WWE SmackDown Live Results & Live Coverage (1/8)

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The January 8th edition of WWE SmackDown Live took place at the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena in Jacksonville, FL.

– This week’s broadcast opens up with a shot of the live crowd, and then we cut to the lobby of the building. Daniel Bryan is in the lobby near the concessions stand, and the WWE Champion rants about the fans eating junk food and making themselves unhealthy and unhappy. Bryan talks about the toxic nitrates in hot dogs, then he throws a hot dog at a fan. Bryan starts grabbing soft drinks from fans and throwing them at them. Bryan walks to the merchandise stand, and he points out that there are no Yes t-shirts, because he killed the Yes Movement. Bryan complains about the plastic packaging on some AJ Styles merchandise, and then he walks off screen. We cut back inside the arena and Daniel Bryan walks out through the crowd. Bryan has a mic, and talks about creating change and how weak the people here are. Bryan snatches an AJ Styles sign from a fan, and cuts a promo on AJ Styles and how the people shouldn’t be proud of AJ. Bryan walks through the crowd to the ringside area, and then R-Truth runs down the ramp and gets into a brawl with the WWE Champion. We go to commercial.


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– Daniel Bryan vs. R-Truth: Bryan regains his composure and controls the opening moments of this one. Truth finally comes back with a flying back elbow out of the corner on Bryan. Truth misses a shot in the corner and it costs him, as Bryan hits a running knee to the face. Bryan covers for the three count after a fairly short match.

Winner: Daniel Bryan

– After the match, as Daniel Bryan is walking up the ramp, AJ Styles comes out of nowhere and attacks him. AJ throws Bryan into the LED screens and beats him down on the stage. Bryan finally breaks free and he retreats, running away from AJ through the curtain. WWE referees and officials come out to restrain AJ, but he grabs a steel chair and backs them down, then leaves.


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– Samoa Joe & Andrade Almas vs. Mustafa Ali & Rey Mysterio: Joe and Ali start off, and Joe starts off strong, working Ali over in the corner. Rey finally gets the tag and they double team Joe. Almas tags in too and goes at it with Rey now. Almas hits a driver for a two count, and he takes control of the pace now. Almas looks for a facebuster, but Rey reverses it into a facebuster and then he tags in Ali. Ali hits a hurricanrana on Almas, then connects with some strikes in the corner. Joe gets involved from ringside, and Almas takes control now. Almas looks for a stomp in the corner, but Ali fights him off and both men are down now. Rey gets the hot tag and hits a hurricanrana on Almas, then a kick to the face. Joe runs in and tries to cheap shot Rey, but Rey connects with a kick and a seated senton. Rey hits the Canadian Destroyer/sunset flip powerbomb on Almas for a two count. Joe runs in again, but Rey trips him into the ropes and hits the 619. Ali hits a 450 splash off the top on Joe, but Almas is still the legal man. Almas runs over and knocks Ali out of the ring, then he hits the hamemrlock DDT on Rey for the three count.

Winners: Andrade Almas and Samoa Joe


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– We see pre-taped promos from Carmella, and then The Usos for their matches tonight.

– Still to come: The Usos vs. The Bar in a non-title match, and if The Usos win they earn a Tag Title shot.

– The Miz approaches Shane McMahon in the back to talk about teaming up. Miz tells Shane that since he’s a McMahon, he can give them a Title shot right away. Shane differs, and says they must work their way up the ranks and earn their shots. Miz says he’s been thinking about their Tag Team outfits, and mentions all-white leather. Shane walks off to take a phone call.


[live id=”ckdzi” data-sort-time=”1546998451914″]- Rusev comes out to the ring, and he gets on the mic. Rusev talks about Lana being injured, and says he’s not here as the Brute tonight but as a husband. Rusev addresses Shinsuke Nakamura, and says once you mess with his wife, you cross a line you can’t come back from. Rusev calls out Nakamura and says he’s going to break every bone in his body. Nakamura appears on the big screen, and he’s sitting in the production truck. Nakamura says Lana’s injury isn’t his fault, it’s Rusev’s fault. Nakamura introduces a replay of Lana getting dropped on a mat last week after Rusev kicks Nakamura. Back in the truck, Nakamura blames Rusev for Lana’s injury again. Rusev leaves the ring and goes to find Nakamura. Rusev runs into Nakamura in the back, and Nakamura cheap-shots Rusev with a production equipment box, then he puts the boots to Rusev. WWE officials come and pull Nakamura off. Nakamura walks off screen, then comes running back with a knee to the face of Rusev, before leaving again. [/live]

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– We go to a video package looking at “Mean” Gene Okerlund and Hulk Hogan’s tribute to him last night on RAW.

– The Bar vs. The Usos: Sheamus and Jey start this one off, and Sheamus starts strong with a side headlock takedown. Jey fires up and dumps Sheamus outside, and Sheamus regroups with Cesaro on the floor. Back in the ring, Cesaro tags in, but so does Jimmy Uso and the Usos double team him in the corner. Cesaro connects with a kick to the midsection, then Sheamus tags back in. Jey tags in now, and Sheamus catches him by the ropes and hits the 10 Beats of the Barron. Jey comes back with a boot to the face, and Sheamus is stunned. Jey kicks Sheamus away again, and he tags in Jimmy. Cesaro tags in too, and Jimmy hits a series of kicks on him. Jimmy follows up with the Samoan Drop, then he hits the running butt bump in the corner. They dump Sheamus and Cesaro outside, then the Usos hit suicide dives on both Bar members on the floor. Back in the ring, Uso hits a flying crossbody off the top on Cesaro for a two count. Sheamus tags in and misses a big boot. Jey tags in and they double team Sheamus. Jey superkicks Sheamus for a two count. Cesaro tags in for the double team on Jey, then Cesaro applies a sharpshooter until Jey reaches the bottom rope to break the hold. Sheamus cheap-shots Jey from the apron. Sheamus tags in and Jey fights back with headbutts. Sheamus fights back and looks for a Death Valley Driver off the top, but Jey breaks free. Cesaro tags in blindly, but Jey knocks him down with a superkick. Mandy Rose’s music hits and Mandy comes out to the stage to interrupt. She gets on the mic and talks to Jimmy Uso, and asks if she left her ring gear in his hotel room. Sheamus takes advantage of the distraction to take out Jimmy, then Cesaro drops Jey for the three count.

Winners: The Bar


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– After the match, The Miz immediately comes out and congratulates Sheamus and Cesaro on their win. Miz steps in the ring, and says he is speaking on behalf of him and Shane. Miz says they have dominated all of the tag teams on SmackDown, except for one, him and Shane. Miz challenges them to a match for the Tag Titles at Royal Rumble, but instead Sheamus boots Miz in the face and leaves him laying.

– Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville are backstage laughing, when Naomi runs over and attacks them. Sonya and Mandy get the upper hand on Naomi, then Jimmy Uso runs in and chases them off.


[live id=”mcfrao” data-sort-time=”1547001159335″]- Daniel Bryan does an interview in the back, and he complains about AJ Styles attacking him earlier in the night. Bryan starts yelling about how he is more viscous than AJ Styles, and he will retain his WWE Title against Styles. [/live]

[live id=”nu1q3h” data-sort-time=”1547001386037″]- Shane McMahon approaches The Miz in the back. The Miz says he challenged their competitors like Shane said, but Shane says that’s not what he meant. Shane says they have to train and scout, but Miz says he’s ready to win now and doesn’t want to wait. [/live]

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– Becky Lynch vs. Carmella vs. Charlotte: The opening bell sounds and all three women collide, with Becky getting knocked out to ringside. Carmella and Charlotte trade blows, then Becky rolls back in and cleans house. Becky knocks Charlotte out to ringside, then follows her out and drops her with a shot to the face on the floor. Back in the ring, Becky connects with a kick to Carmella’s face, then Charlotte comes back in and fights with Becky in the corner. Becky ends up slamming Charlotte on top of Carmella, then Becky dropkicks Charlotte. Charlotte starts fighting back on Becky and Carmella, and she hits a big boot on Carmella. Charlotte hits a moonsault that connects on both Becky and Carmella, for a two count on each of them. Charlotte and Becky fight up to the middle rope now, but Carmella runs over and slams Becky down to the mat. Carmella punches Charlotte in the face and hits a Frankensteiner for a two count. Carmella dumps Becky outside and hits a suicide dive on her next. Charlotte looks for a moonsault off the top on to Becky and Charlotte on the floor, but she misses and crashes down at ringside. Becky then hits a suplex on Carmella on the floor, then pummels on her. Back in the ring, Charlotte comes back and drops both her opponents, then she locks Carmella in the Figure Eight. Becky comes flying off the top with a leg drop on Charlotte for a two count. Charlotte ends up getting dumped outside, then Becky puts Carmella in the Dis-arm-her for the win via submission.

Winner: Becky Lynch


[live id=”s92sjv” data-sort-time=”1547002984611″]- After the match, as Becky is celebrating her win, Asuka’s music hits. Asuka comes out to the ring and gets face to face with Becky as SmackDown goes off the air.[/live]


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