Thanks to everybody who joined us for our live coverage of the 2011 Supplemental WWE Draft.
To recap, here are the trades that took place on Monday’s RAW:
DRAFTED TO RAW: – Rey Mysterio |
– Randy Orton |
Here are the the additional Draft trades that took place on Tuesday afternoon:
1. DANIEL BRYAN is drafted to SmackDown.
2. JACK SWAGGER is drafted to RAW.
3. GREAT KHALI & RANJIN SINGH are drafted to SmackDown.
4. JIMMY USO is drafted to SmackDown.
5. KELLY KELLY is drafted to RAW.
6. JTG is drafted to RAW.
7. ALICIA FOX is drafted to SmackDown.
8. WILLIAM REGAL is drafted to SmackDown.
9. YOSHI TATSU is drafted to SmackDown.
10. DREW McINTYRE is drafted to RAW.
11. NATALYA is drafted to SmackDown.
12. CURT HAWKINS is drafted to RAW.
13. CHRIS MASTERS is drafted to RAW.
14. JAY USO is drafted to SmackDown.
15. KOFI KINGSTON is drafted to RAW.
16. TED DIBIASE is drafted to SmackDown.
17 TYSON KIDD is drafted to SmackDown.
18. TAMINA is drafted to SmackDown.
19. TYLER REKS is drafted to RAW.
20. ALEX RILEY is drafted to SmackDown.
21. BETH PHOENIX is drafted to RAW.
22. SHEAMUS is drafted to SmackDown.