The May 7th, 2019 edition of WWE SmackDown Live took place at KFC Yum! Center in Louisville, KY.
– AJ Styles comes out to the ring to kick off toight’s show. AJ gets on the mic and talks about the new “Wild Card rule”, which will involve superstars from opposing WWE brands crashing the opposing shows. Sami Zayn comes out to interrupt, and says he doesn’t want to be here on his day off, but someone has to call out AJ for his toxic ego spiraling out of control. AJ makes fun of Sami for getting thrown in a dumpster last night. Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston come out to interrupt. They get in the ring and Kofi and AJ come nose to nose. Sami says instead of AJ, Kofi should face him instead, because he deserves the Title shot. Woods and Kofi make fun of Sami’s odor from being in the dumpster last night. Kofi says last night he took that match to prove that his WrestleMania wasn’t a fluke, and he’s a fighting champion. Kofi says he’ll defend it against either Styles or Kingston tonight.
.@SamiZayn and @AJStylesOrg are BOTH on #SDLIVE… and they're BOTH looking for shot at @TrueKofi's #WWETitle!
— WWE (@WWE) May 8, 2019
– Still to come: Shane McMahon crowns new Tag Team Champions after the Hardy Brothers had to relinquish the Titles.
– We see a pre-taped video from Kevin Owens, who says he’s taking tonight off for his birthday, and he doesn’t want to deal with everyone at SmackDown.
– During the commercial break, Kofi Kingston is booked in a triple threat match against AJ Styles and Sami Zayn for the WWE Title.
– Andrade vs. Ali: We see a pre-taped promo from Ali before the match, and then Andrade and Zelina Vega cut a promo at ringside. The opening bell sounds, and Andrade and Ali brawl out to ringside early on. Zelina causes a distraction on the floor, which leads to Andrade getting the upper hand. Randy Orton hits the ring out of nowhere and attacks both Ali and Andrade. The ref calls for the bell.
Winner: No contest
– Orton dumps Andrade outside, then Ali fires up and beats down Orton. Ali backs up and charges, but Orton springs up and hits the RKO on Ali. Andrade then comes flying in off the top rope towards Orton, and Orton hits the RKO on him too.
– Shane McMahon comes out to the ring and gets on the mic. He complains about Miz attacking him with a steel chair like a coward last night on RAW. Shane moves on and talks about The Hardy Boyz having to vacate the Tag Team Titles due to Lars Sullivan’s attack injuring Jeff. Shane says with the tag titles vacated, he had to come up with a team that is worthy of holding the belts. Shane says the answer became clear to him, and he introduces the new SmackDown Tag Team Champions: Daniel Bryan and Rowan. Bryan and Rowan make their way down to the ring to accept their new Tag Title belts. The Usos quickly come out to interrupt, and they complain about the Titles just being handed to Rowan and Bryan. Shane seems to agree that maybe the Titles should be earned, and he says he wants to watch Bryan and Rowan beat up the Usos . Shane books a Tag Title match between the two teams, and that starts right now.
– The Usos vs. Daniel Bryan & Rowan: The vacant SmackDown Tag Team Titles are on the line in this one. Rowan gets the tag and turns things around. Rowan levels Jimmy with a running cross body and takes control. Bryan tags in and works over Jimmy’s knee, then connects with the Yes Kicks. Jimmy ducks a kick and breaks free from Bryan. Jey tags himself in and hits a superkick on Bryan for a two count. Jey looks for the big splash off the top, but Bryan blocks it with his knees and puts Jey in the Yes Lock. Jey escapes, then Jimmy and Rowan both tag in. Jimmy hits a superkick and then hits the Uso Splash, but Rowan gets the shoulder up at two. Jey tags back in and both Usos go to opposite top turnbuckles. Bryan pulls Jimmy down, then Jey superkicks Bryan off the apron down to ringside. Rowan misses a clothesline, and Jey dumps Rowan outside too. Both Usos look for suicide dives on to Rowan, but Rowan catches both of them. Bryan takes out Jimmy and Rowan throws Jey into the barricade. Back in the ring, Rowan hits the Iron Claw on Jey for the three count.
Winners & new SmackDown Tag Team Champions: Rowan & Daniel Bryan.
The ? is smiling so much right now.@WWEDanielBryan & @ERICKROWAN are your NEW #SDLive #TagTeamChampions! #AndNew #TagTeamTitles
— WWE (@WWE) May 8, 2019
– Shane presents the Tag Title belts to Bryan and Rowan after the match.
– We see the same Bray Wyatt “FireFly Fun House” segment that aired on RAW last night.
– Shane McMahon stays at ringside, and gets in the ring with a couple of Money In The Bank briefcases. Shane says he has some news about the Money In The Bank Ladder Match. Shane discusses the nature of the match and how the winner is almost guaranteed to become Champion. As Shane is Talking, The Miz runs in from the crowd and attacks Shane from behind. Miz knocks Shane out of the ring and beats him down at ringside. Miz chases Shane up the ramp and beats on him on the stage. The B Team runs out to save Shane and they beat down Miz on the stage. The former Miztourage members beat down the Miz, but The Miz starts to fight back. The Miz throws both Bo and Axel off the stage, but then Shane nails Miz from behind with a steel chair. Shane nails Miz again while he’s down.
The #BTeam and @shanemcmahon are sending a message to @mikethemiz on #SDLive! @RealCurtisAxel @TheBoDallas
— WWE (@WWE) May 8, 2019
– We see Daniel Bryan backstage talking to Rowan about the great job they just did in the ring. Bryan says now they just need to “fix these titles.” They walk past Heavy Machinery backstage, and Otis eyes their Title belts.
– Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville vs. Carmella & Ember Moon: Carmella starts off with a hurricanrana on Sonya, then a kick to the face. Mandy causes a distraction, which leads to Sonya hitting a spear on Carmella for a two count. Mandy tags in and continues the offense on Carmella. Ember gets the tag and cleans house. She hits a fallaway slam on Mandy, and then follows up witha splash in the corner. Ember hits a springboard cross body, but Sonya breaks up the pin attempt. Carmella superkicks Sonya, then Mandy knees Carmella in the face. Ember hits an enziguri on Mandy, and Mandy falls out to ringside. Ember hits a suicide dive on Sonya, then Mandy knees Ember in the face on the floor. Back in the ring, Mandy hits her finisher for the three count.
Winners: Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville
– After the match, Paige comes out to the stage with Asuka and Kairi Sane. Paige talks about how she used to represent Mandy and Sonya, but she has traded up now, and Asuka and Kairi are going to rip through the tag division. Paige says they’re going to start next week with Mandy and Sonya.
– Matt Hardy is backstage for an interview. Matt says it was heartbreaking to have to relinquish the Tag Titles due to Lars Sullivan’s attack. Matt says Jeff’s surgery was a success, and they’ll be back stronger than ever. R-Truth walks in and says he has something to say to Matt, but he forgot. Matt asks if he was going to say something about Lars Sullivan. Truth says that’s right, and he talks about how Lars isn’t like anyone else he’s ever faced. The interviewer suddenly leaves, and it turns our Lars is standing behind Truth and Matt. They turn around, and Lars drops Truth. Matt brawls with Lars and Lars ends up throwing Matt into the bathroom. Lars then powerbombs Truth through a table in the hallway.
#TheFreak @LarsSWWE DESTROYS @MATTHARDYBRAND and RonKillings on #SDLive!
— WWE (@WWE) May 8, 2019
– We see a pre-taped promo from Aleister Black. He talks about how he must prevail no matter what at the expense of whoever he’s in the ring with.
– Kofi Kingston (c) vs. AJ Styles vs. Sami Zayn: This one is a Triple Threat match for Kofi’s WWE Title. Xavier Woods is at ringside. The opening bell sounds and the three men talk trash to each other in the opening minute. AJ fakes out Kofi and then levels him with a kick to the face. AJ drops Sami next. Kofi gets up and brawls with AJ, then Kofi connects with a missile dropkick. Kofi follows up with a knee to the face of AJ, and then a springboard splash for a two count. Sami runs over to Kofi, but Kofi sends Sami falling out to ringside with a dropkick. AJ backs Kofi into the corner and pummels on him. AJ follows up with a backbreaker, then AJ turns his attention to Sami and beats on Sami in the corner. Kofi comes back and drops AJ, then hits a splash on him. Sami starts beating on Kofi now, until Kofi drops Sami with a clothesline, then AJ drops Sami with a clothesline of his own. Kofi clotheslines AJ down, then he hits the Boom Drop on Styles. Sami trips Kofi from ringside, then he does the same to Styles. Back in the ring, Sami hits a sit-out powerbomb on Kofi for a two count. Sami then hits a Tornado DDT on Styles for another two count. Kofi and Sami fight up to the top turnbuckle, and Sami successfully hits a superplex on the Champion. Sami then turns his attention to AJ, and takes him to the top turnbuckle too. AJ escapes from Zayn and slams Sami face-first into the turnbuckle. AJ hits a Frankensteiner on Zayn off the top rope. AJ picks up Kofi and hits the Fireman’s Carry neckbreaker. AJ goes for his patented moonsault reverse DDT on Sami, but Kofi gets involved and turns it into an SOS on AJ. Sami gets taken down in the process. Kofi and AJ trade punches in the middle of the ring now, until AJ ducks one and fires back with the Pele Kick on Kingston. AJ looks for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Kofi knocks AJ off the rope to the apron. Kofi follows up with the Trouble In Paradise, and AJ falls down to the ringside floor. While all three competitors are down, Kevin Owens runs down and brawls with Xavier Woods at ringside. Owens throws Woods into the ring steps and leaves, which distracts Kofi. Sami runs up behind Kofi and hits the Blue Thunder Bomb on the Champion. Sami pins, but Kofi gets the shoulder up at two. Sami immediately hits a second Blue Thunder Bomb on Kofi, and Kofi once again gets the shoulder up at the two count. Sami hits a third Blue Thunder Bomb, and Kofi once again kicks out of the pin. Sami backs up and charges forward for the big boot, but Kofi cuts him off and connects with the Trouble In Paradise on Sami. Kofi covers for the three count.
Winner & still WWE Champion: Kofi Kingston
– After the match, Kofi helps Woods to his feet at ringside. Kofi does a brief interview on the ringside floor where he says Kevin Owens is not in his head, and there’s going to be hell to pay for Owens at Money In The Bank.