WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (10/17)

The October 17th, 2017 edition of WWE RAW aired live from the Moda Center in Portland, OR and was the go-home show for Sunday’s TLC pay-per-view.

– This week’s broadcast opens up with a video package recapping the recent happenings with The Shield, The Bar, The Miz, and Braun Strowman.

– Michael Cole welcomes us to Portland where he’s joined by Corey Graves and Booker T. Kurt Angle comes out first to kick off the show. He walks past tables, ladders, and chairs set up all over the state. The RAW GM hits the ring and gets on the mic. He says it’s safe to say The Shield is back together, and he plugs the big TLC main event on Sunday. Angle wants to focus on tonight’s show for now, and then the classic Shield intro and theme music hits. Reigns, Rollins and Ambrose come out through the crowd with their old gear on and they hit the ring as the crowd chants “this is awesome.” Angle asks the fans if they want to hear from The Shield, then he hands the mic over to them. Reigns says Angle made the right call because when The Hounds come, you either hand it over or they beat your ass. Rollins tells Reigns to relax, and discusses their history as a group. Ambrose gets on the mic next and hypes their TLC main event, and he says The Shield will be dominant. Ambrose calls out Strowman, Cesaro, Sheamus and the Miz. Strowman’s music hits and they all come out, along with Curtis Axel. Angle interrupts and says we’re not having this fight tonight, and to save it for Sunday. Angle mentions tonight’s steel cage match and The Bar’s RAW Tag Title shot, and says that tonight’s RAW will make history. Oh it’s true, it’s damn true. Angle’s music hits as the heels stare down The Shield from the stage.

– The announcers promote Rollins & Ambrose vs. The Bar tonight, and the steel cage main event. Also, Braun will appear on Miz TV.

Elias, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. Titus O’Neil, Apollo Crews and Jason Jordan: Elias is joined by Gallows and Anderson for a song, with Gallows singing about Jason Jordan being a nerd. Jordan’s music hits and he comes out with O’Neil and Crews. Gallows starts off with Titus and beats Titus back into the corner. Gallows yells that Titus is a nerd, and Titus fires up and fights back. Jordan and Anderson come in and start going at it, with Jordan getting the upper hand. The aprons clear and the babyfaces throw the heels out to ringside. Gallows and Crews now go at it in the ring and Gallows drops him with a cheap shot. Elias and Anderson now take turns beating on Crews. Jordan gets the hot tag and lays out Anderson. Jordan hits a belly to belly on Anderson but Elias breaks the pin. Titus and Gallows run in and brawl while Jordan drops Anderson with a spear. Crews follows up with a sitdown powerbomb on Anderson for the win.

Winners: Jason Jordan, Titus O’Neil and Apollo Crews

– We see a promo for Asuka’s debut on Sunday, and then we go to Renee Young who is with Emma for a backstage interview. Emma says she’s tired of hearing about Asuka and she wants the attention all on herself. She says she started the women’s revoltion and beat four of WWE’s top superstars in the last week, and questions what Asuka has ever done around here. Alexa Bliss interrupts and agrees that Asuka hasn’t proven herself. Bliss thanks Emma for her hard work, then trashes Mickie James and says James isn’t a locker room leader. Bliss says the younger wrestlers need to stick together, and asks Emma to be her partner in a tag match against Mickie James and her partner tonight. Emma agrees and walks off.

– We see a video package highlighting the recent happenings on 205 Live.

– The steel cage is shown hanging above the ring when Jack Gallagher makes his entrance. He’s in action up next.

Cedric Alexander vs. Jack Gallagher: Rich Swann is in Cedric’s corner for this one, and Kendrick is in Gallagher’s corner. Cedric takes control early on and avoids a cheap shot set-up from Kendrick. Kendrick does finally distract Cedric and Gallagher turns it around in his favor. Gallagher works over Cedric and controls the next few minutes of the match. Swann’s had enough and he takes out Kendrick on the floor, which leads to Gallagher getting distracted. Cedric comes back with the Lumbar Check on Gallagher for the three count. Swann and Cedric celebrate in the ring after the match.

Winner: Cedric Alexander

– The Miz is getting ready for Miz TV with Braun Strowman.

– WWE Intercontinental Champion the Miz is in the ring with Curtis Axel, Sheamus, and Cesaro for the latest edition of Miz TV. There are tables, ladders, and chairs set up in the ring. The Miz says The Bar will capture the RAW Tag Titles from Rollins and Ambrose tonight, and then Sheamus and Cesro talk about their plans to shatter The Shield tonight. The fans chant “you look stupid” at Sheamus and he says they’re all jealous. Back to Miz, he says that they’re all a family, and gives a shout out to Bo Dallas who isn’t here tonight. The Miz then introduces their guest tonight, Braun Strowman. Strowman comes out to the ring and takes the mic. Strowman mentions The Shield putting him through the announce table last week, because none of them can stop him on their own. Strowman says he’ll now tear the Shield apart piece by piece, until they are done and gone forever. Strowman says when the steel cage door closes tonight, he’ll make sure it’s locked so Reigns can’t run away. Miz interrupts and says The Shield is no match for this group, and brings up how Ambrose said they could take o 4 or 5 people. Miz says he wants to announce a fifth member to his team, as the crowd chants for Axel. Before Miz makes the announcement, RAW GM Kurt Angle interrupts. Angle says Miz is going too far and tells him to shut the hell up. Angle says that if Strowman beats Reigns tonight in the steel cage, then they can have a fifth partner at TLC. If Reigns wins, the match goes back to 3 on 3, so Braun would be removed from Miz’s team. Before Angle leaves, he bans everyone from ringside for tonight’s match. Oh it’s true, it’s damn true.

– We see another shot of the cage hanging high above the ring, and we’re told Finn Balor has a demonic message for Bray Wyatt next.

– They show a video highlighting last week’s Fatal 5 Way women’s match, and we see a video of Alicia cutting a promo claiming she didn’t tap out last week.

Sasha Banks vs. Alicia Fox: Sasha drops Fox early on and immediately goes for the Banks Statement, but Fox reaches the rope. Fox rolls outside to recover but Sasha hits a baseball slide kick through the ropes and brings her back inside. Fox tries to retreat again and she chokes Sasha over the top rope. Fox fires up and hits a backbreaker for a two count. Fox continues working over Banks for the next few moments until Banks snatches Fox out of nowhere with the Banks Statement for the win. Fox throws a fit in the ring after the match and refuses to leave.

Winner: Sasha Banks

– Enzo Amore is backstage getting ready to head out to the ring.

– Sasha Banks does an interview backstage where she quickly gets attacked by Alicia Fox from behind. Sasha fights back but Fox gets the upper hand and throws Banks into a bunch of production equipment. Fox screams at Sasha and then she throws a referee into Sasha. Some more referees run in and haul off Fox.

– Enzo Amore now makes his way out to the ring. Enzo introduces himself and says he’s doing alright, but he points out some boos in the crowd and sys he’s missing his WWE Cruiserweight Title. He shows footage of his loss to Kalisto, and says it was unfair. Cruiserweight Champ Kalisto is out to the ring next to interrupt, and he knocks Enzo for trying to cast blame and wearing knock-off Gucci. Enzo says he doesn’t wear knock-offs and is wearing $10,000 worth of stuff right now. They trade verbal jabs until Kalisto is attacked from behind by Noam Dar, Ariya Daivari, Tony Nese and Drew Gulak. Enzo talks trash on the mic while the beatdown continues. Mustafa Ali interrupts and starts brawling with Daivari and Enzo. The heels overpower Ali and beat him down in the ring as the fans chant for Neville. Enzo joins in on beating down Kalisto, then asks both Kalisto and Ali how they’re doin’. Enzo leaves with Daivari, Dar, Nese and Gulak.

RAW Tag Team Titles: The Bar vs. Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose: Ambrose and Sheamus will start this one off, with Cesaro trying to distract Ambrose from the apron. Ambrose starts off strong but Sheamus is quick to drop him with a big boot to the face. Ambrose fights up to his feet and tags in Rollins for some double team damage on Sheamus. Rollins kicks Sheamus out to ringside, Cesaro runs in but Rollins clotheslines him to the outside too. Ambrose and Rollins hit suicide dives in tandem on the The Bar, then Rollins and Sheamus head back in the ring. Rollins comes off the top rope but Sheamus catches him and slams him. Sheamus argues with the ref and Cesaro cheap-shots Rollins from the apron. Sheamus continues to beat down Rollins and hits the Irish Curse backbreaker for a two count. Cesaro tags in and they briefly double team Rollins, and Sheamus hits a cheap shot kick to the face behind the ref’s back. Cesaro knocks Ambrose off the apron and continues beating down Rollins. Rollins makes a comeback and dumps Cesaro to the outside, then he finally gets the hot tag to Dean Ambrose. Ambrose comes in and cleans house. He hits a swinging neckbreaker on Cesaro, then throws Cesaro into the corner. Ambrose goes for the Dirty Deeds, but Cesaro escapes. Ambrose knocks Sheamus off the apron, then Rollins hits a suicide dive on Sheamus to the outside. Ambrose throws Cesaro outside next, then goes to the top rope. Cesaro rolls back inside and Ambrose hits a flying elbow on Cesaro in the ring. Sheamus breaks up the pin attempt and starts brawling with Ambrose. Ambrose throws Sheamus outside, then Cesaro hits a back body drop on Ambrose. Sheamus tags in and they double team Ambrose. Cesaro kicks and uppercuts Rollins, then tags in to become the legal man again. Rollins takes out Sheamus, then Ambrose hits the Dirty Deeds on Cesaro for the three count. Rollins and Ambrose celebrate with the RAW Tag Titles after the bell.

Winners: Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose

– We see another teaser for Finn Balor’s message for Sister Abigail.

– Curtis Axel is backstage trying to give a pep talk to Sheamus and Cesaro about staying strong for their match at TLC. Strowman walks in, and Axel tells him that his hometown moment on Sunday hinges on Strowman’s win tonight, and says he needs it bad. Axel says he’s so fired up he could fight Reigns right now. Strowman tells Axel to go find Reigns, but Axel seems hesitant, and Cesaro says it sounds like he’s scared of Reigns. Sheamus prods Axel about it too, and Axel reluctantly walks off to find Reigns.

– The announcers show us a recap of what happened last week with Finn Balor, Bray Wyatt, and “Sister Abigail.”

– Finn Balor is out to the ring next. Balor gets on the mic and says hit to the Balor Club, and then talks about Wyatt’s “Sister Abigail” appearance. Balor says he has some tricks of his own for Wyatt, and says he’ll slay Sister Abigail with a demon of his own. The lights in the arena turn red, and Balor says his demon has no fear or nightmares. Balor’s face turns into the Demon as he talks, and says his demon is dying to meet Sister Abigail. He tells Wyatt to “run” as we go to commercial.

– Another promo video for Asuka’s debut at TLC is shown.

– Michael Cole announces that Alicia Fox has been fined for shoving the referee earlier during her backstage assault on Sasha Banks.

Emma and Alexa Bliss vs. Mickie James and Bayley: Bliss starts off against Mickie and they talk trash to each other. Before things get going, Bliss tags in Emma. Emma and Mickie lock up and brawl around the ring. Bayley and Bliss both tag in and Bayley gets the upper hand. Emma runs in and breaks up a pin attempt, which leads to all four women brawling out to ringside. Back in the ring, Emma and Bayley go at it until Mickie gets the tag and cleans house. Mickie hits a neckbreaker on Bliss, and Bliss comes back with a kick. Mickie fires up and hits a Thesz Press, but Emma breaks up the pin. Bayley runs in and takes out Emma, then Bliss drops Bayley from behind. Mickie waits for Bliss to turn around then hits her with the Mick Kick for the three count. Mickie talks trash to Bliss before leaving.

Winners: Mickie James and Bayley

– Curtis Axel is backstage looking for Roman Reigns. He sees The Shield off in the distances, and he psyches himself up then goes to walk towards them. We cut to commercial as he walks towards the group.

– Back from commercial, we see the Miz backstage with Braun and The Bar. The Bar mentions that Axel went off to find The Shield, and Miz gets worried and leaves.

– Mickie does an interview backstage where she says she’s proud of her accomplishments and says it would be the best feeling to take the Women’s title home to her 3 year old son. Mickie says she’ll have the last laugh on Sunday at TLC.

– Sasha Banks vs. Alicia Fox is announces for the TLC Kickoff Show on Sunday.

– The Miz finds Curtis Axel backstage hanging from a forklift. The Miz gets some help from backstage staff to bring him down. We go back to ringside where the steel cage is being lowered from the ceiling for tonight’s main event.

– The Miz does a brief interview backstage where he’s asked about Axel’s condition if they do earn their fifth man for Sunday. Miz says he loves Axel, but Axel was never their fifth man. Miz walks off as medics check on Axel.

Steel Cage: Braun Strowman vs. Roman Reigns: The Miz joins the commentary table despite the ringside ban by Kurt Angle. Reigns and Strowman go at it right off the opening bell. After several moments of back and forth brawling, Reigns takes Braun into the corner and beats on him. Braun powers out of the corner and slams Reigns down to the mat for a two count. Braun takes Reigns outside and whips the Shield member into the steel steps and ring post repeatedly. Braun charges towards him but Reigns moves and Braun crashes into the steel. They fight back into the ring and Reigns hits a Samoan Drop on Strowman. Reigns starts climbing the steel cage, but Cesaro and Sheamus run down to meet him outside. Rollins and Ambrose run out for the save and they brawl around ringside with The Bar. The two tag teams fight out into the crowd as Reigns continues to climb over the cage. Strowman reaches up and pulls Reigns down by the wrist, then superplexes him back in the ring as the crowd chants “Holy Shit.” Strowman pins but Reigns kicks out at two, as The Bar continues to brawl with Rollins and Ambrose outside. The Miz gets up from the announce table as the tag teams brawl into the backstage area. Rollins and Amborse use steel chairs to lay out Cesaro and Sheamus, They brawl into a room, and the Miz appears to close the door behind them, trying to keep them away from the in-ring action. Back to the ring, Reigns starts to climb again but Braun stops him and headbutts him down to the mat. Braun gets crotched on the top rope, and Reigns Superman punches him down. Reigns hits another Superman punch, then he goes for a spear but Strowman blocks it. Reigns hits another Superman punch and Strowman is down for a two count. They continue fighting, then the lights go red and Kane’s music hits. Kane comes out from under the ring and receives a big pop from the crowd. Reigns can’t believe it as Kane stares him down. Kane chokeslams Reigns in the middle of the ring, then Strowman hits the running powerslam on Reigns. Kane then delivers a Tombstone piledriver to Reigns. Braun hits another running powerslam, then covers Reigns for the three count.

Winner: Braun Strowman

– After the match, Braun and Kane both stand over Reigns. Braun’s music hits as The Miz climbs a ladder on the stage and announces that Kane is the fifth member of his team for TLC. Kane’s music then hits as RAW goes off the air.

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