WWE SmackDown Live Results (7/2)

The July 2nd, 2019 edition of WWE SmackDown Live takes place at the AT&T Center in San Antonio, TX. Keep refreshing this page for live results startingat 8 PM ET!

– The broadcast opens up with a recap of Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley going through the big screens on RAW, and footage of them being take away in ambulances. We’re told we will hear from Bobby Lashley later tonight.

– Kevin Owens comes out to the ring to kick off the show and host tonight’s installment of “The Kevin Owens Show.” Kevin introduces his guests, Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre. Shane says Kevin’s introduction wasn’t up to par, so he makes Greg Hamilton introduce him again as the best in the world. Shane says he’s not scared of The Undertaker or Roman Reigns, and he turns their tag match at Extreme Rules into a No Holds Barred match. Drew says everyone knows what he and Shane are capable in regular matches, and this No Holds Barred match is going to be a vicious assault like nobody has ever seen before. Owens rolls footage from last night, and points out Shane and Drew appearing to run from The Undertaker last night. Shane tells Owens to do what he’s told and read from the cards Shane gave him. Owens continues prodding at Shane, until Drew stands up and says this interview is over. Dolph Ziggler comes out to interrupt. Owens tells Ziggler he’s sick of hearing about how it was supposed to be him. Owens tells Ziggler it’s never going to happen, so shut up and get over it. Ziggler says everyone knows he deserves to be Champion right now. He tells Owens the only thing he looks the part for is hot dog eating contest. Owens says at least he would win a hot dog eating contest, which is more than Ziggler can say about wrestling matches. Owens and Ziggler both tell Shane they want the next shot at Kofi’s WWE Title. Shane says neither of them, but he’ll give them an opportunity tonight. Shane says Owens and Ziggler have to team up tonight to face Heavy Machinery in a tag match, and the winner gets a shot at the Tag Titles at Extreme Rules.

– Tag Team Champions Daniel Bryan and Eric Rowan do an interview backstage, where Bryan voices his displeasure about Shane’s decision. Bryan says Shane has been making a lot of unpopular decisions lately, but it doesn’t matter because he and Rowan are walking in & out as Tag Team Champions at Extreme Rules.

– Big E and Xavier Woods do an interview at the gorilla position before coming out to the ring. They also aren’t thrilled with the news of either Heavy Machinery or the team of Owens & Ziggler being added to the Tag Title match at Extreme Rules.

Big E vs. Daniel Bryan: This one is a non-Title match with Woods and Rowan both at ringside. Big E starts off strong against Bryan and taunts him. Bryan misses a shot and Big E applies the abdominal stretch then spanks Bryan. They run the ropes and Big E hits a shoulder tackle on Bryan. Big E follows up with a clothesline, and Bryan rolls outside for a breather. Back in the ring, Bryan starts fighting back and working over Big E’s left knee. Bryan throws Big E down in the corner and then hits a running dropkick to Big E’s knee. Bryan misses a shot off the turnbuckle and Big E starts fighting back. Big E starts building some momentum with a suplex, but Bryan stuns him with a headbutt. Bryan follows up with a series of kicks on Big E. Bryan misses a kick and Big E answers with a belly to belly suplex. Big E follows up with a running splash for a two count. Bryan rolls out to the apron and Big E looks for a spear on him through the drops, but Bryan dodges and Big E falls out to ringside. Rowan hits a cheap shot on Big E on the floor behind the ref’s back, then Rown also drops Woods. Back in the ring, Bryan hits the running knee to the face of Big E for the three count.

Winner: Daniel Bryan


– R-Truth is backstage for an interview. Truth jokes about Drake Maverick’s honeymoon, and says he heard that “Hornswoggle” and his wife were right here in San Antonio. Truth says he’s coming for him because he wants his baby back – the 24/7 Title.

– Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross are shown backstage. Alexa says she wants Nikki to host A Moment of Bliss tonight, because she deserves it for beating Carmella. Nikki tries to decline, but Alexa says she deserves it and insists.

– Nikki comes out to host A Moment of Bliss and says hello to the San Antonio fans. She says she admires Alexa Bliss the most and loves her. Nikki introduces her first guest, SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley. Nikki welcomes her and says she has to ask the tough questions, and she asks why Bayley called Alexa a liar. Bayley says Alexa is a liar, but Nikki says that’s not the Alexa she knows. Nikki ends up jumping out of her seat and challenging Bayley, and Bayley accepts.

Bayley vs. Nikki Cross: This one is a non-Title match. The opening bell sounds and Bayley starts off strong in the opening moments. Bayley throws Nikki down to the mat for a one count, then whips her into the corner. Nikki fights back with a jawbreaker, but Bayley continues putting the boots to her in the corner. Bayley hits a running splash in the corner, but then Nikki comes back with a sleeper. Bayley throws Nikki down to break the hold, but then Nikki grabs Bayley and throws her outside. Nikki hits a kick from the apron and then takes Bayley back in the ring and she hits a flying cross body on the Champion. Nikki continues the offense and hits a running splash in the corner, then a running bulldog for a two count. Bayley dodges a shot and comes back with the belly to belly suplex for the three count.

Winner: Bayley

– We see Kofi Kingston backstage heading towards the gorilla position.

– They air a pre-taped promo from Ali talking about wanting to bring a change to WWE and a change to peoples’ minds.

– WWE Champion Kofi Kingston comes out to the ring for an interview with a plate of pancakes in hand. Samoa Joe comes out with a microphone next to confront Kofi. Joe tells the interviewer to get out of the ring, then he starts addressing Kofi. Joe says game recognizes game, and he knows a hustler when he sees one, and he knows the truth about Kofi. Joe says Kofi is using Woods and Big E, and soon they’ll just be Kofi’s butlers. Kofi says he will beat Joe all by himself at Extreme Rules, and he talks about Joe losing his U.S. Title to Ricochet. They continue to exchange words, and Joe says Kofi is manipulating the fans to sell them his merch. Kofi says Joe is just jealous, and nicknames him Jealous Joe, because he will never have a moment like Kofi had at WrestleMania. Joe says he wants Kofi to prove him wrong and shake his hand to show his character, but Kofi declines. Joe tells Kofi he’ll give him one more chance to shake his hand before he slaps him all over the ring. Kofi gives Joe the middle finger instead. Joe charges Kofi, but Kofi drops him with the Trouble In Paradise kick.

– Heavy Machinery is backstage for an interview. Otis and Tucker talk about their match with Owens and Ziggler tonight, and their hopes to win and be added to the Tag Title match at Extreme Rules. Tucker says Ziggler and Owens have a total of 18 Championships combined, but they are not a tag team like Heavy Machinery is.

– Apollo Crews is backstage warming up for his match against Andrade, coming up next.

– We see a pre-taped video from Bobby Lashley talking about his crash with Braun Strowman last night on RAW. Bobby says that wasn’t wrestling, and Braun could have electrocuted him. Bobby says when he sees Braun he’s going to send him to the morgue.

Apollo Crews vs. Andrade: Andrade starts off strong, but Crews fights back and dumps him out to ringside. Crews follows up with a moonsault off the apron on to Andrade, then he takes things back into the ring. Crews connects with some kicks, and then does a gorilla press slam on Andrade. Crews follows up with a standing moonsault for a two count. Andrade comes back with an elbow to the face, and Crews falls out to ringside. Andrade looks for a dive, but Crews catches him and slams Andrade face-first into the apron. Zelina hits a cheap shot on Crews behind the ref’s back. Andrade takes Crews back in the ring for the hammerlock DDT for the three count.

Winner: Andrade

– We see Kevin Owens and Dolph Ziggler backstage arguing about what each one of them will do in their tag match tonight.

– We see a pre-taped promo from Aleister Black in a dark room talking about feeling invigorated. He says at Extreme Rules we’ll find out who is man enough to pick a fight with him.

Ember Moon vs. Mandy Rose: Sonya Deville is at ringside for this one. Ember starts off strong, despite a distraction attempt by Sonya. Mandy fights back and starts trying to choke Ember over the middle rope. Mandy hits a knee to the face for a two count, then puts Ember in a chin lock. Mandy continues the pace until Ember comes back with a springboard knee strike off the middle rope. Ember goes back up the turnbuckle and follows up with the Eclipse for the three count.

Winner: Ember Moon


– Shelton Benjamin is backstage for an interview. He’s asked who he thinks will win the WWE Championship at Extreme Rules, but he just laughs and walks off.

– Kevin Owens and Dolph Ziggler are backstage walking to the gorilla position together, and it looks like they’re on the same page for now.

– Xavier Woods and Big E are sitting at ringside at their own orange announce table full of pancakes. Daniel Bryan and Rowan are on commentary at the usual announce table.

Kevin Owens & Dolph Ziggler vs. Heavy Machinery: Otis and Ziggler start this one off with mat wrestling, and Otis overpowers Ziggler in the opening moments. Ziggler finally breaks free and stuns Otis with a dropkick. Otis starts fighting back, but Owens helps Ziggler out to ringside for a breather. Meanwhile, Big E and Woods start brawling with Rowan and Bryan at ringside. Rowan and Bryan get the upper hand and they chokeslam Woods through the orange announce table. There are pancakes everywhere at ringside. After the commercial break, the ringside area has been cleared of everyone, and Owens and Tucker are going at it in the ring. Tucker dodges a shot from Owens and answers with a dropkick for a two count on Kevin. Owens starts fighting back, and then Ziggler pulls the rope down so Tucker falls out of the ring and down to ringside. Ziggler tags in and puts Tucker in a knee bar, then Owens tags back in and hits a splash on Tucker for a two count. Ziggler tags back in for a double team on Tucker for another two count. Owens tags in but he wastes some time mocking Otis on the apron, and Tucker is able to mount a comeback. Otis and Ziggler get the tags, and Otis cleans house. Otis hits a running headbutt on Ziggler, and then a spinning powerslam. Ziggler starts to fight back, and he drops Otis with a DDT. Owens tags in and hits a superkick on Otis. Owens goes for another kick, but Otis dodges and throws Owens out to ringside. Ziggler (not the legal man) runs in and looks for a Zig Zag on Otis, but Otis shakes him off and slams him. Otis follows up with the Caterpillar on Ziggler. Owens comes in the ring to help, but Ziggler ends up accidentally superkicking Owens. This leads to Heavy Machinery double teaming Owens for the three count.

Winners: Heavy Machinery

– After the match, Heavy Machinery celebrates on the ramp, and Owens hits a Stone Cold Stunner on Ziggler in the ring. Owens yells down at Ziggler as SmackDown goes off the air.

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