The June 3, 2019 edition of WWE RAW took pace at the Frank Erwin Center in Austin, Texas.
– Roman Reigns comes out to the ring to kick off tonight’s show. Michael Cole tells us on commentary that Brock Lesnar will be cashing in his Money In The Bank contract tonight, and they are awaiting Brock’s arrival at the back of the arena. Before Reigns can say anything in the ring, Shane McMahon comes out to interrupt. Shane gets on the mic on the stage and talks to Reigns about his plans to beat him at the Super Show Down. Shane says he’s going to make Reigns tap out for the first time in his career, and he’s going to triangle choke Reigns until his eyes pop out of his head. Reigns tells Shane to shut up, and says if Shane tries to triangle choke him, Reigns is going to powerbomb him. Drew comes out to join Shane and says he doesn’t like the Texas fans’ attitudes towards him and Shane. Drew talks trash to Reigns, then The Revival hits the ring from behind and attacks Reigns. Shane and Drew join in, but then The Usos come out for the save. The Revival, Shane and Drew roll out to ringside as The Usos and Reigns stand tall in the ring. It looks like we have a match.
Here comes the ?! #Raw @shanemcmahon
— WWE (@WWE) June 4, 2019
– The Revival & Drew McMintyre vs. The Usos & Roman Reigns: Jey hits a superkick on Wilder early on and looks for the big splash, but Dawson pulls him out to safety at ringside. The Usos hit a double suicide dive on both Revival members at ringside. Back in the ring, Uso continues the offense on Wilder. Dawson causes a distraction from ringside and Wilder hits a cheap shot on Uso, then Drew tags in. Drew continues the offense and looks for a pin but Reigns breaks it up and stares down Drew. Dawson tags in for the double team on Uso. Reigns finally gets the tag, and Drew tags in too. Reigns drops Drew and then looks for the Superman Punch, but Drew ducks it and counters with a headbutt. Jey gets the tag and superkicks Drew, but then a distraction from the ringside leads to Drew hitting a cheap shot for the three count.
Winner: Drew McIntyre & The Revival
– After the bell, The Revival gets in the ring and hits the Shatter Machine on Reigns. Then they hold up Reigns and Shane spears Reigns and mocks him.
This is TOO FAR, @ShaneMcMahon. #RAW #WWESSD @WWERomanReigns
— WWE (@WWE) June 4, 2019
– Still to come: The Miz hosts Miz TV with Seth Rollins.
– Lance Armstrong and Matthew McConaughey are shown sitting in the front row.
– The Miz comes out to the ring to host Miz TV, and he introduces his guest WWE Universal Champion Seth Rollins, and talks about the looming threat of Brock Lesnar’s Money In The Bank cash-in. Rollins comes out to the ring and says that Heyman never tells the truth, and he’ll believe it when he sees it regarding Lesnar cashing in tonight. Rollins points out that despite not a single soul in the world liking Baron Corbin, Corbin is the number one contender for his Universal Title, so Rollins is focused on stomping Corbin’s head into the mat. On the big screen, we see an SUV pull up to the back of the arena, and Heyman and Lesnar hop out. Heyman says “let’s cash in,” and Lesnar shoves the briefcase into Heyman’s chest. Lesnar and Heyman start walking into the arena, and Heyman exclaims “here comes the pain,” but then they stop and walk away from the entrance. It looks like they won’t cash in right now, but Cole says he will still cash in tonight.
– Lucha House Party vs. Lars Sullivan: The opening bell never sounds before they start going at it. The three Lucha House Party members gang up on Sullivan, but Sullivan overpowers them and fights back. The Luchas start fighting back, and they hit a triple dropkick on Lars that knocks him out to ringside. Lars is still on his feet at ringside and he screams at the Luchas in the ring.
Winner: No contest
Teamwork makes the dream work! #Raw @WWEGranMetalik @LuchadorLD @KalistoWWE #Raw
— WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) June 4, 2019
– The Iiconics are backstage talking trash to Nikki cross in the locker room. Alexa Bliss interrupts and The Iiconics leave. Alexa offers her friendship to Nikki, and Nikki says she already is friends with Alexa.
– Still to come: Rey Mysterio addresses the WWE Universe; Braun Strowman vs. Bobby Lashley in an arm wrestling match; and The Undertaker returns.
– RAW Women’s Champion Becky Lynch comes down to the ring. Becky says she won’t become a content fighter, and Charlotte and Lacey Evans ganging up on her woke something up in her. She says there is no woman in this business who can keep her down, and she will get to anyone who has wronged her. Lacey comes out to interrupt. Lacey says “Becky Two Belts” shouldn’t be the face to represent the women of WWE, and they exchange words. Lacey says when she gets her hand on Becky, she will become “Becky No Belts.” Charlotte comes out to interrupt and also talks trash to Becky, but then Lacey interrupts and starts talking trash to Charlotte. Lacey calls Charlotte a daddy’s girl who needs attention. Charlotte says she’s on her way to beating her dad’s Championship record, and Lacey has only been here for like four minutes. Lacey says Charlotte is yesterday’s news and she should run back to SmackDown, because Lacey is the new face of WWE. Lacey hits Charlotte across the face, and Charlotte is stunned. It looks like we have a match.
"When I'm pissed off, and believe me I'M PISSED OFF, there is not a woman who can KEEP ME DOWN!" – #RAW #WomensChampion @BeckyLynchWWE
— WWE (@WWE) June 4, 2019
–Charlotte vs. Lacey Evans: Becky is at ringside. The opening bell sounds and Charlotte and Lacey immediately start brawling all over the ring. Charlotte throws Lacey out to ringside in front of Becky. Back in the ring, Lacey and Charlotte trade holds on the mat. Lacey starts getting the upper hand, but Charlotte comes back with a big boot to take control of the pace. Lacey comes back with a kick of her own, but then she misses a slingshot elbow drop. Charlotte comes back with a backbreaker and a clothesline. Lacey starts fighting back in this fairly evenly matched fight, but then Becky gets tired of watching and she yanks Charlotte out to ringside. The ref calls for the DQ.
Winner via DQ: Lacey Evans
– Rey Mysterio comes out to the ring to relinquish his U.S. Championship due to injury. Rey gets on the mic and says this is in his blood and his family’s blood, and he’s been in WWE for a long time. Rey talks about his son Dominic training to do what we does, and he has trust that he will carve a path of his own. But tonight, Rey says he has to set the right example tonight and do the right thing as a man and as a Champion. Rey starts talking about his shoulder injury and his Title, but then Samoa Joe comes out to interrupt. Joe walks down to the ring and apologizes to Rey for interrupting his big moment, but he heard Rey say the world “Champion” and Joe thought that was his que. Joe starts arguing that Rey never beat him and his shoulders never touched the mat. Rey says he’s not here to have a moment or fool anybody, and this isn’t the moment he wanted it to be, but he’s won Championships his whole career through pain and injuries, and if he’s man enough to do that then he’s man enough to do this. Rey tells Joe to give him a moment, and he continues with his statement. Rey says due to his shoulder injury, he’s here to relinquish his United States Championship to Samoa Joe. Rey lays the U.S. Title on the ring, and says he’ll be back. As Rey is exiting the ring, Samoa Joe blindsides Rey and attacks him. Joe puts Rey in the Coquina Clutch and chokes him out in the ring until referees pull him off.
.@SamoaJoe has regained the #USTitle from an injured @reymysterio, but at what cost? #RAW
— WWE (@WWE) June 4, 2019
– Brock Lesnar is shown backstage putting his gloves on in his locker room, and Paul Heyman is on the phone.
– We see pre-taped promos from Cesaro and Ricochet promoting their singles match tonight.
– Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley come out to the ring for an arm wrestling match. There is a podium in the ring for them to have it on, and referee Rudy Charles is there to officiate it. Braun and Lashley almost get into a brawl early on, but the referees restore order. They start the arm wrestling, but their hands seem to slip apart so the referee calls for a reset and they put chalk on their hands. They start arm wrestling again, and after briefly struggling back and forth, Strowman wins. After Braun is declared winner, Bobby throws the lifting chalk in BRaun’s eyes. Braun is blinded and Lashley picks him apart now. Lashley hits the running powerslam on Strowman then leaves.
.@BraunStrowman wins tonight's #ArmWrestlingMatch against @fightbobby, but will he win this Friday's match against #TheAllMighty at #WWESSD as well? #RAW
— WWE (@WWE) June 4, 2019
– Michael Cole shows us video footage of 24/7 Champion R-Truth with Carmella on a golf course. Jinder Mahal appears in his ring attire and attacks truth, then rolls him up for the three count to take the 24/7 Title. Truth then comes back and rolls up Jinder for the three count to regain his Title.
– Back in the arena, we see Drake Maverick and EC3 sneaking around looking for R-Truth.
– Nikki Cross vs. Peyton Royce: Billie Kaye and Alexa Bliss are at ringside for this one. Peyton starts off strong and stomps on Nikki in the corner. Peyton misses a shot and Nikki comes back with a choke attempt. Peyton fights her off and applies a shoulder submission. Alexa has someone bring coffee to her at ringside, which distracts Peyton. Peyton kicks Alexa’s coffee out of her hand from the ring, then Billie runs up to Alexa and Alexa slips on her coffee on the ringside mats. Back in the ring, Nikki hits a suplex/neckbreaker on Peyton for the three count.
Winner: Nikki Cross
– After the match, Alexa runs in ther ing and attacks Billie. Nikki celebrates with Alexa in the ring.
– Brock Lesnar is shown warming up in his dressing room.
– Universal Champion Seth Rollins is walking backstage, and it looks like he’s heading to the gorilla position.
– After the break, Seth Rollins comes out to the ring to call out Lesnar. Lesnar’s music hits, but he doesn’t come out and the music stops. Rollins says he’s sick of Brock’s games just like everyone else. Rollins says Lesnar used to be one of the most feared men on planet earth, now he’s a shell of that. Rollins dares Lesnar to come out, but Baron Corbin comes out instead. Corbin gets on the mic and says Rollins need to worry about him and not Lesnar. Rollins tells Corbin he’ll have to take his Title from his cold dead hands, and Corbin says he’s already with that. Rollins throws a right hand at Corbin and they start brawling all over the ring. Corbin starts to get the upper hand, until Rollins catches him with a kick to the head that knocks Corbin out to ringside. Rollins follows up with a suicide dive on Corbin on the floor. Lesnar’s music hits again and Rollins gets back in the ring, but Lesnar doesn’t come out. Corbin gets back in the ring and hits the End of Days on Rollins. Lesnar’s music hits and this time Lesnar does come out to the ring, with Paul Heyman and a referee. Lesnar kicks Rollins between the legs, then he nails Rollins with a steel chair a few times. Brock hits Rollins with a German Suplex. Heyman yells at Brock to cash in the contract now, but Brock says not now, and he nails Rollins with the steel chair again, then he throws Rollins out to ringside. Lesnar hits an F-5 on Rollins on the ringside floor. Back in the ring, Lesnar nails Rollins with the chair a few more times. Heyman yells again to cash in now, but Brock goes back to Rollins for another German suplex. Heyman pleads with Brock to cash in now, but Brock shakes his head now. Brock says “Friday,” and Heyman complains that he promised everyone they’d cash in tonight. Brock starts to leave with Heyman, but then Brock turns around and gets back in the ring with the briefcase. Brock hits Rollins with the case, and then a few more times with the steel chair. Brock and Heyman leave again with the case. Medics come out and put Rollins on a stretcher.
.@BrockLesnar isn't concerned with cashing in his #MITB contract. #TheBeast just wants to HURT #UniversalChampion @WWERollins! #RAW @HeymanHustle
— WWE (@WWE) June 4, 2019
– Back from the break, we see Rollins on a stretcher being taken into an ambulance, and Becky Lynch is there helping. Becky gets in the ambulance and rides with Rollins. Jamie Noble sends them off.
– It’s time for Bray Wyatt’s Firefly Fun House. Bray is wearing 1980’s style workout gear, and he starts talking to a pig puppet named Huskus who doesn’t take care of himself. Bray gives a pep talk to the pig to get in shape, then a devil puppet enters the door and Bray calls it boss. The devil puppet looks like Vince and is wearing a suit. Bray tells the Vince devil puppet that he will get huskus into shape, and then we cut to an 80’s style workout video of Bray singing about pulling up your pants and doing the muscle man dance. We see Bray’s other puppets in the video. The pig says he feels better already, and Bray says that’s what happens when you trust him. Bray reminds everyone to let him in, and the segment comes to a close.
.@WWEBrayWyatt is here to help one of his special friends get in shape! #Raw #FireflyFunHouse
— WWE (@WWE) June 4, 2019
– Triple H is shown walking through the hallways of the arena.
– Back from the break, Triple H comes out to the ring and gets on the mic. He says he’s here tonight to talk about Randy Orton, and Orton immediately comes out to the ring to face him. Triple H says it’s been a long time since he’s stared into Orton’s eyes. He says that these segments are meant to drum up interest for a fight, but he and Orton can’t say anything to each other they haven’t already said in their past. Triple H tells Orton not to let the suit fool you, he’s going to kick Orton’s ass Friday. Orton says he’s not Batista, and he would gladly put another notch on his belt by taking out Triple H at Super ShowDown. Triple H says lots of people have tried to take him out, but they’re all gone and he’s still here. Triple H starts to leave, but before he leaves, Orton tells HHH he should retrieve his balls from Stephanie purse before their match Friday. Triple H gets back in the ring, and says that’s a hell of an idea, they’re just so big that it’s a burden carrying them around, but maybe he can put them in his carry-on bag. He says Orton wouldn’t know because Orton has never had any. HHH leaves again and heads to the back.
Ummmmmmmm…. No comment. #RAW #WWESSD @RandyOrton @TripleH
— WWE (@WWE) June 4, 2019
– Baron Corbin does an interview backstage where he says he’s shaken up about Rollins leaving in an ambulance earlier. Corbin says he’s going to leave now so he can celebrate, and says Brock did him a favor. Corbin tells the WWE Universe that you’re looking at your new next Universal Champion.
– Ricochet vs. Cesaro: The opening bell sounds and Cesaro starts off strong with a shoulder tackle and a backbreaker. Cesaro slams Ricochet in the corner and then goes for a sleeper. Ricochet comes back with a flying head scissor takedown, and they fight out to the ringside floor. Back in the ring, Ricochet goes up top, but Cesaro stuns him with a European uppercut. Cesaro follows up with a superplex out of the corner for a two count. Ricochet starts to fight back, but Cesaro counters and swings him. Cesaro hits a European uppercut for another two count. Cesaro talks some trash, and Ricochet comes back with a chop and a kick. Ricochet goes for a flying crossbody, but Cesaro catches him and pins for a two count. Ricochet rolls up Cesaro for a two count of his own. They get up and Ricochet spins around Cesaro, then rolls him up again for a three count, and Cesaro can’t believe it.
Winner: Ricochet
– After the match, Cesaro attacks Ricochet from behind. Cesaro grabs a table from under the ring, and discovers the 24/7 Champion R-Truth hiding under the ring. Carmella helps knocks Cesaro over, then a bunch of wrestler srun out and chase after Truth. Cedric Alexander hits ther ing and takes out everyone with a suicide dive. It’s down to Truth and Drake Maverick in the ring, but Carmella kicks Drake in the face and drops him. Truth and Carmella run away through the crowd and the wrestlers chase him to the back.
What the?? It's @RonKillings!! #247Champion #Raw
— WWE (@WWE) June 4, 2019
– The lights go out and The Undertaker comes out to the ring. The crowd chants Undertaker’s name and he gets on the mic. He asks if you ever wonder what happens when you come face to face with death for the first time. He says Goldberg will have the answer to that question this Friday, when he stands across the ring from him for the first time. Taker says he doesn’t want Goldberg the family man, he wants Goldberg the unstoppable mythical icon. Taker says that at Super ShowDown, he will claim Goldberg’s soul for all of eternity. He finishes with “Goldberg: you’re next.”
"I will claim your soul for all of eternity… @Goldberg, YOU'RE NEXT!" – #TheUndertaker #RAW #WWESSD
— WWE (@WWE) June 4, 2019