WWE officially filed a document with the SEC on Monday to announce their plans to finance a new corporate jet.
According to the document, which was filed on August 7th, WWE has created a subsidiary, “WWE Jet Services, Inc.” to enter into a Loan & Aircraft Security Agreement with RBS Asset Finance for a $31.56 million loan.
The plan calls for quarterly payments of $405,458 until the seven-year loan expires on August 7, 2020.
The agreement includes notes about WWE’s use of the corporate jet. For example, WWE is not permitted to use the jet as a taxi service, or fly the jet in restricted airspace.
It was also revealed that the primary hangar location will be the Westchester County Airport in White Plains, New York.
Listed as the executor of the agreement on behalf of “WWE Jet Services, Inc.” is WWE CFO George Barrios.
WWE is listed as the corporate guarantor of the loan.
You can read the document filed with the SEC online at IR.Corporate.WWE.com.