Home News WWE RAW Results – June 16, 2014

WWE RAW Results – June 16, 2014


The Authority Addresses The WWE Roster

This week’s show opens up live inside the arena in Cleveland, Ohio where we see the entire roster standing at the top of the entrance way. We see the titles hanging above the ring and then Triple H’s “King of Kings” theme plays. Out he comes with Stephanie McMahon and the two walk past the roster and make their way to the ring. On commentary, Michael Cole explains the title situation with Daniel Bryan and the message from Dr. Joseph Maroon from last week airs.

The music fades and Stephanie welcomes everybody to Monday Night RAW. She says they called all of the Superstars and Divas out for a reason. Triple H talks about how everyone fights year-round to prove they are the best and to become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Stephanie uses HHH as an example, calling him the greatest of all-time. Everyone in Cleveland boo’s. Stephanie says everyone on the roster has been represented by a B+ player like Daniel Bryan. The entire arena breaks out in a huge “Yes!” chant. HHH says Bryan’s problem isn’t his ability, it’s his heart. He says Bryan didn’t man-up and act like a fighting champion.

HHH says that standing on that stage right now may very well be the next WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Stephanie says that’s right and it’s because The Authority is all about opportunity. She questions who will join those who have qualified for the Money In The Bank ladder match for the title, as she runs down all of those who have qualified thus far. She says we’ll find out who joins those who have qualified as all of you will compete in a battle royal. HHH says not everyone will participate in the battle royal. He says certain Superstars have refused to evolve and they will not be in the battle royal. He says Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose will not get to be in the battle royal to fight for the opportunity.

He includes John Cena on that list as well, so Cena won’t be able to fight for the chance in the battle royal. He will get a chance to be in the ladder match for the title, but he has to win his match tonight — which is a stretcher match against Kane. Kane’s music plays as an ambulance backs onto the stage and a stretcher is shown being pulled out of the back of it and brought to the ring. Sheamus vs. Bray Wyatt is also announced for later tonight, but up next Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler will kick things off in the ring for tonight’s RAW. Before that happens, however, Kane’s music hits and he walks out to the top of the stage and stares at the stretcher and ambulance. The announcers hype the Kane vs. Cena stretcher match for later tonight as we head to our first commercial break of the evening.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Seth Rollins

When we return from commercial, Dolph Ziggler’s theme music hits and he makes his way to the ring. The announcers talk about WWE’s partnership with the Special Olympics. Out next is Ziggler’s opponent for tonight, former member of The Shield — Seth Rollins. Rollins has new theme music again, by the way. Highlights of Rollins original turn on The Shield are shown as he makes his way to the ring.

The bell sounds and here we go. Rollins’ ring gear is pretty much the same as when he was in The Shield, only he doesn’t have a vest on, he’s got a skin-tight Nike sleeveless black mesh shirt and black cargo-type pants. The crowd is hot for this one, as they are mixing up a bunch of different chants. Rollins takes the early offensive lead over Ziggler, but Ziggler quickly takes over. The fans unify on a loud “you sold out” chant directed at Rollins.

It isn’t long before Rollins takes over the offense of the match. He has Ziggler grounded as Cole recaps the announcements made by The Authority in the opening segment of tonight’s show. Ziggler lands a picture-perfect dropkick to change the tide of the match. We head to a mid-match commercial on that note.

We’re back from the break and we see Rollins covering Ziggler for a two-count. The announcers plug the action from the break that was available on the WWE App. Meanwhile, Rollins throws Ziggler out of the ring. He goes for a dive through the ropes but Ziggler catches him coming through with a big punch from the floor.

Back in the ring, Ziggler hits the ten-punch spot on Rollins in the corner. Rollins ends up slowing down Ziggler’s momentum with a kick to the back of the head.

Rollins is stalking Ziggler, but Ziggler blasts out of nowhere with a quick-DDT for a close near fall that the fans nearly bought into. Ziggler hits a standing cross-body on Rollins. He goes for the FameAsser but Rollins avoids it. Ziggler jumps on Rollins back with a sleeper-hold out of the blue but Rollins ends up getting him off of him. Ziggler catches Rollins out of nowhere with a FameAsser for a close near fall that the fans did buy into this time. Both guys are down.

A “Let’s go Ziggler” chant spreads throughout the arena in Cleveland as both guys get up. Ziggler rolls Rollins up but Rollins kicks out at two. Rollins does a throwing powerbomb into the turnbuckle on Ziggler. Rollins does another one of those and then hits the Curb Stomp.

Winner: No Contest

After The Match: Dean Ambrose Attacks, Bad News Barrett Arrives

Before he can pin him, however, Dean Ambrose hits the ring in jeans and a lethar jacket. Ambrose is all over Rollins like wildfire. Rollins ducks out the back door and heads up the ramp. Ambrose gets on the mic and says things between them won’t be over until he gets his hands on him for real.

Ambrose challenges Rollins to come down to the ring. As Rollins goes to head to the ring, Triple H appears on the titan tron. HHH tells Ambrose he’s afraid he’s got some bad news for him. With that said, Bad News Barrett’s theme hits and he makes his way to the ring for what I assume will be a one-on-one match against Ambrose. We head to commercial.

Dean Ambrose vs. Bad News Barrett

When we return from commercial, Ambrose, in blue jeans and a black sleeveless shirt, is pummeling Barrett in the center of the ring. It isn’t long, however, before Bad News is in control of the offense.

Barrett dominates for a couple of minutes until Ambrose fires up and starts making a comeback. Ambrose knocks Barrett out to the floor and then hits a dive on him over the ropes. Ambrose continues his attack on Barrett outside the ring as a “let’s go Ambrose” chant breaks out.

Back in the ring, Ambrose goes to the top rope. Barrett ends up knocking him off and out to the floor. Ambrose sells his shoulder on the ground as Barrett recovers in the ring.

Barrett goes out to the floor to work over Ambrose some more, as he focuses his attack on the injured arm of Ambrose. We head to a mid-match commercial on this note.

We’re back from the break and we see Barrett in control of Ambrose with ease. Barrett continues to work over Ambrose’s shoulder, which was first injured on SmackDown and has been “re-injured” here in this match tonight.

Ambrose starts firing up on offense, all-the-while selling the fact that he’s only got one arm to work with, until Barrett hits the Winds of Change to regain control of the offense.

Ambrose gets control of Barrett but from out of nowhere, Rollins shows up standing on top of the announce table. He hits the ring but Ambrose knocks him down to the flloor. Ambrose throws Barrett out to the floor. Ambrose goes after Rollins, knocking him into the crowd and following him in to keep beating him up. Barrett goes back in the ring and Ambrose gets counted out.

Winner: Bad News Barrett

After The Match: Dean Ambrose Attacks

After the match, Rollins finally gets away from Ambrose and runs through the crowd and to the back. Ambrose re-enters the ring and beats up Barrett some more. Ambrose’s new solo theme music plays.