Home News WWE Smackdown Reaction (8/16)

WWE Smackdown Reaction (8/16)

WWE Smackdown Reaction (8/16)

This week’s episode of Smackdown opened up with Randy Orton backstage with Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan. Randy Orton signed his contract to face Brock Lesnar at Summerslam this Sunday. Orton stated that his match with Brock Lesnar may not last too long because it only takes one RKO to defeat Lesnar. Heath Slater showed up with a gigantic fruit basket and stated that he re-watched last week’s Smackdown and realized that Shane and Daniel Bryan were about to offer him a contract. Shane and Bryan stated that they weren’t just going to give him another contract. Randy Orton then interrupted and said he had an idea and then took a bite out of an apple that Slater had tossed at him from the fruit basket.

The Miz and Maryse were in the ring for a Miz TV segment. The Miz was about to say something but Dean Ambrose’s music hit and interrupted him. Dean Ambrose was then about to say something when Dolph Ziggler’s music hit. Ziggler then joined Ambrose in the ring and apologized to Ambrose, but then immediately rescinded his apology. The Miz asked Dolph Zigger what would happen if he failed at Summerslam? Ziggler stated that he is not worried about what happens after Summerslam. Ziggler is completely focused on this Sunday and winning the WWE Championship. Dean Ambrose stated that he isn’t buying this “new” Dolph Ziggler. Ambrose believes that Ziggler will come up short once again, like he always does. Ziggler then said he wanted to kick Dean Ambrose’s head right off of his face (whatever that means). Ziggler stated that Ambrose is that last push he needs to get to the top and become champion. Ambrose then told Ziggler that even if he wins Sunday at Summerslam, he will still have his critics and he will then have a massive target on his back. Ambrose then accused Ziggler of not being able to handle pressure and that Ziggler is happy being a happy little sarcastic star of some crappy movie. Ambrose then stated that Ziggler is going to get schooled and that he is going to prove that he doesn’t want it bad enough. Ziggler responded by telling Ambrose does it have what it takes to put him away. Ziggler then said that Ambrose will be digging deep looking for one last move on Sunday to defeat him and then hit him with a Superkick out of nowhere. As Ambrose was laid out on the mat, Ziggler said that on Sunday Ambrose will realize that he is that damn good.

Reaction: This was a much better promo than the Rollins/Finn Balor promo last night in my opinion. Both Ambrose and Ziggler were heated and got in each other’s face. While both the Universal Championship and the WWE Championship matches have the potential to be great, I find the Ziggler/Ambrose feud to be more interesting at the moment. Having said that, there is nothing special about this feud either. Both championship matches feel like they could take place at Battleground rather than WWE’s second biggest show of the year in Summerslam. That opinion reflects nothing on the Superstars involved in both matches, it is based solely on the boring and lazy storylines told in the last four episodes of Raw and Smackdown.

American Alpha, The Hype Bros & The Usos vs Breezango, The Vaudevillians & The Ascension 

The Usos were dominant in this match and almost single handedly took out the opposing team. American Alpha got to bask in all the glory though, as they hit the Grand Amplitude on Aiden English for the victory.

Winners: American Alpha, The Hype Bros & The Usos

Reaction: This was a short match with a commercial break right in the middle of it as well. 35 minutes into a 2 hour show and we have roughly 5 minutes of wrestling so far.

Naomi vs Eva Marie

Naomi debuted a new bonkers entrance in which she was glowing in the dark. She also was hurling glow sticks into the audience. Eva Marie’s music hit and the announcer’s voice stated that Eva Marie was delayed due to traffic and would be unable to compete. Thus, once again Eva Marie doesn’t wrestle.

AJ Styles was talking to Alberto Del Rio backstage and was trying to give Del Rio a pep talk before his match against John Cena. Del Rio stopped Styles and claimed that he didn’t need to hear anything from Styles to beat up Cena. Styles then poked fun at the fact that Styles is in the main-event of Summerslam, while Del Rio isn’t even on the card.

Reaction: The Eva Marie thing is already old. I’m guessing she will actually wrestle at Summerslam but who knows. It is quite amazing to me that both Sami Zayn and Alberto Del Rio are not on the Summerslam card. Isn’t Summerslam 4 hours long? We’re now 45 minutes into this week’s episode of Smackdown and there has been 5 minutes of wrestling with a commercial break separating those 5 minutes.

A video package is shown for Curt Hawkins coming to Smackdown.

Randy Orton vs Heath Slater

Orton tossed Slater around the ring for a bit and then stomped him on the mat several times. Orton then beat down Slater in the corner of the ring. The referee then called for the bell because Orton did not let Slater get out of the corner. After the match, Orton continued to beat down Slater. Orton hit a DDT on Slater who was hanging from the barricade outside the ring. The crowd started to chant RKO as Orton rolled Slater back in the ring. Orton then delivered a German Suplex to Slater and then mocked Lesnar by bobbing back and forth in the ring. Orton delivered another German Suplex and followed it up with an RKO to Slater.

Winner via DQ: Heath Slater

Heath Slater was being attended to by trainers backstage when he was approached by Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon. Heath Slater was so out of it he thought he was talking to Mick Foley and Stephanie McMahon. Slater turned to Shane and said that he looked so beautiful tonight. Shane then removed the contract from Slater’s hands before he was able to sign it.

Dean Ambrose vs Erick Rowan

Rowan controlled the match early on. The announcer’s were selling the fact that Ambrose may be suffering lingering effects from the Superkick he received from Dolph Ziggler earlier in the night. Dean Ambrose kept trying to fight back but Rowan kept thwarting his efforts. Rowan used his size advantage throughout the match and controlled nearly all of it. However, Ambrose was able to hit the Dirty Deeds and escape with a victory. After the match, Bray Wyatt seemed disappointed with Rowan and tossed his sheep mask on his rocking chair. Wyatt then left as Rowan looked confused in the ring.

Winner: Dean Ambrose

Carmella & Becky Lynch vs Natalya & Alexa Bliss

This was a back and forth match up until Eva Marie’s music hit. Eva Marie was in the middle of her ridiculous introduction when Naomi appeared. Naomi chased Eva around the ring. Becky Lynch locked in the Dis-arm-her for the submission victory.

Winners: Carmella & Becky Lynch

Baron Corbin once again bullied Kalisto backstage by holding his face up to a wall. Officials tried to stop him but Corbin claimed that he can do whatever he wants. Eventually, Corbin let go of Kalisto and walked off.

John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio

AJ Styles joined the announcer’s table for this match and claimed that Cena was very worried about Styles at Summerslam. Otunga accused Styles of being jealous of Cena. Del Rio dominated this match early on. When Smackdown returned from commercial, Cena had regained control. Del Rio stopped Cena’s momentum by hitting a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker. Cena was able to lock in the STF but Del Rio reached the bottom rope and Cena broke the hold. Cena hit the Attitude Adjustment a few moments later and got the victory. After the match, Styles hit Cena with the Phenomenal Forearm. Styles then stood over Cena with a microphone. Styles claimed to be sick and tired of hearing that the future goes through John Cena. Styles stated that when he beats Cena at Summerslam, he will become the face that runs the place. Styles then told Cena that his time is up and that his time is now. Styles was going to leave the ring but decided to go back and attack Cena some more. As Styles went for the Styles Clash, Cena countered and hit an Attitude Adjustment. Cena then set up the steel stairs next to the announcer’s table and carried Styles to the top step. Cena then hit Styles with a massive Attitude Adjustment through the announcer’s table to close the show.

Winner: John Cena

Reaction: Smackdown started off slow but finished strong. John Cena and AJ Styles will no doubt put on a great match this Sunday at Summerslam. My main issue with this Summerslam build remains. All of the matches on the Summerslam have the potential to be great. Unfortunately, the WWE has not presented compelling storylines in the past few episodes of Raw and Smackdown. Tonight just felt like another Smackdown. Last night’s Raw just felt like a standard Monday Night Raw. I understand that Summerslam can still be a great show on Sunday. If that is the case, it doesn’t excuse the lackluster build and the uneventful shows the WWE aired the weeks leading up to it.

What did you think of this week’s episode of Smackdown? What do you think will be the best match this Sunday at Summerslam? Let us know in the comments below.