WWE SmackDown Live Results (7/16)

The Tuesday, July 16th edition of WWE SmackDown Live took place at the DCU Center in Worcester, MA.

– We see footage from earlier today of Shane McMahon backstage talking to security, and he tells them to get ready for Kevin Owens arriving soon. Owens walks in the arena and Shane immediately talks to him. Shane says there’s going to be a SmackDown town hall tonight, where people can air their grievances, but he won’t tolerate insubordination from Owens. Owens says he works for WWE not Shane, but Shane says the McMahon family owns WWE so Shane is his boss whether he likes it or not. Shane declares that Kevin Owens is banned from the building tonight.

– Shane comes out to the ring, and the majority of the SmackDown roster is on the stage for the SmackDown “town hall.” Shane starts talking on the mic and calls out Roman Reigns. Reigns says no one in this building respects Shane, and Shane can kiss his ass. Charlotte steps up and says the McMahon family has been great to the Flair family, and she thanks Shane. Liv Morgan interrupts and briefly argues with Charlotte. Buddy Murphy steps up and says Kevin Owens should keep his name out of his mouth, or he’ll slap it out of his mouth. Shane says he would love to see that, and he’ll talk to Buddy later. Shane tells Apollo Crews step forward, and Apollo exchanges words with Shane. Zelina gets on a mic and says that she and Andrade don’t appreciate the other wrestlers trying to suck up to the WWE Universe. Elias interrupts and starts talking, but The New Day interrupts him and Big E calls him the greatest jackass in SmackDown history. Kofi says he doesn’t like Kevin Owens, but he did make some good points about Shane. Kofi says Shane isn’t giving them enough opportunities. Shane tells them to cut off Kofi’s mic, and he thanks everyone for participating in tonight’s first ever town hall, and it’s now concluded. The wrestlers leave the stage, except for Cesaro who grabs a mic and has something to say to Shane. Cesaro says he wants a shot with Aleister Black, and dares Black to pick a fight with him. Shane says Cesaro gets his wish, and Shane books a match between them for tonight. Cesaro leaves, then Kevin Owens sneaks in the ring behind Shane. Owens hits the Stunner on Shane and then leaves through the crowd.


Aleister Black vs. Cesaro: Cesaro starts off strong in this one, but Black is able to get back in the game with a series of kicks. Black misses a running knee strike, and Cesaro fights back with a European uppercut and a big boot, and then a Crossface. Black fights out. Cesaro misses a shot and Black answers with the Black Mass. Cesaro’s mouth piece goes flying from the kick, and Black pins for the three count after a short but competitive match.

Winner: Aleister Black

– Dolph Ziggler approaches Shane McMahon backstage, and Ziggler says he wants to teach Kevin Owens a lesson. Shane says Owens probably already fled the arena. Ziggler says he can get Owens to show up in the ring, and he’ll make it happen if Shane books Ziggler vs. Owens for the main event. Shane says if Ziggler can get Owens to show up, the match is on.

– Charlotte is shown backstage getting ready for her match up next.

Charlotte vs. Liv Morgan: Charlotte wastes some time early on and Liv fires up with right hands to the face and a hurricanrana. Liv follows up with a dropkick. Liv wastes some time now and Charlotte is able to fight back, and she lays into Liv with chops to the chest. Charlotte looks for a suplex, but Liv escapes and hits an enziguri. Liv follows up with a stomp in the corner, then pins for a two count. Charlotte comes back with a powerbomb, and then she puts Liv in the Figure Four for the win via submission.

Winner: Charlotte

– After the match, Liv grabs a mic and says Charlotte was right, and when she comes back she’s going to be “real.”

– We see Dolph Ziggler backstage trying to get Kevin Owens’ phone number from a referee.

– Ember Moon is shown backstage walking towards the Gorilla position.

Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville vs. Ember Moon & Bayley: Sonya and Bayley start off, then Ember quickly tags in and hits a running dropkick on Mandy. Ember follows up with an enziguri, then she stomps on Mandy in the corner. Ember hits a clothesline, then she goes to the top rope. Sonya runs in, but Bayley intercepts her with a suplex. Ember hits the Eclipse off the top on Mandy for the three count.

Winners: Ember Moon and Bayley

– Ember and Bayley do a quick interview in the ring after the match. Bayley says she wants to elevate the SmackDown women’s division, and at SummerSlam she wants to face someone worthy. She turns and looks at Ember, and Ember accepts the challenge.

– New Intercontinental Champion Shinsuke Nakamura is backstage for an interview. Ali interrupts, and congratulates Nakamura on the Title win, and walks off.

– Daniel Bryan and Rowan are shown backstage walking to the Gorilla position. Bryan is promising a career-altering announcement next.

– The New Day comes out to the ring, and they’ve got microphones. They talk about Big E and Woods winning the SmackDown Tag Titles, and Kofi retaining his WWE Title. Bryan and Rowan come out to the stage, but they don’t talk, they just look at The New Day in disappointment. Bryan and Rowan leave, but then they come back. Bryan picks up the mic, but again decides not to speak, and they head to the back again. The New Day is confused in the ring. Bryan and Rowan come out again, and this time he drops the mic, then leaves again Samoa Joe then comes out. Joe wants a shot at Kofi, but then Elias interrupts and also wants a shot at Kofi, and then Randy Orton interrupts and also wants a shot at the Championship. Orton proposes a six-man tag between the two groups, and the New Day accepts, but then Orton says he changed his mind and leaves. The New Day starts taunting Orton and making fun of him until he turns around and heads to the ring. It looks like we have a match.


The New Day vs. Elias, Randy Orton and Samoa Joe: Kofi and Elias start this one off. Kofi misses a shot and Elias gets the upper hand, then Joe tags in and continues the offense on the WWE Champion. Kofi fights back and tags in Big E who hits a slam on Joe. Elias and Woods tag in and Woods hits a boot to the face and then the Honor Roll. Elias starts to fight back, and Orton hits a cheap shot on Woods behind the ref’s back. Joe tags in and continues the punishment on Woods. Elis tags back in and puts Woods in a side headlock. Elias slams Woods down and knocks Kofi and Big E off the aprons. Joe then hits a big boot on Big E at ringside. Elias takes Woods to the top rope, but Woods fights him off and hits a missile dropkick. Kofi gets the hot tag and cleans house. Orton looks for an RKO on Kofi, but Kofi dodges it and hits a flying cross body. Elias runs in but Big E drops him. Joe runs in and drops Big E, then Woods comes in and throws Joe out to ringside. Woods then hits a suicide dive on Joe at ringside. Woods fights with Elias on the apron, until Joe grabs Woods from behind on the floor and puts him in the Coquina Clutch. Elias then hits a running knee to the face on Big E on the floor. Kofi hit sthe Trouble In Paradise on Elias in the ring, but then Orton hits the RKO out of nowhere on Kofi. Orton pins Kofi for the three count.

Winners: Elias, Randy Orton and Samoa Joe

– The broadcast team informs us that Kevin Owens has accepted Dolph Ziggler’s challenge.

– Asuka, Kairi Sane and Paige are shown backstage heading towards the Gorilla position.

– Carmella is looking for R-Truth backstage, and she finds him hiding in what looks like a broken down old washing machine. Carmella says Truth should just hide using costumes instead of hiding in boxes. Carmella tells Truth to go to Comic-Con, and Truth tells her not to call him a Con because he serviced his time. Truth gets out of the washer and face-plants on the ground. Truth’s okay and he gets up and runs off with Carmella.

The Iiconics (c) vs. Kairi Sane & Asuka: The Women’s Tag Titles are on the line in this one. Paige is at ringside in the challengers’ corner. The opening bell sounds and Kairi and Asuka take turns beating on Peyton in the opening moments. Asuka misses a shot and Billie tags in for a big boot on Asuka. Billie misses a shot and Asuka sends her out to ringside. Peyton and Billie stay at ringside and run up the referee’s 10 count. Asuka and Kairi win, but it’s via countout, so the Titles don’t change hands.

Winners via countout: Asuka and Kairi Sane

– Asuka and Kairi beat down the champions after the match.

– Andrade and Zelina Vega are shown walking backstage.

Apollo Crews vs. Andrade: Andrade jumps Crews before the bell. Crews recovers and the ref calls for the opening bell. Crews and Andrade start trading right hands, but Crews misses a shot and Andrade beats him down. Andrade hits the running knee strike in the corner and pins, but Crews reverses the pin into a pin of his own. Crews steals the three count for the win after a short match.

Winner: Apollo Crews

– Dolph Ziggler is shown backstage heading towards the gorilla position.

Kevin Owens vs. Dolph Ziggler: The opening bell sounds and Owens looks for a Stunner early on, but Ziggler escapes and rolls outside. Owens charges and hits a suicide dive on Ziggler on the floor. Back in the ring, Owens goes for a Swanton bomb off the top, but Ziggler blocks it with his knees. Ziggler follows up with the Fameasser for a two count. Ziggler follows up with some elbow drops and a crossface. Ziggler hits a neckbreaker on Owens for a two count. Ziggler hits a DDT for a two count. Owens comes back with a superkick on Ziggler. Owens goes up top and hits the Swanton bomb for a two count. Shane McMahon walks down the ramp now with Drew McIntyre, Elias, The B Team, and several other SmackDown wrestlers. The wrestlers surround the ring. The distraction leads to Ziggler hitting the Zig Zag on Owens for a two count. Owens slaps Ziggler across the face, and Ziggler answers with kicks and stomps on Owens. Ziggler throws Owens into the ring post. Ziggler goes for a superkick but misses. Owens hits the Stunner on Ziggler and pins, but Shane yanks Owens out of the ring to break up the pin. Owens hits a Stunner on Shane on the floor. Owens immediately runs up the ramp and the wrestlers around the ring chase him to the back.

Winner via DQ: Kevin Owens

– Shane is down on the ground and an interview goes up to him to interview him. Shane says Owens is going to pay. Drew walks with Shane to the back as SmackDown goes off the air.

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