Home News WWE RAW Results – April 14, 2014

WWE RAW Results – April 14, 2014


Ultimate Warrior Tribute

RAW opens live in the building where we see all of the WWE Superstars and WWE Divas standing on the stage. The titantron has a huge “in memory of” graphic. Michael Cole says tonight we will pay tribute to one of the greatest WWE Superstars of all-time. In the ring, Jerry Lawler introduces an Ultimate Warrior video package. After the video package, Lawler asks us to give a moment of silence as we toll the bell ten times. The bell is rung ten times as we see closeup shots of everyone on the stage, including Vince McMahon. Warrior’s music hits and the talent on stage lead the fans in a “Warrior” chant. We get some announcements informing us some of the matches scheduled for tonight and then we head to our first commercial break of the evening.

Intercontinental Title Contender Tournament
– Rob Van Dam vs. Alberto Del Rio

When we return from commercial, Justin Roberts introduces Alberto Del Rio, who is already in the ring. After that, Rob Van Dam’s music and he makes his way to the ring for this first-round WWE Intercontinental Championship number one contender tournament match.

RVD’s music fades down and immediately the fans break out into a loud “RVD” chant. The bell rings and Del Rio goes right to work on Van Dam. RVD eventually gets the better of Del Rio, who takes a break outside the ring to recover. The fans explode in another passionate “RVD” chant.

Back in the ring, Del Rio regains control of the offense and is taking it to Van Dam as the announcers put over some of the other first round matches in this tournament, all of which are scheduled to take place on tonight’s show. We see a shot of Big E. backstage watching the match. Meanwhile, Van Dam begins firing up on offense, but is cut short by a huge clothesline from Del Rio on the floor. We head to a mid-match commercial.

When we return from commercial, Del Rio remains in control of the former six-time I-C champ. We see some highlights of action that took place during the break. After that, Van Dam slightly botches a flying kick off the middle rope. Del Rio hits the Backstabber on Van Dam out of the blue for a near fall. Del Rio goes to the top-rope as another “RVD” chant breaks out. When Del Rio comes off the top, Van Dam catches him with a spin kick. Both guys are down.

We see another shot of Big E. looking on backstage as Del Rio continues his assault on Van Dam in the ring. Del Rio calls for his Cross Armbreaker. He goes for it, but Van Dam reverses into a scissor takedown into a pin attempt. He only gets two. Van Dam goes to the top and hits his Five Star Frogsplash. 1-2-3. Van Dam wins and advances in the tournament.

Winner and advancing in the tournament: Rob Van Dam

Backstage: Batista, Randy Orton & The Authority

After the match, we get a recap video of what went down last week between Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista and The Shield and Daniel Bryan. After that, we see Batista and Randy Orton entering Triple H and Stephanie McMahon’s office. They talk off-mic amongst each other and then we fade away. The announcers again talk about the legacy of Ultimate Warrior, and then they introduce a clip of Warrior from SummerSlam 1988.

Backstage: The Authority, Batista & Randy Orton Again

When we return from commercial, we see another glimpse into The Authority’s locker room, where Batista and Randy Orton are still standing. Triple H mentions that Daniel Bryan isn’t here tonight, but they have a bigger problem, which is The Shield. He says The Shield reminds him a lot of “us,” referring to Evolution. He says he’s not sure if anybody can stop them. Stephanie McMahon says she does, and she’s looking at them, again referring to Evolution. Triple H reiterates that when the three of them are on the same page, no one can stop them. Batista says that’s great, but he just wants to be champ. Orton agrees with Dave on this one, and informs Hunter that he’s on his own. They walk off.

Goldust & Cody Rhodes vs. Ryback & Curtis Axel

After the backstage segment we hear Goldust’s theme, as we see he and Cody Rhodes entering the ring. Already in the ring is the team of Ryback and Curtis Axel. The bell rings and Goldust and Axel start things off for their respective teams. Goldust takes the early offensive advantage and then tags in his little brother. Rhodes comes in and picks up where Goldust left off, taking it to Axel in the middle of the ring.

Cody drops an elbow to the arm of Axel. Cody hits a front suplex and rolls Axel up for a one count. Cody starts concentrating on the left arm of Axel. Goldust now tags back in. Goldust connects with a shot to the gut and drops an elbow for another one count. Axel fights back with a knee to the gut followed by a headbutt. Goldust hits the ropes and connects with his uppercut. Goldust goes after Ryback and Axel attacks him from behind. Axel lands in some stomps and tags in Ryback. Ryback and Axel hit a double clothesline in the corner and Ryback covers for a two count. Ryback chokes Goldust on the middle rope then hits some shoulder tackles in the corner.

Ryback hits a scoop slam and goes to the middle rope. He tags in Axel and Ryback hits a splsh. Axel comes off the middle rope with an ax handle and covers for a two count. Axel hits a knee to the gut then tags Ryback back in. Ryback hits a back kick and covers for another two count. Ryback now locks in a rear chin lock. Goldust fights back to his feet, but Ryback takes him back down and locks in the rear chin lock again. Goldust back to his feet against and lands some body shots, but Ryback whips him into the corner. Ryback charges and eats a back elbow by Goldust. Goldust makes the tag to Cody.

Cody fights off a gorilla press and lands a right hand. Cody goes to the top and hits a moonsault on Ryback. Ryback rolls to the outside. Cody spring boards to the top rope and hits a splash on the outside to Ryback. Ryback back in the ring. Cody hits a spring board drop kick for a near fall. Axel low bridges Goldust out of the ring and eats a disaster kick for his troubles. Rhodes goes for the Disaster Kick, but misses and Ryback ends up nailing him with the Meathook Clothesline. 1-2-3. RyBaxel wins. We head to commercial.

Winners: Ryback & Curtis Axel

WWE Divas Championship
– Paige (c) vs. Alicia Fox

When we return from commercial, a new “Bo-Lieve” promo airs. After that, the new WWE Divas Champion Paige makes her way to the ring. Already in the ring is her opponent for tonight, Alicia Fox. Footage airs last week of Paige winning the title over AJ Lee.

The bell rings and our Divas Championship match is now officially underway. Fox gets the upper-hand straight out of the gate as the announcers bicker back-and-forth for the first time tonight. Fox dominates Paige for several minutes and then the Divas Champion turns things around with a big kick.

Paige enjoys a series of offensive attacks and then locks Fox in a weird submission-type move. Fox has no choice but to tap out. Paige gets the submission victory and retains her WWE Divas Championship.

Winner and STILL WWE Divas Champion: Paige