WWE RAW Results & Live Coverage (3/4)

The March 4th, 2019 edition of WWE RAW took place at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, PA.

– Roman Reigns comes out to the ring to kick off this week’s show. Reigns gets on the mic and says last week was the comeback, and this week he takes his yard back. Reigns talks about what he wants now that he’s back, and brings out Seth Rollins next, who has a shot at the Universal Title at WrestleMania. Rollins steps in the ring and hugs Reigns. Rollins starts off saying that Reigns’ comeback means the world to him, and he’s going to take that inspiration to WrestleMania to beat Brock Lesnar. Rollins says he knows what Reigns is thinking, and he knows what it’s like to have to vacate a Title and never lose it. Rollins says Reigns deserves at opportunity at Lesnar as much as he does. Reigns says while he was gone, Rollins was the one who watched over RAW and kept things in line. Reigns says he knows Rollins has what it takes to beat Brock, and he wishes him good luck at WrestleMania. Reigns says he wants a favor, though. Reigns says he wants to get the band back together one last time. Rollins says anything but that, after what Ambrose did. Reigns says he wants one more run with his brothers. Rollins says life is short and if Reigns wants The Shield one more time, then Rollins is in. Reigns tells Ambrose to come out to the ring. Ambrose comes out to the stage with a mic, and then Elias runs out and attacks Ambrose from behind with a guitar. Reigns and Rollins chase off Elias as Ambrose sells the guitar shot. Ambrose brushes off Reigns and Rollins and heads backstage alone without them.

– Still to come: Stephanie McMahon gives an update on Ronda Rousey’s status; and Triple H comments on Batista attacking Ric Flair last week.

– Drew McIntyre, Baron Corbin, Bobby Lashley and Lio Rush are backstage for an interview. Drew says he broke The Shield months ago, and they are three pathetic individuals living in the past. Corbin says the real story is their six-man tag match tonight against Braun Strowman, Finn Balor and Kurt Angle.

Kurt Angle, Finn Balor & Braun Strowman vs. Baron Corbin, Bobby Lashley & Drew McIntyre: Braun and Corbin start this one off, and Braun starts off strong. He knocks Corbin to the outside and slams him into the barricade before bringing it back in the ring. McIntyre tags in now and trades blows with Braun in the corner. Balor tags in for the double team on McIntyre. McIntyre comes back with a knee to the ribs of Balor, then Lashley tags in to continue the offense on Balor. Balor fights back with a flurry of offense until Lio Rush cheap-shots him from the apron behind the ref’s back. Corbin takes advantage of the cheap shot and pummels on Balor, then Drew tags back in. Balor dodges a shot and tags in Kurt. Kurt hits a series of German suplexes on Drew. Drew misses a shot in the corner and Kurt hits another German. Kurt looks for the Olympic Slam, but Drew escapes and hits a kick. They flip around on the mat and Kurt locks in the Ankle Lock. Lashley runs in, so Kurt releases the hold and suplexes Lashley. Drew takes advantage of the distraction with a headbutt to Kurt. Corbin tags in now and goes at it with Angle. Angle ends up dumping Corbin outside and tagging in Strowman. Strowman cleans house and drops Corbin as soon as he gets back in the ring. Strowman hits the running powerslam on Corbin, then Balor tags in and hits the Coup De Grace. Balor pins, but Lio Rush yanks on Balor’s foot to break up the pin, and the ref didn’t see it. Balor chases Lio around the ring, until Lashley catches Balor and slams him into the ring post. Strowman runs around the ring to tackle Lashley, but Lashley side-steps him and Braun crashes into Lio. Braun and Lio both crash through the fan barricade. Back in the ring, Lashley hits a spear on Balor for the three count.

Winners: Baron Corbin, Bobby Lashley & Drew McIntyre

– After the match, the winners beat down Angle and Balor, while Strowman is still down by the timekeeper’s area. They nail Kurt with the ring steps, then they put the ring steps in the ring. Drew boots Balor in the face, then they get ready to slam Balor into the ring steps. Lashley and Corbin hit a double chokeslam on Balor on to the ring steps.

– Heavy Machinery is backstage for an interview. The interviewer says their cameras caught some of the other tag teams talking trash about Heavy Machinery, and then they roll the footage of The Ascension, The B Team, and Ryder & Hawkins. Back to Heavy Machinery, Otis says that hurt his feelings, and Tucker says Otis hurts people who hurt his feelings.

Natalya vs. Ruby Riott: The Riott Squad is at ringside. Ruby starts off strong in this one and tries to keep Natalya grounded in the opening moments. Natalya breaks free and hits a discus clothesline, then she drops Ruby and applies the Sharpshooter. Ruby breaks free and slaps Natalya across the face. Ruby rolls Natalya into a small package pin, but Natalya reverses it into a pin of her own for the three count.

Winner: Natalya

– On her way up the ramp, Lacey Evans comes out and walks past her. She walks down the ramp and walks back.

– Michael Cole introduces a video package looking at Batista assaulting Ric Flair last week on RAW.

– The hosts of Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update walk in to Stephanie McMahon’s office, and she mentions that they’ll be hosting WrestleMania too.

– We see a video from Batista’s Instagram page where he says he’s not at RAW tonight because he doesn’t like Philadelphia. He tells Triple H they are going to play the game by his rules.

– Triple H comes out to the ring and gets on the mic. Triple H talks about his history and friendship with Ric Flair. He gets to Batista attacking Flair last week, and he talks about Batista crying about his wrestling career online, and now he’s got Triple H’s attention. Triple H says Batista always quit when the fans didn’t react how he wanted or he didn’t get what he want. Triple H criticizes Batista for attacking Flair to get his attention, and then trying to play the typical bad guy on the big screen trashing Philly. Triple H says he’ll do it wherever he wants, he’ll show up to Batista’s house or Batista can show up to his house. HHH says he’ll be at every building WWE goes to, so Batista just has to have some balls and show up. Triple H says Batista won’t be fighting the character Triple H, he’ll be facing the man. Triple H says Batista has his attention now, and he walks off.

– Stephanie McMahon is backstage for an interview. Stephanie says that when Ronda laid the Women’s Championship on the mat it was disrespectful and blasphemy. She says they’re doing what’s best for business, and they’re dropping charges against Becky Lynch, and her suspension is lifted. Stephanie says she invited Becky to the arena tonight to sign a new contract since she’s not medically cleared. She says Becky will go against Charlotte at Fastlane for the currently vacant RAW Women’s Championship.

– Dean Ambrose is shown backstage. Roman Reigns walks over and tells Ambrose they can talk about anything he wants to. Ambrose says he has to stay sharp and get ready for his match.

Heavy Machinery tag team gauntlet match: This one is a gauntlet match. First up is the B Team. Otis runs over Axel to start off, then pummels on him in the corner. Tucker tags in for the double team. Tucker misses a shot in the corner and Axel comes back with some kicks. Dallas tags in, but Tucker fights off the double team and tags in Otis. They double team Dallas for the three count. The Ascension enters the match now. Konnor and Viktor double team Tucker in the opening moments. Konnor misses a shot in the corner, then Otis and Viktor tag in. Otis cleans house and hits a fallaway slam on Viktor. Otis hits a splash in the corner, then he hits a Vader Bomb off the middle rope for the three count. Hawkins and Ryder enter the match now. Hawkins and Ryder double team Otis early on, and Ryder hits a springboard splash for a two count. Hawkins tags in and Otis shuts him down with a pop up powerslam. Otis hits The Worm and an elbow drop for the three count.

Winners: Heavy Machinery

– Michael Cole introduces a special look at the new “Captain Marvel” movie.

– Next week: Batista will be on RAW to meet Triple H face-to-face.

– The guys from SNL are backstage talking about their hosting duties at WresleMania. They walks past EC3 cleaning a mirror in front of himself and say they’ve never seen that before. Titus walks over and asks for a picture. No Way Jose and his conga line dance by them next.

– Michael Cole introduces a video package looking at Torrie Wilson’s career, as she’s been inducted into the Hall of Fame this year.

– Charlotte does an interview backstage where she talks about how “The Man” Becky doesn’t compare to The Queen. Charlotte says she’s going to put Becky on the shelf for good, because Becky is a one-legged competitor in an ass kicking contest.

– Seth Rollins approaches Dean Ambrose backstage. Rollins says they haven’t always gotten along, but Ambrose is his wrestling soul mate and he always will be. Rollins says they have one last shot to get The Shield back together. Ambrose says no can do, because he’s got business to take care of on his own. Rollins walks off.

– Elias is in the ring singing a song trashing Philadelphia. Dean Ambrose comes out to interrupt, and we have a match.

Dean Ambrose vs. Elias: The opening bell sounds and both men trade strikes in the middle of the ring. Ambrose gets the upper hand and stomps a mud hole in Elias in the corner. Ambrose clotheslines Elias out to ringside and then slams him into the fan barricade. Back in the ring, Elias comes back and hits the Old School off the top. Elias then misses a shot and falls outside, and Ambrose hits a suicide dive on him. Back in the ring, Ambrose hits a series of strikes, but then he misses a shot in the corner and Elias takes him down. Elias looks for a suplex but Ambrose escapes. Ambrose hits a neckbreaker and both men are down. Ambroe is selling a back injury from Elias’ attack earlier tonight. Ambrose goes up top and comes flying down for a clothesline, but Elias intercepts him with a knee to the face in mid-air. Elias follows up with the Drift Away for the three count.

Winner: Elias

– After the match, Rollins and Reigns come out to the stage and walk down to the ring to talk to Ambrose. Rollins and Reigns ask Ambrose again to re-form The Shield with them. Ambrose walks past Rollins and Reigns and exits the arena through the crowd. Corbin, McIntyre and Lashley come out to the stage, and Corbin has a mic. He says this is pathetic, and Drew says the “hounds of justice” are three stray dogs. Drew says this isn’t the return Roman envisioned, and they’re pathetic, and they’re going to end this right now. Drew, Corbin and Lashley surround the ring, with Reigns and Rollins in it. They start brawling in the ring, and then Dean Ambrose runs back down to the ring to help. The three Shield members clear the ring. Reigns and Rollins put their fists together, then Ambrose puts his fist with theirs, and Reigns’ music hits.

– Becky Lynch is shown backstage, still walking on a crutch.

Sasha Banks vs. Tamina: Nia Jax and Bayley are at ringside for this one. Tamina starts off strong and pummels on Sasha in the corner. Sasha fights back and hits a running knee strike in the corner on Tamina. Tamina fires back with a headbutt, but then she misses a splash and Sasha fights back. Tamina looks for a Samoan Drop, but Sasha reverses into a sleeper attempt. Tamina throws Sasha off and looks for a superkick, but Sasha dodges it. Tamina misses a spear in the corner and Sasha takes her down. Sasha applies the Banks Statement, but Nia pulls Tamina out of the ring by the leg to break the hold. Bayley comes over and Nia throws her down. Sasha hits a flying knee strike off the apron on Nia. Back in the ring, Nia cheap-shots Sasha behind the ref’s back, and Tamina hits a superkick for the three count.

Winner: Tamina

– The guys from SNL go their separate ways in the backstage area, and Colin runs into Braun Strowman. Strowman throws off Colin’s Met’s hat. Colin asks him if any of this stuff is even real, and Braun picks him up by the neck and holds him against the wall, and asks what he thinks. Back from the commercial break, referees are yelling at Braun to drop him. Braun lets go and says he’ll see them at WrestleMania.

The Revival (c) vs. Ricochet & Aleister Black: Black and Ricochet do an interview at the gorilla position before the match. Black and Wilder start this off, and The Revival double teams Black early on to take control. Black comes back with a springboard moonsault, but The Revival is still able to keep him isolated and trade frequent tags. Chad Gable and Bobby Roode come out to ringside for a closer look. Black fires back with a knee to the face of Dawson. Wilder tags in for the double team, but Black escapes and tags in Ricochet. Ricochet fights off both Dawson and Wilder, and he rolls up Wilder for a two count. Ricochet knees Wilder in the face, then Dawson runs in but Ricochet sends him out to the ringside floor. Ricochet hits a flying uppercut on Wilder and he falls out to ringside. Roode and Gable put the boots to The Revival at ringside, and the ref calls for the bell.

Winners via DQ: The Revival

– Ricochet and Black yell at Roode and Gable after the match. Roode and Gable get in the ring and get in their faces. They end up brawling in the ring until Ricochet and Black dump them both outside. Ricochet and Black blackflip off the ropes and sit down in the ring and stare down Roode and Gable.

– Still to come: A contract signing between Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair for Fastlane.

– Michael Cole and Renee Young introduce a Women’s History Month video package.

– Stephanie McMahon comes out to the ring with the vacant RAW Women’s Title belt and a clipboard. Stephanie steps in the ring and gets on the mic. She introduces a replay of Rona Rousey dropping her RAW Women’s Title belt in the ring last week. Stephanie says it’s time to rectify this situation, and she introduces Charlotte. She introduces Becky Lynch next, and Becky comes out walking with a crutch. Stephanie says they need a Champion, so this Sunday, Charlotte and Becky will go one on one to determine the new RAW Women’s Champion. Stephanie says that because Becky isn’t medically cleared, she has to sign an agreement saying she won’t sue WWE if she gets injured worse during the match. Charlotte and Becky briefly exchange words, and Stephanie tries to get Becky to focus on signing the contract. Becky signs it, and their match for Sunday is official. On the big screen we see Ronda Rousey coming in from the parking lot in to the arena. Ronda Rousey comes out to the ring and gets in Stephanie’s face. Stephanie says Ronda gave her no other choice, but Ronda says she didn’t vacate her Title, she just wanted Becky to be added to the match. Ronda tells Stephanie to giver her the Title back, and Stephanie hands the belt back to her. Stephanie says that at Fastlane, Becky will still face Charlotte. If Becky loses, she’s done, if she wins she’ll be added to the Title match at WrestleMania. Ronda says she has free range to do anything she wants, because Stephanie just wants to make money and doesn’t care about Becky and Charlotte’s frail bodies. Ronda yells about the fans booing her, and says she’s done entertaining, everyone knows she would break Charlotte and Becky’s noses just by sneezing at them. Ronda then kicks down Charlotte and pummels on Becky. She puts Becky in the arm bar, as Charlotte and Stephanie watch from ringside. Ronda pummels on Becky again and puts her in another arm bar. Ronda lets go and holds up her Title belt. Charlotte backs up the ramp, and Ronda continues the beat down on Becky in the ring. Ronda puts Becky in another arm bar, then she lets go and holds up her Title belt again. Stephanie is backstage for an interview. She says what just happened in the ring is completely ridiculous, and Ronda is the animal that Stephanie knew she was. She says Ronda has no regard for her opponents, the fans, Stephanie, or WWE. Stephanie says she’s sick to her stomach about Ronda beating down Becky. Stephanie says Ronda is going to get what’s coming to her. Stephanie says she has a lot to think about, and Ronda’s behavior needs to be addressed, and it might impact Ronda’s career. Fastlane is this Sunday!

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