WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (10/9)

The October 9th, 2017 edition of WWE RAW took place at the Bankers Life Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, IN.

– This week’s broadcast opens up with clips from last week of The Miz, Sheamus and Cesaro beating down Roman Reigns and acting as The Shield. We also see clips of the actual Shield from back in the day.

– We go the arena and The Miz is in the ring to kick off the show with a Miz TV segment. Curtis Axel is in the ring with him, and it looks like they’ll be presenting awards. The Miz first presents an award to Axel, and then sends his best wishes to Bo Dallas — who we are told is at home sick. The Miz then presents a “best supporting actors” award to Sheamus and Cesaro. Sheamus and Cesaro then come out to the ring and cut a promo on Reigns, Rollins and Ambrose as they accept their awards. The Miz starts to run down the former Shield members, saying they know their time has passed and The Miztourage, Sheamus and Cesaro are the future. The Miz then presents an award to the true big dog of WWE: himself. Miz says he is dedicating this award to all of the children who need a new role model, but then Roman Reigns comes out to interrupt. Reingns comes out to the ramp and says this is when Miz should shut up, and he’s giving them all one chance to get out of his ring. Miz says Reigns won’t do anything because there’s four of them and one of Reigns. Ambrose comes out next and stands beside Reigns. Seth Rollins is out next and he stands beside Reigns too. The trio heads down to the ring and start brawling with Sheamus, Cesaro, Axel and Miz all over the ring. Reigns beats down Axel at ringside, then comes back in the ring to deliver Superman punches to Sheamus and Cesaro. Rollins knees Sheamus in the face, and they clear the ring. The Miz tries to escape but Ambrose and Rollins surround him. Miz runs into the ring and dodges Reigns, but he walks right into a Dirty Deeds from Ambrose. They pick up Miz and powerbomb him, then Reigns, Rollins and Ambrose bump fists before leaving.

– We see a graphic on the screen asking if Sister Abigail is still alive — We may find out tonight.

Jason Jordan vs. Karl Anderson: Luke Gallows is at ringside in his tag partner’s corner. Jordan starts off in control, suplexing Anderson down to the mat multiple times. Anderson comes back with a slap to the face and a side headlock. Jordan throws Anderson off the ropes and throws him up for a facebuster. Gallows distracts Jordan from ringside, which leads to Anderson kicking Jordan’s leg out and stomping on him. Jordan throws some elbows to the face, but Anderson drops him and works on Jordan’s shoulder. Jordan kicks Anderson away, but Anderson comes right back with a spinebuster. Anderson continues working the shoulder. Jordan and Anderson start trading elbows to the face in the middle of the ring, but Jordan grabs Anderson and slams him with a back suplex. Jordan hits some forearm shots, then spears in the corner and a belly to belly overhead suplex. Jordan with another spear in the corner, but Gallows distracts him and Anderson shoves him into the turnbuckle. Jordan knocks Gallows off the apron, then Anderson misses a splash in the corner. Jordan follows up with his finisher for the win.

Winner: Jason Jordan

– Elias is backstage carrying his guitar towards the gorilla position.

– The Miz is in the back being checked on by the trainer and Axel. Kurt Angle walks in and points out that Miz has no broken bones or torn ligaments. Angle has more good news for The Miz — he, Sheamus and Cesaro will be facing Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose at the TLC pay-per-view.

– Elias is now in the ring for a song, but he quickly gets interrupted by Titus with a banjo on the stage. Titus says he has a song for Elias tonight, then he starts playing and sings that Elias is going to lose tonight to a man named Apollo Crews.

Elias vs. Apollo Crews: Titus is at ringside in Crews’ corner for this one. Elias takes control early on, and does a version of The Undertaker’s top rope walk into a flying clothesline. Crews fires back with kicks and a clothesline. Crews hits a standing moonsault for a two count. Crews throws Elias outside and they brawl on the ramp. Elias whips Crews towards the ring apron, but Crews jumps up onto the apron and moonsaults off onto Elias on the floor. Back in the ring, Crews pummels on Elias and stomps on him. Elias trips Crews throat-first onto the middle rope, then Elias hits his finisher for the three count. After the match, Elias picks up his guitar and leaves.

Winner: Elias

– WWE Cruiserweight Champion Enzo Amore is backstage walking towards the gorilla positon.

– Enzo comes out to the ring and demands that RAW GM Kurt Angle come out to the ring. Enzo takes issue with Angle going back on his no-contact clause he granted Enzo, and he’s upset that he has to defend the Title against Kalisto at TLC. Enzo says if Kurt values his job, he should be more worried about making his Cruiserweight Champion happy. Kurt tells Enzo not to worry about the match at TLC, because Enzo is going to have to defend his Cruiserweight Title against Kalisto tonight in Indianapolis. Enzo says he’ll defend it, but since he’s the realest champ in the room and he deserves some respect — he’ll only do the match if it’s in the main event. Kurt shakes on it and heads to the back as Enzo dances in the ring. Before Kurt goes behind the curtain, and tells Enzo if he thinks he can weasel out of his match by countout or DQ, he’s out of luck, because this match will be a lumberjack match.

– Braun Strowman is shown backstage walking through the arena hallways.

Braun Strowman vs. Matt Hardy: Hardy charges at Strowman over and over but Braun continues to knock him down. Matt goes for the Side Effect, but Strowman powers out and throws Hardy across the ring. Strowman dumps Hardy out to ringside and continues the beating. Back in the ring, Strowman misses a shot in the corner and he crashes into the ring post. Hardy stuns Strowman with an elbow then a boot to the face and he starts mounting a comeback. Hardy hits a tornado DDT and a Twist of Fate, but Strowman kicks out. Strowman gets up and hits two back to back chokeslams on Hardy, then follows up with the running powerslam for the three count.

Winner: Braun Strowman

– When Strowman goes to leave, he picks up Hardy and starts carrying him up the ramp with him. With Hardy over his shoulder, Strowman makes it to the top of the ramp and then gets confronted by The Shield. Strowman sets down Hardy, then he starts brawling with Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose on the stage. Reigns hits a spear on Strowman, then the Shield powerbombs Strowman through the announce table. Cole, Booker T and Graves scramble from the announce table, as Strowman lays on the ground and The Shield members fist bump above him.

– The Shield does an interview backstage where Ambrose says they’ll take out anyone in their path. Reigns says they’ll take on anyone they need to, and that they are the three workhorses that run this business now.

– Mickie James comes out and cuts a promom on Alexa Bliss, saying she’ll make history by becoming a seven-time Women’s Champion at TLC. Alexa Bliss interrupts and introduces a video packing that cracks more jokes about Mickie James’ age. The video says Mickie has more wrinkles than a raisin, then Alexa calls Mickie a grandma and tells her to go play shuffleboard. Alexa says she’ll run circles around Mickie at TLC. Mickie tells Alexa to bring her “biscuit butt” down to the ring and say it to her face. Alexa starts walking down to the ring, but decides against it and walks away. Mickie chases after Alexa on the ramp and throws her into the ring. Mickie jumps on Alexa nad pummels on her. Mickie goes for a kick to the head but Alexa rolls out of the ring and retreats up the ramp.

– We see a video promoting Asuka’s debut at TLC, then we go backstage where Kurt Angle, Sasha Banks and Bayley comment on Asuka’s impending debut. Sasha and Bayley both plead their case that they should be Asuka’s first opponent. Alicia, Dana Brooke, and Emma all walk in one by one and also tell Kurt that they want Asuka. Kurt says on RAW they settle things in the ring, so they’ll have to face each other tonight in a five-way match to determine who gets Asuka.

Brian Kendrick & Jack Gallagher vs. Cedric Alexander & Mustafa Ali: Brian and Cedric start off. Gallagher pulls Ali off the apron, and Kendrick takes advantage of the distraction to attack Cedric from behind. Kendrick beats down Alexander, then Gallagher tags in and works on keeping Cedric grounded. Kendrick tags back in and hits a butterfly suplex on Cedric for a two count. Gallagher comes back in and hits Cedric with a series of kicks before putting him in a front face lock. More kicks from Gallagher, then Cedric comes back with a kick to the head and tags in Ali. Ali drops Gallagher then boots Kendrick in the head too. Gallagher hits Ali from behind and takes him out to ringside. Ali throws Gallagher into the fan barricade, then he heads back in the ring where Kendrick takes him down and hits the Sliced Bread #2 for the win.

Winners: Brian Kendrick & Jack Gallagher

– Michael Cole informs us that we might meet Sister Abigail next.

– We see a video package highlighting The Shield’s reunion tonight, and their beat-down on Braun Strowman.

– Kurt Angle is backstage on the phone when he gets interrupted by The Miz. The Miz is still selling a neck injury. Miz says he, Sheamus and Cesaro will happily face The Shield at TLC is they keep their word — Rollins claiming that they could take one “four, five, or six” opponents. Kurt says he’ll allow Miz to choose a fourth partner, and Miz says his partner is right behind the door. Braun Strowman kicks the door in and stares down Kurt, before storming off. Kurt has a look of concern on his face for The Shield.

– Cole, Booker and Graves are shown sitting at the destroyed announce table on the stage as they discuss how the TLC pay-per-view is shaping up.

– Finn Balor’s music hits and Balor makes his way out to the ring. Balor gets on the mic and says Bray Wyatt has left him speechless, and says Bray is like a poison that keeps mutating with more lies and mind games. He says Bray is desperate to have the WWE Universe buy into his garbage. As Balor is talking, the lights go out and an empty rocking chair appears on the big screen. Balor sits in it, and says while Finn may not be afraid of him he will be afraid of “her.” Wyatt says “they turned her into some kind of monster,” and he was there when she took her final breath. Wyatt says the season of the witch is upon Balor, and says “she’s here.” Wyatt then morphs into having facepaint and a veil over his face via CGI. He now speaks in a warped high-pitched voice and is now supposedly speaking as Sister Abigail. “Sister Abigail” says “she” taught Bray everything he knows, and she is here burned and rising from the ashes to help Bray. “She” says Bray would never hurt a fly, but Balor lied to and hurt Bray. “She” says dealing with demons is her specialty, and tells Balor he can’t beat “her.” Wyatt morphs back into himself via CGI, and is laughing into the camera. The lights cut out again and we go to commercial.

Sasha Banks vs. Bayley vs. Dana Brooke vs. Emma vs. Alicia Fox: This one is a fatal five-way elimination match to determine who will face Asuka at TLC. All five women start brawling right off the opening bell, with Dana and Sasha spilling out to the ringside floor. Dana drops Sasha, then heads back in the ring to help Emma beat down Alicia. Dana whips Emma into the corner and hits a cartwheel splash on her, and then on Alicia too. Bayley runs in but Dana stops her with a powerslam and a splash. Dana goes for a Samoan Drop on Bayley, but Bayley gets out and hits a belly to belly suplex for the three count on eliminate Dana. Bayley and Sasha start fighting now, until Alicia cheap shots them both from behind and pins Bayley to eliminate her. It’s down to Alicia, Sasha and Emma now. Emma and Alicia briefly team up against Sasha before turning on each other. Alicia kicks Emma then elbows her and rolls her up in a sunset flip for a two count. Sasha comes back and hits a double dropkick on both Alicia and Emma. Sasha starts cleaning house, and sends Alicia into the corner with a hurricanrana. Sasha hits a running knee strike on Alicia, then slaps Emma across the face. Sasha knocks Alicia into Emma, then she hits the backstabber on Alicia. Banks locks Alicia in the Banks Statement and Alicia taps out. The ref starts to pull Sasha off of Alicia, then Emma runs in and rolls up Sasha in a small package pin for the three count.

Winner: Emma

– Finn Balor does an interview backstage where he discusses his conversation with Bray Wyatt and “Sister Abigail” earlier tonight. Balor says when he heard “her” talk it shook him to his core and he felt a shiver up his spine. Balor says now he knows what he must do, and he walks off.

– Corey Graves announces that Kurt Angle has booked Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman in a steel cage match next week.

– Kalisto is backstage for an interview about his lumberjack match tonight. He says Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero inspired him to be here in WWE, and when he sees Enzo with the cruiserweight title it’s a slap to the face of all the great cruiserweights before him. Kalisto says he’s going to make Rey, Eddie, and the WWE Universe proud tonight when he wins the Cruiserweight Title tonight.

Enzo Amore (c) vs. Kalisto: This one is a lumberjack match, with members of the cruiserweight roster surrounding the ring. There are no countouts or DQs, and the Cruiserweight Title is on the line. Enzo cuts a promo before the match with his usual intro, then he trashes the lumberjacks around the ring. The opening bell sounds and Enzo and Kalisto go for a test of strength to start off, but Enzo kicks Kalisto and puts him in a side headlock. Kalisto fights out and dumps Enzo outside, and Enzo immediately runs back in the ring when he realizes he’s surrounded by lumberjacks. Kalisto hits Enzo with a dropkick, then a drop toe hold and a front face lock. Enzo starts to come back, but Kalisto levels him with a flying cross body. Enzo rolls outside and the lumberjacks go to throw him back in the ring, but Enzo breaks free and runs back in the ring himself. Kalisto briefly argues with the ref and Enzo grabs him by the tights from behind and slams him into the turnbuckle. Kalisto falls outside and some of the heel lumberjacks start stomping on him. Back in the ring, Enzo works over Kalisto and tries to keep him grounded. Enzo goes for a kick, but Kalisto catches his foot and hits a kick of his own. Kalisto charges at Enzo in the corner and Enzo blocks him with his boot. Enzo tries to roll Kalisto outside, but Mustafa Ali pushes Kalisto back in the ring. Enzo isn’t pleased, and he kicks at Ali through the ropes. This leads to all of the heel and babyface lumberjacks brawling at ringside. Kalisto and Enzo start fighting on the top rope, then Kalisto superplexes Enzo off the top into a pile of cruiserweights brawling on the ringside floor below. Back in the ring, Kalisto goes for the Salida Del Sol on Enzo, but Enzo breaks free. Enzo drops Kalisto with a kick, but Ali breaks up the pin and pulls Enzo outside as payback for Enzo kicking at him earlier. Enzo freaks out at ringside and gets in a shouting match with Ali. Enzo yells that Ali is an ugly “son of a bitch” before clotheslining him. Back in the ring, Enzo and Kalisto fight on the turnbuckle. Enzo goes for a back suplex, but Kalisto reverses it into a Salida Del Sol off the top rope on Enzo for the three count. Kalisto wins the Cruiserweight Title and celebrates with the Title belt with some of the other cruiserweights.

Winner & new Cruiserweight Champion: Kalisto

– Mustafa Ali and Cedric Alexander lift Kalisto up in the air in celebration of his victory. We see replays from the match as Kalisto celebrates in the ring and RAW goes off the air.

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