WWE ribbed Lilian Garcia at Tuesday’s SmackDown tapings from Newark, NJ after she made yet another bad error in front of the live crowd.
During the show, Lilian Garcia introduced Zack Ryder last night as “Mr. Long Island Iced Z, Jack Swagger.”
After the SmackDown tapings concluded, John Cena was scheduled to wrestle in the dark match main event steel cage match. Cena brought out ring announcer Tony Chimel and Zack Ryder with him. Cena took the microphone and said he’s going to bring in a ring announcer who is professional.
As Tony Chimel was introducing Zack Ryder, they kept cutting off his microphone as a prank. Cena grabbed the mic and properly introduced “Mr. Long Island Iced Z, Zack Ryder.” The whole thing was apparently done to embarrass Lilian Garcia.
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