WWE.com has transferred John Cena’s profile from the Alumni section to the Raw Superstars section after he was rehired by Wade Barrett on Monday’s Raw.
Scott Stanford, who handles play-by-play commentary for Raw brand matches on WWE Superstars, has been added to the Raw Superstars page.
Josh Mathews has been added to the SmackDown Superstars section. He replaced Todd Grisham as the play-by-play commentator for SmackDown on last week’s broadcast.
The NXT Superstars section now lists Todd Grisham as an on-air talent for the brand. He nows calls NXT alongside Josh Mathews.
Ashley Valence, who has not appeared on NXT since Season 2, has been removed from the NXT Superstars section. She conducted the ring announcing for last week’s episode of WWE Superstars, but was not used this week. She notably announced Zack Ryder as “Ezekiel Jackson” during the Dec. 6 taping, which was dubbed for the taped broadcast.
Jack Swagger’s “Soaring Eagle” is considered an official WWE Superstar as the mascot is today’s “Superstar of the Day.”