare each other down. From out of nowhere, Jack Swagger attacks John Cena from behind with the Money in the Bank briefcase.

Swagger takes a mic and declares that he’s cashing in right now. Swagger goes back in the ring but Cena almost gets him locked in the STF. Swagger rolls out of the ring and gets away from Cena’s STF as a referee is running in. Swagger starts saying no way, the match never started. And it didn’t. The bell never rang so it appears Swagger did not use his shot yet. Swagger heads to the back, talking trash to Cena.

– Cole and Lawler talk about Shawn Michaels losing to Undertaker last night. They lead us to a video package showing highlights from Shawn’s career. We come back and they plug Shawn’s farewell on RAW tonight. We go back to commercial.

– Back from the break and out come some WWE legends. Ted DiBiase Sr., Nick Bockwinkel, IRS, Pat Patterson and Arn Anderson make their way to the ring and stand around it. Roddy Piper’s music hits next and out he comes. He brings Sgt. Slaughter, Tony Garea and Ricky Steamboat with him. Jerry Lawler puts down his headset and heads around the ring as well. Justin Roberts brings out tonight’s RAW hosts – the two guys from Hot Tub Time Machine. They announce tonight’s main event as Jack Swagger and Batista vs. John Cena and a partner of his choosing. They also announce a Hot Tub match between them two and the WWE Divas. The reason for the Legends being around the ring is for this Legends Lumberjack match.

Legends Lumberjack Match: Christian vs. Ted DiBiase

Christian is introduced first as the WWE Legends applaud him from ringside. Christian gets a big pop from the crowd. Out next is his opponent, Ted DiBiase. Ted’s father The Million Dollar Man claps for him. We go to commercial as Ted enters the ring.

Back from the break and Ted is going at it with Christian. Christian ends up slapping Ted to the mat. More back and forth until Ted is thrown over to the floor. They throw Ted right back into the ring. Ted comes back with a big clothesline on Christian and a 2 count. Ted works Christian over in the corner now. Christian with a big right hand. He goes for the DDT off the top but Ted counters, throws him and hits a kick to the face. 2 count by Ted.

More back and forth and a 2 count by Christian. Christian hits a dropkick from the top and gets another 2 count. Ted pulls Christian’s legs out and goes for Dream Street. Christian counters it and ends up kicking Ted in the head. Christian with a forearm off the top. Christian goes for Killswitch but Ted counters and they both go to the floor. The Legends start fighting each other at ringside. This distracts Ted once he’s back in the ring. Christian hits the Killswitch for the pinfall and the win.

Winner: Christian

– After the match, Christian heads up the ramp celebrating with Garea, Piper, Steamboat and Slaughter. Ted Sr. gets in the ring to help Ted Jr. up. Ted bucks back and it kind of shocks his father. The crowd boo’s Ted Jr. as he heads out of the ring and up the ramp while his dad looks on from the ring.

– We go to another video package of HBK’s career.

– Triple H is shown heading to the ring as we go back to commercial.

– Back from commercial and the announcers lead us into a video showing highlights from WrestleMania 26 festivities this past week in Phoenix.

– We go backstage where the RAW hosts are in bath robes. Santino Marella walks by with a line. The hosts walk over to the hot tub where Rosa, The Bella Twins and Tiffany are sitting in it in bikinis. The winner of this gets a future Divas Title match. The hosts get in and start the “match”, sitting beside the Divas. They pull out champagne and say there aren’t any “losers” in this match. The Divas say there has to be a loser and they start sipping champagne. We go to the ring.

– Triple H’s music starts playing and he appears on the stage looking a bit sad. Triple H stays on the stage and gets ready to talk as the crowd settles down. He says this is kind of a surreal night and the end of an era. He says he never thought it would end this way for Shawn. Triple H talks about meeting Shawn years ago and says they took on the world. He goes on and has something to say in front of the whole world… out of nowhere comes Sheamus. He hits Triple H in the back with what looks like a pipe. Triple H is laid out on the ramp. Sheamus heads to the back as the crowd gives him some major heat. WWE officials come out and check on Triple H as we go to commercial.

Mickie James, Gail Kim, Eve, Beth Phoenix and Kelly Kelly vs. Vickie Guerrero, Alicia Fox, Maryse, Layla and Michelle McCool

Back from commercial and out come the face Divas for a WrestleMania rematch. Maryse’s music hits next and out comes her team. The bell rings and it’s Maryse starting off with Eve. Maryse taunts and poses to start the match. Eve comes from behind and rolls Maryse up for the pinfall and the win. That quick.

Winners: Mickie James, Eve, Kelly Kelly, Beth Phoenix and Gail Kim

– After the quick match, all the Divas get in the ring and start going at it. Typical Diva stuff. Team Mickie clears the ring and sends the heel Divas to the back.

– We get another video package with highlights from Shawn’s career. This time, the ladder match with Razor Ramon at WrestleMania 10. Cole and Lawler plug HBK’s farewell again as well as tonight’s main event with John Cena and a partner vs. Batista and Jack Swagger.

– We see Bret Hart heading to the ring to address the fans as we go back to commercial.

– Back from commercial and we get another Shawn Michaels. This time it’s the epic Iron Man match with Bret Hart where Shawn won the WWE Title.

– We go to the ring where WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart makes his way down. Bret congratulates Shawn Michaels on an incredible, epic career. Bret says nobody knows better than he does that Shawn Michaels was one of the greatest wrestlers of all-time. Bret wishes Shawn the very best in the future. Bret says he finally found the closure he was looking for and it was a great feeling to beat the hell out of Vince McMahon at WrestleMania. Bret says the whole entire Hart family beat Vince. Bret says he can feel his mom, dad, Owen and Bulldog looking down from Heaven sending love. An “Owen” chant breaks out. Bret shows that he’s wearing a t-shirt with himself and Owen on it. Bret thanks the fans and says these past few months have been great. The crowd pops as Bret waves to the fans. Music hits and out comes the WWE Unified Tag Team Champions Big Show and The Miz.

The Miz says Bret is actually proud of his win last night. Miz mocks Bret, calling him a hero. Miz says Bret is a thief. He says Bret coming back has robbed him of his time that he can’t get back. Miz says he’s sick of hearing about Bret. He says he’s the most glorified champion in WWE and if anybody deserves to talk about himself, it’s him. Miz says he won his very first WrestleMania match and he’s now 1-0… 17 wins away from tying Undertaker. Miz says he is awesome. Miz calls Bret overrated. Miz calls Bret’s entire family, including his dad, overrated. Miz calls Bret the most overrated there is, was and ever will be. Miz tells Bret to get out of his ring before his fist gives Bret’s face closure. Bret tells Miz to make him leave.

Big Show steps up and gets in Bret’s face. The familiar music hits and out comes The Hart Dynasty – Tyson Kidd, David Hart Smith and Natalya Neidhart. Big Show and The Miz exit the ring after the Harts come in. Bret takes the mic and asks them where they’re going. Bret tells them to come back in the ring so the Hart Dynasty can embarrass them like he did Vince last night. Miz and Show argue about it for a second before heading back to the ring. We go to commercial.

The Hart Dynasty vs. The Miz and Big Show

Back from the break and Smith hits a big standing suplex on Miz for a 2 count. They go back and forth until Miz gets clotheslined over to the floor. Tyson Kidd goes running and Smith throws him over the top onto Miz. Bret and Natalya watch from ringside. Tyson gets a 2 count on Miz. Miz runs around the ring, gets back in and tags in Show. Tyson tries to fight him off but Show throws him off. Show lifts Tyson by his neck and tosses him. Show with another big slam on Tyson. Miz is tagged in and he hits his corner clothesline for a 2 count on Kidd.

Tyson starts fighting Mizz off but gets rammed back in the corner. Big Show is tagged back in and puts the boot to Tyson’s neck in the corner. Show with a big chop on Kidd that sends him to the mat. Show applies a huge headlock to Tyson. Miz tags himself in and it surprises Big Show. Miz puts a lock on Kidd but Kidd slides out and tags in Smith. Smith with a big shoulder off the ropes and 2 clotheslines. Smith hits a big powerslam and gets pumped. Kidd comes in and they hit the double team Hart Attack on Miz. Tyson goes for the Sharpshooter and locks it on Miz. Show comes over and asks Miz if he’s going to listen to me now. Miz yells and Show pulls him out of the ring to safety. The crowd boo’s as the referee starts counting them out. Show and Miz head up the ramp with Show trying to talk some sense into Miz. The Harts win by count out.

Winners by count out: The Hart Dynasty

– After the match, Bret Hart gets in the ring and celebrates with The Hart Dynasty.

– We go to another video package of Shawn Michaels’ career, focusing on his time with DX. We get ready for another commercial.

– We go backstage where the Hot Tub match is still going on. Everyone is just relaxing in the hot tub with tonight’s hosts. The Divas are starting to look pissed. Tiffany says she’s creeped out and is leaving. Rosa leaves also. The Bellas are left with the hosts. The other guy from the Hot Tub movie appears on the TV screen. He says someone switched his plane tickets to keep him away from RAW, insinuating that the other hosts did it. He says The Bellas are the winners and can leave the hot tub. He says tonight’s hosts have new opponents for the Hot Tub match. Mark Henry appears in a speedo and hops in the tub in between tonight’s hosts. They try to leave but Henry tells them to stick around and tell him about Hollywood. Hornswoggle pops up from under the water with a snorkel mask on.

– We go back to Cole and Lawler, talking about Shawn Michaels. They replay the earlier segment where Triple H was attacked by Sheamus when speaking about Shawn. We go to the ring.

Jack Swagger and Batista vs. John Cena and Randy Orton

Out first comes Jack Swagger with his Money in the Bank briefcase. Swagger takes a mic and says he told everyone last week he was going to win Money in the Bank. Swagger says he was just toying around with John Cena earlier tonight because when he really cashes in, he is the odds-on favorite to walk away with the WWE Title. Swagger’s music hits again as we go to commercial.

Back from commercial and out comes Batista to the ring. His music stops and another “you tapped out” chant starts. Out next is the WWE Champion John Cena. Cena comes to the ring as we wait to see who his partner is. Cena takes a mic and says he needs everyone’s attention for a major announcement. Cena says he’s an old friend of Batista’s. Voices starts playing and out comes Randy Orton as Cena’s tag team partner.

Batista is pissed at Orton for tagging with Cena. Orton stares Batista and Swagger down as he enters the ring. The bell rings and it’s Cena starting things out with Swagger. They lock up and go to the corner. Cena throws him from corner to corner and hits a big suplex. Cena tags in Orton. Orton stares at Batista and starts stomping on Swagger. A “RKO” chant breaks out. Orton hits the mat and gets hype. Swagger sees this and rolls out of the ring to the floor as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Swagger is in control of Cena after a big clothesline from Batista during the commercial. Cena tries to fight out but Swagger hits a suplex for a 2 count. Swagger runs and hits the big splash from the corner for another 2 count. Batista comes in and stomps on Cena and goes to work on the neck. Batista with a kick to the face and a 2 count. Batista hits a big spinebuster and goes for the Batista Bomb. Cena counters that with a backdrop. Orton and Swagger are tagged in at the same time. Orton unloads on Swagger and hits a big powerslam. Orton with the back breaker on Swagger for a 2 count as Batista makes the save. Batista then spears Cena. Orton hits Batista with an RKO. And an RKO for Swagger. Orton pins Swagger for the win.

Winners: Randy Orton and John Cena

– After the match, Cena and Orton exchange a look. Cena grabs his belt and leaves the ring. Orton goes to the top rope and does his trademark pose for the fans to a nice pop.

– We go to another Shawn Michaels career video. This one focuses on his match against Undertaker at last year’s WrestleMania. We take another commercial.

– Back from commercial and out comes Shawn Michaels for his farewell to the WWE Universe. Before Shawn can speak, The Undertaker’s music hits and out he comes to the stage. Taker simply tips his hat to Shawn and walks back to the back. The crowd starts chanting HBK’s name. Then they start chanting “please don’t go.” HBK starts getting emotional.

Shawn says it’s going to be tough getting used to not being there every week now. A fan in the crowd is shown crying. A “thank you Shawn” chant breaks out. Shawn thanks the fans. He says for a long time, the fans and the ring was the only thing he had in his life. More fans are shown crying. Shawn says he wants to thank so many people but he’s afraid he will forget somebody. He says there’s this one guy he has to thank though, Triple H. Shawn says years ago, a lot of people didn’t like him but Triple H was always there for him. Shawn thanks Triple H for a real friendship they have shared. Shawn talks about the WWE crew members and announcers. He mentions Jim Ross which gets a big pop. Shawn thanks all of the WWE crew for always making him look better than he actually was. Shawn says there’s a crazy redhead kid named Adam in Stamford who makes the WWE video packages. Shawn thanks the guy for making him look like a Superstar. A “one more match” chant breaks out from the crowd.

HBK says a lot of people will be skeptical of him returning but he says he doesn’t want to go back on his word to the fans or his word to Undertaker. Some “Whoo” chants break out. Shawn says he wants to honor his word and do everything in his power to make sure he doesn’t wrestle another match. Another “thank you Shawn” chant breaks out. Shawn says he has one more guy to thank and that’s Bret Hart. Shawn puts over Bret and thanks him for understanding and believing that Shawn was changed and forever honor their friendship. Shawn thanks Bret for giving him that opportunity. Shawn brings up Vince McMahon next and the crowd boo’s.

Shawn says there’s no way he could ever work for anyone else after working for Vince McMahon. Shawn thanks Vince for everything and for keeping him on course, allowing him to be standing here today. Another chant breaks out for Shawn. Shawn says he has traveled the world and met many people. Shawn goes on and another “HBK” chant breaks out. Shawn thanks Jesus Christ for saving him. He tells his wife and kids that he’s coming home. Shawn says this is how they started and this is how it’s going to end… The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels has left the building, Shawn says. Shawn waves goodbye as they applaud him. Shawn walks up the ramp touching hands with the fans. Shawn stops at the top of the ramp and waves goodbye again before clapping. His music hits and Triple H comes out and hugs him. Triple H pulls out DX glowsticks and sets them on the stage in the shape of an X. RAW goes off the air with Shawn Michaels walking to the back one final time.

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