The October 2nd edition of WWE RAW took place at the Pepsi Center in Denver, CO.
– This week’s RAW broadcast opens up with the entire locker room, including Vince and Shane McMahon, on the stage for a moment of silence for the victims of the shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada.
– We see a recap of Braun Strowman beating Dean Ambrose last week, and our first match of the night is up next to kick off the show.
– Braun Strowman def. Seth Rollins: Strowman overpowers Rollins early on, and tosses him through the air down to the mat. Strowman whips Rollins into the corner and chokes him with his boot. Rollins starts to mount a comeback and he climbs up to the top rope, but Strowman grabs him and throws him off. Strowman charges at Rollins but Rollins ducks and Strowman falls outside. Strowman goes to follow up with a suicide dive, but Strowman punches Rollins out in mid-air. Strowman beats down Rollins around ringside until Rollins stuns him with a knee, then Rollins follows up with a successful suicide dive. Rollins rolls Strowman back in the ring, then he hits a flying clothesline off the top. Rollins hits a second flying clothesline, then goes up top and hits a Blockbuster on Strowman for a two count. Rollins hits a superkick, then another one. Rollins picks up Strowman, but Strowman lays him out with a short-arm clothesline. Strowman follows up with a running powerslam for the win.
– After the match, Strowman gives another running powerslam to Rollins. As Strowman is about to leave, he turns around to back to Rollins. Dean Ambrose runs in for the save, but Strowman drops him too. Strowman hits two chokeslams on Ambrose, and then a running powerslam to the other half of the RAW Tag Champs. The ref checks on Ambrose as Strowman makes his way to the back. Sheamus and Cesaro walk down the ramp next and head towards Rollins and Ambrose in the ring. Cesaro plants Ambrose with a Neutralizer, then Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick on Rollins. The Bar poses over the Tag Champs before leaving.
– Mickie James is walking backstage and she runs into Alicia Fox and Emma, who both trash her, then tell her a secret admirer left a surprise in her dressing room. Mickie walks in and finds a box of Depends and a walker, and she throws them down in rage. She walks out to find Alexa Bliss, but Nia Jax opens Alexa’s door instead. Mickie says she wants Bliss, but instead Bliss offers Nia for a match tonight instead. Nia smirks and Mickie walks off.
– Bray Wyatt is sitting in a foggy room in a rocking chair. He cuts a promo saying “she” told him to put his bow & arrow down, and goins on about how “she” would never lie to him.
– Elias is backstage getting ready to head to the gorilla position.
– Elias is in the ring for a song about Denver, but he gets interrupted by Titus O’Neil and we have a match.
– Elias def. Titus O’Neil: Apollo Crews is at ringside in Titus’ corner. They start off with a collar and elbow tie up, which leads to Titus shoving Elias down to the mat. They lock up again and Elias takes control this time. Titus comes back and throws Elias in the corner and unloading with strikes. Titus slams Elias down, then hits a splash in the corner. Titus hits a big boot that sends Elias to the floor. Elias shoves Crews at ringside, then Crews starts to give chase until the referee warns him. Elias hits a cheap shot on Titus, then follows up with the Drift Away for the win. Crews confronts Elias after the match, but Elias backs out and retreats up the ramp.
– Mickie is backstage getting ready for her match with Nia Jax.
– We see a video promoting Asuka’s debut on October 22nd.
– Mickie James def. Nia Jax via DQ: Before the match, RAW Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss comes out to watch from ringside. Mickie gets distracted by Alexa early on, and Nia drops her with a clothesline. Nia tosses Mickie around the ring and takes control of the match. Mickie tires to come back, but Nia beats her back down and throws her around the ring again. Nia chokes Mickie over the middle rope as Bliss taunts Mickie from ringside. Nia puts Mickie in a bear hug for a while, then hits a knee drop. Mickie tries to fire up again, but Nia headbutts her down. Mickie unloads with a series of kicks, but gets tackled down by Nia. Nia tries to keep Mickie grounded, then goes for a powerbomb. Mickie escapes and starts chopping down Nia with strikes. Nia pushes Mickie into the corner, but Mickie comes back with kicks and then a tornado DDT off the top. Mickie covers, but Alexa Bliss runs in and breaks the pin up. The ref calls for the bell, and Nia is disqualified.
– After the bell, Bliss beats down Mickie and takes her out to ringside. Mickie comes back with a kick to the face that drops the Women’s Champion. Nia is now getting to her feet, and Mickie talks some trash to her before heading backstage.
– Enzo Amore is with an interviewer backstage who asks him what it feels like to have the whole division against him. Enzo is speechless and looks sad, and he doesn’t say a word.
– Mickie does an interview backstage where she mentions wanting to win the RAW Women’s title. RAW GM Kurt Angle walks in and grants her a Title shot at the TLC PPV.
– We see video footage from earlier in the night of Anderson and Gallows approaching Matt Hardy and Jason Jordan backstage and call them nerds.
– Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson def. Matt Hardy and Jason Jordan: Hardy goes at it with Anderson to start off. Anderson backs Hardy up into the corner and Gallows tags in. Hardy fires up and tags in Jordan, then Jordan spears Gallows into the corner. Gallows comes back with an elbow to the face, and he follows up with strikes to the body. Jordan starts to fire up and Anderson runs in, but Hardy meets him and drops Anderson with the Side Effect. Hardy and Jordan clear the ring as we go to commercial. Anderson mounts a comeback and starts working over Hardy. Gallows tags in and continues the beat down on Hardy. Anderson tags back in and Hardy gets off a shot on him, then tags in Jordan. Jordan starts working over Anderson until Gallows gets the tag. Gallows drops Jordan with a big punch and tries to keep him grounded. Anderson tags in and Jordan catches him with a suplex. Hardy and Gallows tag back in and Matt gets the upper hand. Matt repeatedly slams Gallows into the turnbuckles, then hits a Tornado DDT. Matt hits an elbow drop off the middle rope, but Anderson breaks up the pin. Jordan throws Anderson outside and follows him down. Anderson throws Jordan into the barricade, and then in the ring Gallows escapes a Twist of Fate. Gallows hits a splash on Hardy in the corner, then Anderson tags in and they hit the Magic Killer on Hardy for the win.
– Roman Reigns does an interview backstage where he’s asked about what happened earlier tonight with Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and The Bar. Reigns says he’s not surprised that The Bar wanted to make a statement. Reigns says he’s sure Rollins and Ambrose are already making a plan for revenge next week. Reigns says he’s focused on his match with The Miz tonight, and leaving with the Intercontinental Title.
– Dana Warrior is in the ring for a segment with three breast cancer survivors. The entire RAW women’s roster is also in the ring for the segment. Dana talks about later WWE Hall of Famer The Ultimate Warrior and how strong the survivors are. She presents them with custom title belts and they shake the ropes to end the segment.
– Roman Reigns def. The Miz (c) via DQ: The Miz’s Intercontinental Title is on the line in this one. Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas are at ringside in the Miz’s corner. The Miztourage mocks The Shield’s old entrance on their way to the ring. During the formal ring introductions, Roman Reigns spontaneously decides to deliver Superman punches to Axel and Dallas on the floor, then hits the Drive By on both of them. Reigns grabs a steel chair and chases Axel through the crowd to the stage, then drops him with a chair shoot. Dallas attacks Reigns from behind and drops him on the stage. Dallas grabs the chair, but Reigns hops up and hits the Superman punch on Dallas. Reigns unloads with chair shots on both Axel and Dallas until referees pull him off. Reigns heads back to the ring to officially start the match, as The Miz looks on with concern. Back in the ring, this one officially starts. The Miz gets a shot in right as the opening bell sounds, and the fight quickly spills out to ringside. Reigns sends Miz into the barrier a few times and stomps on him before bringing the Champion back into the ring. Miz rolls right back out and tries to buy some time, but Reigns follows. Miz hits a punch on Reigns then whips him into the steel steps. Miz throws Reigns over the fan barricade into the crowd, and leaves Reigns laying outside while he returns to the ring. Reigns makes it back to the ring right before the referee’s ten count, but then The Miz immediately hits a DDT. Miz continues to beat down Reigns, and hits a running boot to the face for a two count. Reigns starts to fight back, but Miz drops him with another big boot then chokes Reigns over the middle rope. Miz delivers a series of kicks to Reigns while the challenger is on his knees, but Reigns catches one of them and delivers a powerbomb to Miz. Miz kicks out at 2. Reigns goes for the Superman punch but misses, and Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale for a two count. Miz gets up and charges at Reigns, but Reigns stops him with a Superman punch for a 2 count. Reigns gets ready for a spear, but Cesaro and Sheamus run in out of nowhere and pull Reigns out of the ring. Sheamus and Cesaro beat down Reigns at ringside as the ref calls for the DQ, and The Miz retains his IC Title.
– The Bar continues to beat down Reigns at ringside, before bringing him back into the squared circle for more punishment. The Miz joins in on the beat down. Cesaro hits the Neutralizer, Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick, and then Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale, all on Reigns. As the heels start to leave, the crowd chants for The Shield, so Sheamus and Cesaro decide to give Reigns a Shield-style powerbomb. They lay out Reigns and stand over him doing the fist bump. The Miz’s music hits and they stand tall over Reigns before leaving.
– Former Universal Champion Finn Balor makes his way out to the ring and cuts a promo on Bray Wyatt. Balor says he doesn’t like to talk, he likes to come out and fight, while Wyatt just likes to play mind games. Balor says if Wyatt did have the whole world in his hands, he wouldn’t know what to do with it, and that he’s not a God he’s a coward. Balor says Wyatt is afraid of him, and knows he can’t beat Balor despite the games. Balor challenges Wyatt to come out and fight right now, but instead Wyatt appears on the big screen. Wyatt repeats “she never lied to me,” then says Balor did lie to him. Wyatt says Sister Abigail is alive and wants to meet Balor. Wyatt appears to turn into a zombie-looking version of himself. Wyatt starts laughing, and then we hear a woman’s laugh mix in with Wyatt’s, then we go to commercial.
– We see another video promoting Asuka’s upcoming debut at TLC featuring comments from the other female talent.
– Sasha Banks and Bayley def. Emma and Alicia Fox: Emma slaps Sasha across the face early on, and Sasha comes right back with strikes. After a couple moments of back and forth action, Sasha drops Emma on her face and keeps her grounded. Sasha poses before tagging in Bayley, who drops Emma again and rolls around on her to keep her down. Emma gets frustrated and fights her way to her feet to drop Bayley with a clothesline. Emma yells about Bayley trying to embarrass her, then works over Bayley with strikes in the corner. Bayley hulks up and slams Emma into the turnbuckles a few times. Fox distracts Bayley from the apron, which leads to Emma getting a cheap shot on Bayley. Fox tags in and they double team Bayley, then Fox dropkicks Sasha off the apron. Sasha tags in and trades strikes with Fox until Sasha eventually gets the upper hand. Sasha hits a dropkick and double knee strike for a two count. Emma distracts Sasha from the apron, and Alicia drops Sasha from behind. Emma tags in and hits some kicks on Sasha, then a butterfly suplex for a 2 count. Fox comes back in and hits a backbreaker on Sasha for another 2 count. Fox gets frustrated and Emma tags back in. Emma stomps on Sasha in the corner and Fox gets a cheap shot on The Boss. Fox tags in next and works on keeping Banks grounded. Fox goes for another backbreaker, but Sasha escapes. Banks scrambles for the tag, but Fox cuts her off. Sasha kicks Fox off and Fox bumps into Emma. Bayley gets the hot tag and unloads offense on Fox. Fox comes back with a jawbreaker and goes to tag Emma, but Emma pulls her hand away and walks away from the ring. Fox turns around and walks right into a belly to belly suplex from Bayley. Bayley pins and scores the win for her team. Bayley checks on Sasha after the match as Emma looks on from the stage.
– We see a recap of Enzo Amore’s feud with the rest of the cruiserweight division, and footage of Braun Strowman’s post-RAW attack on Enzo last week.
– It’s announced that The Bar will be on Miz TV next week.
– WWE Cruiserweight Champion Enzo Amore is out next and he’s got a mic. Enzo says he wants to get right down to business, and he tells the entire cruiserweight division to go to hell. He says anyone who agrees with them can go to hell too. Enzo says he’s puttiinig 205 Live on the map, and he’s also been the main event of RAW two weeks in a row. Enzo takes shots at the members of the Cruiserweight division, and says everyone is jealous of him. Enzo says in addition to his no-contact clause last week, he has more protection in place tonight — if any wrestlers touch him tonight, they’ll be fired. Enzo says it’s lonely at the top and continues talking trash until Neville interrupts. Several other cruiserweights walk out with Neville. Enzo continues talking trash as more cruiserweights come out to ringside. The other cruiserweights hop on the ring apron as Enzo makes fun of each of them individually. Enzo dares every one of them to touch him and see what happens, and with that, RAW GM Kurt Angle interrupts. Angle comes out to the stage and says Enzo does have a protection contract in place, but that doesn’t apply to his new signing for the cruiserweight division – Kalisto. Kalisto has left SmackDown for RAW, and he comes down the ramp and makes a B-line for Enzo. Kalisto hits the ring and ducks a clothesline, then drops Enzo with a kick to the head. Kalisto beats down Enzo and hits the Salida Del Sol. Kalisto leads the crowd in a “lucha” chant as the other cruiserweights look on in approval.
– Roman Reigns is backstage selling the beating he took earlier in the night. Ambrose walks in and we hear the fans start a “shield” chant in the arena. Reigns stands up, and Rollins walks in yet. The Shield appears to have reunited as they exchange looks. Ambrose and Rollins leave together as Reigns looks on and RAW goes off the air.