WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (11/27)

The November 27th, 2017 edition of WWE RAW aired live from the Thompson-Boling Arena in Knoxville, TN.

– This week’s broadcast opens up with a video package lighting recent events with Braun Strowmn. We see footage of him being beat down by Kane last week, then leaving the building without receiving medical attention.

– New Inercontinental Champion Roman Reigns comes down to the ring to kick off tonight’s show. Reigns talks about how things have been going their way since The Shield reunited. Some fans chant “you deserve it” and Reigns thanks them. Reigns shows us a video from RAW week of The Shield putting The Miz through a table after RAW went off the air. Reigns says we won’t be hearing from The Miz for a while. He says unlike Miz, he’ll be a fighting champion, and anyone who wants some can come get some. This queues Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel. Dallas and Axel cut promos on Reigns for disrespecting The Miz. They bring out Elias to the stage with them, and Elias says he’ll have a special performance later tonight. Elias says Miz is a great guy, and he will now lead the wandering souls that are Axel and Dallas. Elias says he’ll take the IC Title from Reigns tonight, and Reigns says it’s on. Reigns says Elias might have to look into getting a neck brace like Axel’s after their match tonight. Reigns holds the IC Title up in the air as his music hits and the segment comes to a close.

Cesaro vs. Seth Rollins: Michael Cole notes on commentary that Dean Ambrose is not here tonight because he’s on his honeymoon with Renee Young, and Sheamus is not here because he’s taking his annual sabbatical back in Ireland. They lock up off the opening bell and Cesaro takes control early on. Rollins starts firing up, but Cesaro dumps him out to the ringside floor and Rollins is hurt. Back in the ring, Cesaro remains in control and drops several knees to the upper body of Rollins. Rollins starts to fire up and goes for a cross-body, but Cesaro catches him and reverses into a backbreaker. Cesaro scores some two-counts on Rollins as he backdrops Rollins and continues to keep control. Rollins slaps Cesaro across the face and Cesaro fires back with strikes. Rollins starts to turn it around and hits a blockbuster off the middle rope. Rollins connects with some kicks and Cesaro is hurting. They fight onto the apron where Rollins delivers a leg drop that sends Cesaro down to the floor. Rollins hits a suicide dive on Cesaro, then the two brawl around ringside. Back in the ring, Rollins hits the Falcon Arrow for a close 2 count. Cesaro comes back with the swing and attempts a Sharpshooter, but Rollins reaches the ropes. Cesaro pummels on Rollins with right hands and is getting frustrated that he can’t put him away. Cesaro goes for the Neutralizer but Rollins escapes. Rollins kicks him in the face for near-fall. Rollins blocks an uppercut and rolls up Cesaro for another 2 count. Rollins blocks an uppercut attempt and hits a knee to the face for the three count.

Winner: Seth Rollins

– After the match, Charly Caruso comes in the ring to interview the winner. Rollins says the members of The Shield will be sticking together, he’s only rolling solo tonight because Ambrose is away. Rollins announces that he and Ambrose will invoke their rematch clause next week to face The Bar for the Tag Team Titles. Rollins says all Shield members will have gold around their waists next week.

– Cole confirms that Elias vs. Reigns has been booked tonight, and the IC Title is on the line.

– Kurt Angle is backstage talking to Cedric Alexander, Rich Swann, Mustafa Ali and Akira Tozawa. Swann says “The Zo Train” has gone completely off the rails, and Enzo is using them to keep the Cruiserweight Title. Angle mentions being busy with the Triple H and Stephanie McMahon drama, but says it’s time to decide who will face Enzo for the Title next month. He books a Fatal 4 Way for tonight, and another Fatal 4 Way next Monday night, and the winners of those matches will face each other to determine the #1 contender.

– Samoa Joe is backstage heading to the gorilla position.

Samoa Joe vs. Titus O’Neil: The opening bell sounds and Joe strikes first. Titus starts turning it around with some big punches, but Joe latches on to him for an early Coquina Clutch. Titus escapes and backs Joe into the corner with strikes. Titus beats down Joe and starts talking trash to him. Joe fires back with a straight right hand and takes him down. Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch for the win after a short match.

Winner: Samoa Joe

– After the match, Joe goes to beat down Titus but Crews comes in to try and make the save. They go at it, but Joe gets the better of Crews and locks him in the Clutch. He finally lets go and heads to the back.

– Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson cut a pre-taped promo for WWE Shop’s Holiday sales.

Paige, Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville vs. Sasha Banks, Bayley and Mickie James: Alexa Bliss joins the commentary table for this. Banks is out first, but Mickie and Bayley don’t come out. Paige, Many, and Sonya come out instead, and they point up to the big screen where he see Bayley and Mickie selling injuries backstage. Paige says it looks like this is going to be a handicap match. She says she’s sick of being hounded on social media and at the grocery store about her actions last week. She says she was the one who brought the women’s division to new heights, and she made a statement last week to prove to everyone that she’s back. They head to the ring and surround Sasha. TPaige gets on the mic again and says their group is called Absolution, and she starts trashing Paige. Sonya and Mandy briefly talk, and then Paige tells Sasha she has to pledge her allegiance to Absolution. Sasha instead charges forward and knocks Paige off the apron, then Mandy and Sonya attack her from behind. They all beat down Sasha, then Paige hits the Rampaige. They stand tall in the ring before leaving.

Winners: No contest

– Bray Wyatt comes out to the ring and says he never had a childhood and never celebrated holidays, but he never cared. Wyatt goes on a rant about the fans and says he tried to enlighten them but they wouldn’t listen. He says they’re all pathetic, and their ignorance fuels him. He laughs and repeats “you’re all dead” over and over until Matt Hardy comes out to interrupt.

Matt Hardy vs. Bray Wyatt: Wyatt takes control of this one early on and hits a big splash in the corner. He goes to follow up with a senton but Matt rolls out of the way. Matt starts fighting back and mounts a comeback now. Wyatt misses a shot in the corner and Matt clotheslines him down. He hits a bulldog for a two count. Wyatt goes for a side suplex, but Matt counters with the Side Effect for another two count. Matt keeps in control and goes for the Twist of Fate, but Wyatt escapes. Matt connects with an elbow shot and drops Wyatt, then goes up to the top rope. Matt goes flying with a moonsault, but Wyatt rolls out of the way and Matt crashes into the mat. Wyatt turns upside down, then gets up and hits the Sister Abigail on Matt for the three count.

Winner: Bray Wyatt

– After the match, Matt sits in the corner and recovers. HE starts doing the “delete” motion a few times as the fans start chanting along. Matt starts furiously doing the motion over and over sitting in the corner. Cole wonders if we’re witnessing a Hardy breakdown.

– We see a recap of Kane interrupting Strowman vs. Jason Jordan last week. We go backstage where Jordan is speaking with Kurt Angle. Jordan mentions a rematch with Strowman, but Angle doesn’t like it. Jordan says he’s sick of the doubters, and he wants to take out Kane tonight to silence them. Angle asks Jordan if he’s sure his knee is 100% for tonight, and he says he is. Angle gets excited and books Jordan vs. Kane for tonight.

Akira Tozawa vs. Noam Dar vs. Rich Swann vs. Ariya Daivari: The winner of this match will face the winner of next week’s Fatal 4 Way match to determine the #1 contender for Enzo Amore’s Cruiserweight Title. The bell sounds and the four men start going at it. The fight spills out to ringside early on where they take turns hitting suplexes on the ringside floor. Daivari and Dar work together early on. We see Enzo backstage watching on a monitor and rooting for his Zo Train lackeys. The finish comes when Swann hits the Phoenix Splash for the three count to advance.

Winner: Rich Swann

– Elias comes out to the ring and sings a song about his friend The Miz. He then introduces Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas, who start going to town on the harmonicas. Elias gives them props for their harmonica skills and tells the crowd to give them a round of applause. Elias keeps playing but he’s interrupted by fans chanting “we want Roman.” Elias says he wants Roman more than any of them, and with that, the Intercontinental Campion makes his way out.

Roman Reigns (c) vs. Elias: Axel and Dallas are at ringside in Elias’ corner. The IC Title is on the line in this one. They lock up off the opening bell, then break it up and size each other up. Elias ends up backing Reigns into the corner until the ref backs him off. Reigns fires up and lays into Elias with right hands. Elias fires back with a knee to the mid section, then takes Reigns down. Elias sends Reigns into the ring post shoulder-first then covers for a two count. Elias applies a chin lock and works on keeping the Big Dog down. Reigns starts fighting up with right hands, but Elias drops him again with a clothesline. Reigns fights up, then Dallas gets on the apron and Reigns knocks him off. Axel gets on the other side of the apron and Reigns goes after him too. Elias capitalizes on the distractions with a clothesline on the Champion, and he’s back in control. Elias continues the beat-down on Reigns until Reigns manages to shove Elias out to the ringside floor. Reigns follows him out and hits the Drive By, then Reigns decks Dallas with a Superman punch. Reigns gets distracted by Dallas, then turns around and spears Axel. Elias takes advantage of the distraction and decks Reigns, then takes him back in the ring. Elias goes up top and hits a flying elbow drop on the Champion for a two count. Elias starts getting frustrated and Reigns hits a powerbomb. Elias gets up and Reigns decks him with a superman punch for a two count. Reigns goes for a spear, but Elias blocks it with a knee. Reigns runs the ropes again and this time he successfully hits the spear for the three count.

Winner & still Intercontinental Champion: Roman Reigns

– After the match, Reigns celebrates with his IC Title belt and heads to the back. On his way up the ramp, Samoa Joe runs up from behind and locks Reigns in the Coquina Clutch. Fit Finlay and Jamie Noble come out with some referees and try to get Joe off of Reigns. They finally get him to release the hold and start hauling him off. Joe breaks free and comes right back for Reigns and starts pummeling on him. They pull Joe off again and he finally leaves. Reigns is left laying on the ramp and has to be helped to the back.

Asuka vs. Dana Brooke: We see a pre-taped promo from Dana Brooke before the match saying she’s figured out Auka’s game plan and knows how to beat her. As soon as the bell rings, Dana charges at Asuka, and Asuka rolls her up into the Asuka Lock for the win via submission. Dana rolls outside and sells the arm after a very, very short match.

Winner: Asuka

– After the match, Absolution comes out and they surround the ring with Asuka still in it. They have a stare-down, and Asuka backs off up the ramp as her music plays.

– Jason Jordan is shown backstage getting ready to head out for his match against Kane.

– Jordan comes out to the ring to what sounds like a mostly negative reaction from the crowd. Jordan talks about the speculation on the internet about the legitimacy of his knee injury. Jordan says he knew last week he couldn’t continue his match, but after a week of rehab with WWE’s word class medical staff, he’s ready to compete tonight. He says he’s back to 100% and he’s ready to do what Strowman couldn’t do: beat Kane.

Jason Jordan vs. Kane: Jordan goes for a single leg takedown early on, but Kane shoves him away. Jordan circles Kane for a German suplex, but Kane elbows him away. Jordan finally connects with a clothesline, then drives Kane into the corner and spears him. Kane fights back and throws Jordan out to ringside. Jordan starts selling his knee injury again on the floor, and the referee counts him out.

Winer via count out: Kane

– Jordan rolls back in the ring and starts brawling with Kane again, but Kane boots him down. Kane throws Jordan outside again and Jordan once again sells the knee. Kane beats down Jordan at ringside, then takes him back in the ring and repeatedly beats on Jordan’s bad knee. Finn Balor’s music hits and Balor comes out for the save.

Kane vs. Finn Balor: We’re told that during the commercial one, Kurt Angle officially made this a match. Kane demolishes Balor in the opening moments of this one. Balor finally starts firing back with kicks, and he hits a knee strike then sends Kane out to ringside. Balor follows up with a suicide dive, then he dropkicks Kane into the barricade. Balor charges towards Kane again, but this time Kane nails him with a steel chair. Kane now repeatedly blasts Balor with the steel chair at ringside.

Winner via DQ: Finn Balor

– Kane takes Balor back in the ring, and lays into him with more chair shots. Kane sticks Balor’s head into the half-folded chair, then he climbs to the middle turnbuckle. Kane is about to destroy Balor, but then Braun Strowman’s music hits. Strowman comes out to the ring, still selling his neck injury. Kane hits a chair shot on Strowman, but Strowman no-sells it and Kane starts backing off. Kane asks Strowan for mercy but Strowman backs him into the corner and repeatedly headbutts him. Strowman knocks Kane to the outside, then hits him with the ring steps. Strowman throws another piece of the ring steps into the ring, then continues beating down Kane. Strowman takes Kane back in the ring, then nails him with a chair shot to the back. Kane tries to roll out of the ring, but Strowman grabs him and picks him up. Strowman gets Kane up and hits the running powerslam onto the ring steps. Fans chant for one more powerslam. Strowman now holds the chair against Kane’s throw and slams him against the ring steps, like Kane did to him last week. Strowman does it again, and Kane rolls outside selling the throat injury. Strowman’s music hits an he watches as Kane stumbles around ringside selling the throat injury. Kane climbs over the barricade and escapes through the crowd with Strowman watching from the ring as RAW goes off the air.

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