Home News WWE Stock Continues To Drop, Reddit User Gets Del Rio/RVD PPV Match Wrong

WWE Stock Continues To Drop, Reddit User Gets Del Rio/RVD PPV Match Wrong


-Shares of WWE stock dropped below $10 per-share in early trading on Monday morning. This comes after WWE released a statement on Friday downgrading their 2013 Business Outlook, particularly for the second-half of 2013. As of this afternoon, shares of WWE stock were down 4.2 percent from Friday’s close.

-The infamous Reddit user, Dolphins1925, missed one of his predictions for the WWE Night Of Champions pay-per-view. Dolphins1925 predicted Del Rio would win the match, however, the match ended up in a disqualification, which means Rob Van Dam technically won the match. While Del Rio did retain his World Heavyweight Championship as a result, the match goes down as a loss for the current champion.