Home News WWE RAW Results – May 26, 2014

WWE RAW Results – May 26, 2014


The Authority, Kane & Brad Maddox Fired

This week’s show begins with an extensive Memorial Day video package. After that, we shoot live inside the arena and Justin Roberts introduces Stephanie McMahon and Triple H. HHH’s “King of Kings” music plays and out to the ring comes The Authority.

Stephanie begins by welcoming us to a “historic edition of Monday Night Raw.” She says tonight is all about choices. She says Daniel Bryan has the choice tonight to do the right thing and surrender the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. The fans break out in “Yes!” chants.

HHH continues by talking about how some people become flash-in-the-pans and some people become legends. He calls Daniel Bryan a flash-in-the-pain. A light “CM Punk” chant breaks out in Knoxville. HHH then goes on to talk about how Evolution are legends and that The Shield won’t be able to stop them at Payback this Sunday.

“The Game” goes on to talk about the contract signing tonight between Evolution and The Shield.

Stephanie takes over and says an issue with RAW General Manager Brad Maddox needs to be addressed. She orders Maddox to come out to the ring. Maddox enters the ring and HHH yells at him for allowing Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns to serve as guest commentators for the Roman Reigns vs. Batista match last week, despite orders from The Authority that no member of The Shield be at ringside. HHH asks Maddox to explain himself.

Maddox says he didn’t want to let The Shield be guest commentators. He says he was forced. Stephanie says she heard Maddox got roughed up by The Shield and understands that he didn’t have a choice. She says he hopes he understands that right now they have no choice.

Kane’s music and fire-pyro explodes and “The Big Red Machine” makes his way to the ring. Stephanie orders Kane to teach him a lesson. Kane obliges and chokeslams Maddox and then Tombstone Piledrivers him. Kane’s fire-pyro explodes again, his music plays, and Kane and The Authority stand over a fallen Maddox.

Stephanie asks for the music to be cut. She says she forgot to mention one thing. She tells Brad Maddox, “you’re fired.” Triple H’s “King of Kings” plays again as The Authority and Kane make their way to the back. We head to our first commercial break of the evening.

Cesaro (with Paul Heyman) vs. Rob Van Dam

When we return from commercial, after a quick “Bo Dallas makes RAW debut tonight” vignette, we see Cesaro and Paul Heyman already standing in the ring. Rob Van Dam is introduced by Justin Roberts, and RVD makes his way to the ring. Out next is Bad News Barrett, who cuts a “Bad News” promo on his way to the ring about Memorial Day and Van Dam losing to him this Sunday at Payback. Barrett joins the commentary team for this match, which is a one-on-one encounter between Van Dam and Cesaro.

The bell rings and here we go. Van Dam gets an early lead, all-the-while Barrett is talking on commentary about how he’s not going to beat him at Payback this Sunday. We head to an early mid-match commercial.

When we return from commercial, Cesaro is in firm control of the match, going for multiple near-falls in a row. We see some highlights of action during the break of Cesaro throwing RVD out to the floor.

Van Dam makes a comeback and hits pretty much all of his RVD-type moves. Barrett appears out of nowhere, leaving commentary to interfere, but Van Dam sees him and kicks him before he can enter the ring. As soon as RVD turns around, however, Cesaro rolls him up for the 1-2-3.

Winner: Cesaro

After The Match: “The Celtic Warrior” Attacks

After the match, Sheamus’ music hits. The WWE United States Champion sprints to the ring and ultimately blasts Cesaro — his opponent for Payback this Sunday — with a Brogue Kick. We head to another commercial.

Eva Marie (with Nikki Bella) vs. Summer Rae

When we return from commercial, we see Eva Marie and Nikki Bella standing in the ring. Summer Rae makes her way to the ring.

The bell rings and here we go with a Divas singles match between Marie and Rae. Summer gets control of the match, but is eventually distracted, as Fandango and Layla come out, dance around and make out. Eva rolls her up and gets the 1-2-3.

Winner: Eva Marie

Batista & Randy Orton and Goldust & Cody Rhodes Argue, Triple H Makes A Match

Backstage, we see Randy Orton and Batista talking. In walks Goldust and Cody Rhodes. They say they’re issuing an open challenge to any tag-team tonight. The two teams argue until Triple H comes in and makes a match between the two teams. HHH says this won’t be any ordinary match. We head to commercial.