Home News WWE Speculates About Triple H’s Buzzed Head, Hardy Disputes “Richest” List, WWE-Egypt

WWE Speculates About Triple H’s Buzzed Head, Hardy Disputes “Richest” List, WWE-Egypt


– Following WWE’s announcement this week that the company will be holding it’s first-ever live events from Egypt later this year, PWInsider.com repoerts that WWE actually ran a few shows in Egypt back in the 1980’s.

– WWE.com has picked up the story of Triple H cutting off all his hair – and speculates whether this means that his days in the ring are in fact over. They also have a poll up asking who had the best haircut of 2012 – Triple H or his WrestleMania 28 opponent, The Undertaker.

Pictures of Triple H’s Buzzed Head – Totally New Look

– Earlier this week, CelebrityNetworth.com published a list of the richest pro wrestlers in the world and each top star’s net worth.

View Here: The Richest Pro Wrestlers In The World

Matt Hardy, who was not on the list, says the list is not accurate: