WWE SmackDown Live Results (9/3)

The September 3rd, 2019 edition of WWE SmackDown Live took place at the Norfolk Scope Arena in Norfolk, VA.

– Bayley comes down to the ring to kick off tonight’s show. Bayley gets a big cheer and chant from the crowd, and Bayley says that’s really confusing to her. Bayley says she’s still trying to show the people what kind of Champion she’s trying to be, and she gives it her whole heart. Bayley says when she comes to the ring she’s trying to make people feel how she felt when she was a kid. She says she’s trying to be a role a model to show the kids what it means to be loyal, so she could not turn her back on her best friend Sasha Banks. Bayley calls Charlotte selfish, which prompts Charlotte to come out and interrupt. Charlotte comes down to the ring and owns it that she is the queen of selfish, and then Sasha Banks comes out to interrupt. Charlotte attacks Bayley, but then Sasha hits the ring to even the odds. Sasha and Bayley end up taking turns repeatedly bashing Charlotte with a steel chair. Sasha and Bayley leave together as Charlotte lays in the ring.

– Back from the break, we see Bayley and Sasha high-fiving backstage.

Ali vs. Elias: This one is quarter-finals match in the King Of The Ring tournament. The match spills out to ringside early on, where Elias suplexes Ali on to the ramp, and then throws him around ringside. Elias drops Ali into the timekeeper’s area, and then rolls back in the ring. Back in the ring, Ali fights back with a dropkick and nails Elias with some right hands now. Ali hits the X-Factor for a two count. Elias goes out to ringside, and then Ali hits a dive on him through the ropes. Back in the ring, Ali starts working over Elias’ left arm. Ali hits a 450 splash on Elias’ arm against the ropes, and then he puts him in the Crossface. Elias reaches the bottom rope to break the hold. Ali misses a shot in the corner and Elias slams him into the turnbuckle. Elias picks up Ali in the electric chair position, and then spins him around into a sit-out powerbomb for a two count. They fight up to the top turnbuckle, but then Ali leaps down to the floor and lands on his feet. Elias comes flying off the top rope towards Ali on the floor, but Ali knocks Elias out of mid-air with a superkick. Ali is selling a knee injury now. Back in the ring, Ali goes up top for a 450 splash, but Elias moves out of the way and Ali crashes down. Elias starts working over Ali’s knee again. Elias hits the Drift Away for the three count. Elias advances in the King Of The Ring tournament.

Winner: Elias

– Samoa Joe does a brief backstage interview where he declares his intentions to continue through the King Of The Ring tournament victoriously.

– Next week: Stone Cold Steve Austin hosts the contract signing between Braun Strowman and Seth Rollins for Clash Of Champions.

– We see Aleister Black backstage cutting a promo in front of a black back drop. He says the mountain won’t come to him, so he’s going to come to the mountain. He says he’s going down to the ring, and he’s going to see if there’s anyone man enough to pick a fight with him.

Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville vs. Alexa Bliss vs. Nikki Cross: This one is a non-Title match. Sonya and Mandy start off trading frequent tags and double teaming Nikki. Nikki fights back and they roll outside for a breather. Nikki goes up top and hits a flying cross body on Rose and Deville at ringside. Back in the ring, Mandy and Sonya take control again. Alexa finally gets the tag and she hits a flurry of strikes on Sonya. Alexa looks for the Twisted Bliss on Sonya, but she stalls after Mandy distracts her. Alexa goes for it, but Sonya gets her knees up for the block. Sonya and Mandy double team Alexa for the three count.

Winner: Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville

– Chad Gable is shown backstage warming up. Samoa Joe bumps into him and talks trash to him, saying he is too small and looks like a kid in the King Of The Ring tournament.

– Randy Orton comes out to the ring, and he’s got a mic. Orton talks trash about shutting down Kofi and dismantling the New Day (with the help of The Revival), and then he shows us replays from the last couple of weeks. Orton calls out Kofi to come face him like a man. Kofi’s music hits, but as soon as Kofi comes to the stage, The Revival attacks him from behind and beats him down. Dash and Dawson bring Kofi down to the ring. Kofi starts fighting back, but then Orton joins in and they beat on Kofi 3-on-1. Orton yells at Kofi that he’s stupid, and then he tries to injure Kofi’s leg. Kofi tries to fight back, but they beat him back down, and then Orton and The Revival pose on the turnbuckle. Orton and The Revival then stand over Kofi, and pose on the other corner before leaving.

Andrade vs. Chad Gable: Zelina Vega cuts a promo before the match saying that she and Gable are both vertically challenged, and Gable keeps defying he odds, but unfortunately for Gable, King Andrade is in the tournament. Andrade misses a shot early on and Gable drops him with a belly to back suplex. Andrade fights back and trades shots with Gable now. Gable looks for a monkey toss from the corner, but Andrade stops it and dumps Gable out to ringside. Back in the ring, Gable and Andrade trade punches and elbow strikes. Gable fires up with some kicks, and then a swinging neckbreaker. Gable hits a wrist clutch chicken wing suplex on Andrade for a two count. Gable misses a roll-up attempt, and Andrade capitalizes with a big boot. Elias is shown backstage watching on a monitor, as he will face the winner of this match next week. Andrade hits a double stomp on Gable in the corner for a two count. Andrade hits a kick and then the Three Amigos vertical suplexes. Gable escapes a suplex attempt, and hits a German suplex. Gable hits another German suplex, and then looks for the third, but Andrade fights out. Andrade hits a vertical suplex, and then heads up the turnbuckle. Andrade goes for a moonsault, but Gable blocks with his knees. Gable goes up top and connects with a big moonsault for a two count. Andrade fights back with an elbow to the face, and then he throws Gable in the corner. Andrade goes for the running knee strike in the corner, but Gable dodges it. Gable hits a German suplex and pins, but Zelina distracts the ref. Andrade then hits the spinning back elbow on Gable. Andrade looks for the hammerlock DDT, but Gable escapes and rolls up Andrade into a pin for the three count. Gable is now headed to the King OF The Ring semi-finals. Gable appears to be bleeding from his mouth or nose.

Winner: Chad Gable

– Still to come: Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan come face to face.

– Aleister Black comes out the ring to issue his open challenge, and Shelton Benjamin accepts.

Aleister Black vs. Shelton Benjamin: Black starts off strong and stuns Shelton with kicks. Benjamin comes back with a knee strike that knocks Black out to ringside. Back in the ring, they trade kicks until Black connects with the Black Mass. Black pins for the three count after a short but competitive match.

Winner: Aleister Black

– Sami Zayn is shown backstage giving U.S. Champion Shinsuke Nakamura a pep talk backstage.

– 24/7 Champion Drake Maverick and his wife are backstage. They have to dodge various wrestlers coming up and trying to pin Drake for his Title, and a referee chasing them all. Bo Dallas pins Drake for the three and runs away, and Curtis Axel joins him. The other wrestlers chase after them.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Enhancement talent: This one is a non-Title match. Sami cuts a promo before the match, and continues to talk trash from ringside on the mic during the match. Nakamura makes quick work of he jobber and hits the Kinshasa for the three count.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura

– After the match, Dallas and Axel are chased into the ring by other wrestlers seeking the 24/7 Title. Axel helps fights people off, but Maverick is able to roll up Dallas from behind for the three count. Drake is now the 24/7 Champ again. Drake runs away up the ramp. Drake spends too much time celebrating on the stage, and R-Truth sneaks out from hiding by the King Of The Ring crown on the stage. Truth rolls up Drake from behind for the three count to win the 24/7 Title, then he runs off.

– Daniel Bryan is shown backstage, walking towards the Gorilla position.

– Back from the break, Daniel Bryan comes out to the ring and gets on the mic. Bryan says people may not like Bryan coming out and giving his opinions about the environment, but nobody can say that Daniel Bryan is a liar. Bryan says he has never lied to anyone, and he hates liars. Bryan demands an apology from Roman Reigns, because he’s calling him a liar. Reigns comes out to face Bryan. On Reign’s way down the ramp towards the ring, Rowan attacks Reigns from behind and attacks him. Rowan beats down Reigns at ringside. Bryan tells Rowan to stop. Bryan approaches Rowan to hold him back, but Rowan pushes Bryan down to the ground. Rowan picks up Reigns and powerbombs Reigns into the ring post. Rowan rolls Reigns in the ring now, then picks him up. Rowan hits the Iron Claw in the middle of the ring. Rowan picks up the mic now. Rowan says Reigns thinks Daniel did this, but the jokes on Reigns. Rowan asks Daniel how he’s doing at ringside, and tells Daniel he’s worse than everybody else. Rowan says Bryan can’t control him, but he’s nobody’s puppet. Rowan says Bryan slapped him across the face over and over last week, and he challenges Bryan to come in the ring and try doing it again right now. Bryan doesn’t accept the challenge and looks confused. Rowan says he’s proud of what he’s done to Reigns, and he’s proud of the pain that Reigns is going to feel at Clash Of Chapions. Rowan throws Reigns out to ringside and follows him out. Rowan picks up the steel ring steps and nails Reigns in the face with it. Bryan comes over and asks Rowan what he’s doing, and tells Rowan he’s his friend. Bryan slaps Rowan across the face, and then Rowan grabs Bryan by the face. Rowan gives Bryan the Iron Claw through the announce table. Rowan yells at Bryan that nobody tells him what to do. Rowan turns around and yells at Reigns some more as SmackDown goes off the air.

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